She's gonna die some day

Discussion in 'The Green Room' started by Forbin, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    Or I am!

    Mary sneezes a lot. Not alergies or anything, like she says, "it's just my nose."

    And for some reason, she runs water a lot. Feeding the dog, filling her water dish, making lunch, whatever. I can never tell when or why, it just happens randomly.

    These events, I find, are generally timed to coincide with any time I need to get her attention from across the house. To whit:

    Saturday, sitting at my computer. The washer & dryer are in the basement directly under me. I hear the sound of an unbalanced load about to make the machine take a walk across the cellar. Mary is in the kitchen across the house, near the cellar stairs, where she could get to it quicker than me. if I yell moderately loud, she should have no trouble at all hearing me.

    Me: "Mare, I---"
    Mary: sneezes four times in a row, loudly.
    Me: "The wash---"
    Mary: Blows nose loudly.
    Me: "Mar --"
    Mary: Blows a second time to clean it out real good (she has such a dainty nose, how much can be in there!?).
    Washing machine: "rumble clunk"
    Me: "Hello--"
    Mary: turns the kitchen faucet on and washes her hands. Thoroughly. Twice.
    Me: 'MAAARYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!"
    Mary (Annoyed at my tone of voice): "WHAT!? WHAT!? What do you want?!"
    Washing machine: "Bang! Clunk!"
    Me: "Would you--"
    Mary: "Wait, wait, the washing machine is unbalanced" (runs down stairs).
    Mary: (fixes washer, runs back upstairs): "Now what were you yelling about that I have to run all the way back here for?"
    :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

    I swear, some day I'll be trying to yell "Get out! The house is on fire" or "Run! There's a bear about to eat your head!" or "Shoot! Shoot him now or we're all dead!" and she'll miss it all 'cause she's blowing her nose.

  2. KissPookie

    KissPookie Guest

  3. Nautica

    Nautica Probably a Dual

    Aug 10, 2005
    St. Louis
    You could've just gone down and fixed the washer load yourself. 'course complaining is more fun.
  4. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    ^Agreed! :lol:

    Like I said, she was right by the cellar door and I was on the other side of the house. It was supposed to be a quick emergency notification followed by a quick fix. But her nose had other plans. Her nose ALWAYS has other plans!