Is there anyone here who actually does that? Divorce destroyed the sanctity of marriage as an institution a long time ago. Oh, did anyone really believe that marriage was anything more than a stunt? Kim Kardashian made huge bucks off the publicity of that the interest is fading, she will make another round of cash off the publicity on the divorce. Sick.
At its core, traditional marriage was about the ownership of a woman. For the rest of their life, unless the woman was not a virgin on her wedding night in which case she gets killed. Also not unless both families agreed to the marriage, and god forbid the races mix. Over the past centuries marriage has been changed in Western society yes, to a public and legal recognition of a couples relationship, and that's a good thing, fuck traditional marriage and it's proponents.
It would not even be enough to "crusade against easy divorce." For the sake of argument, let's suppose divorce were very hard to obtain. That would "save the sanctity of marriage" (in the sense that those who use the phrase understand it) only if people were not prone to unfaithfulness, fighting with each other, and other things that make marriage less than a lifelong committment to "love, honor and trust." IOW, it would require a fundamental and very widespread change in human nature. Which is not about to happen. Your marriage is what you make it, not what the law requires it to be.
No vagina has ever contained or will ever contain Volpone, which is how we know he was a C-section birth.
I own my wife, and my wife owns me. What's not to like about that? We're not out to dominate each other, we're out to complete each other. I think you mean screw tribalism, son.
Maybe the answer isn't to make divorce more difficult to achieve, but make marriage more difficult -- for everybody, equally. I dunno how many anecdotes I've read about gay couples who are together for decades at minimum or until death -- maybe it's because they had to bust their asses (no pun intended) to have that life together in the first place.
Any time you have to regulate something like this, the issue is lost and regulation does no good. Until the long term damage of the demise of the nuclear family is seen, people won't want to go back to it (unless they are intelligent). Shame is a powerful tool, because it has an out: the cessation of doing shameful things. People should feel shame when they have sex outside of marriage, bring children in to the world without giving them the protection of family, and in general do anything to hurt our most important institution: family. I would rather die than divorce, personally. My wife feels the same. We have a joke between us: the only way out is a murder suicide.
I agree with some of your post. But can you explain this one? What is there to feel shame about in this case?
Sex has consequences. For some people, it leads to murder (known as abortion). In other cases, it leads to a child who is not murdered but grows up outside of a nuclear family. In others, it leads to a lack of monogamy and the transmission STD's and/or emotional pain. I realize many people disagree with me. Many people also agree with me. But what I wouldn't want is any attempt to regulate these things into existence. Societal pressure - resistible by those who truly want something not embraced by society - is the way to go.
No. It is a very disturbing thought to think of a husband/wife doing a murder suicide. However, it is symbolic of our commitment: Make it work. There is no way out. And it isn't at all unpleasant; our love grows daily. Of course, everyone takes a vow to that effect, but most don't realize what they're saying. "Till death do us part." My wife was going to write "Murder/Suicide is the only way out" on the back of the iPad she gave me as a honeymoon present, but stuck with the less risky "Till Death Do Us Part." They should stop while they're ahead.
Seconded. Seriously, Poodle, do you not think before you post? Or for that matter, do you ever think?!
Every newlywed couple feels the same. If in a few years your wife decides she wants a divorce please don't kill yourself.