Shadowrun Returns

Discussion in 'Press Start' started by faisent, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. faisent

    faisent Coitus ergo sum

    Apr 1, 2004
    So I got lucky and a friend of mine gave me a key for this since he was part of the kickstarter. Took me about 12 hours to play through the game; it was fairly linear, but had some nice little plot twists and showed off the game engine pretty well. I enjoyed it, maybe not as much as the old Shadowrun on the SNES...but I think it played some mechanics better.

    Its probably worth the $20 or so, but not really because of the campaign it shipped with - like TES games, they shipped it with an editor. Already there are multiple projects to redo the SNES version, several small stand alone adventures, levellers and character build testers, additional equipment mods, etc. I expect within a few months there will be some really good full length campaigns out there.

    So final verdict - if you like the genre you should buy it, if not now then definitely in a few months (Steam Christmas sale anyone?) when the user-generated content is up to speed.
  2. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    Shadowrun can only be done justice as an MMORPG with a huge open world.
  3. Baba

    Baba Rep Giver

    Mar 29, 2004
    Fun game, people are already creating custom content for it.