Well, it was the send off of TNG, so the ultimate bad guy was never going to be the Changelings (IMO). IMO it made sense, the Changeling break off cell never had the might to take on the Federation, so if they hated it so bad that they wanted to destroy it an alliance with a faltering Borg made sense. At episode 8 I was trying to figure out what might be behind the red door, thinking of all the different enemies Picard faced, and the only thing I could come back to was the Borg. I thought they might have managed something during the various time travel eps but it made sense it was the legacy of Locutus, especially as they had shown Picard being able to hear the Borg in First Contact after all the implants were out. Tying that into Irumodic Syndrome was well done. It would have been great to have Miles on for at least one discussion, even if he was never near the others physically. But I guess they had a limited budget and Colm Meaney has had a big screen acting career so might have been pricey. Considering the limitations they had IMO they didn't an excellent job. And I'm not worried about this being the end of the Borg. They are just like the Daleks (in several ways, really), but one is that they will just keep coming back.
Oh, and I loved the score. Absolutely play the Klingon theme every time Worf is kicking someone's ass. Bring in the lilting tunes of the Voyager theme as Seven and Tuvok discuss her fate in Starfleet. Bring in the DS9 theme as they talk of the Dominion war. And the the movie era theme as the Next Generation theme playing routinely. And give us Majel Barrett's voice one last time as the Ent-D is decommissioned. Fuck yeah.
Oh yeah, I loved the reveal that it was Bev who drank all the bloodwine, while Worf is still on the prune juice.
I have what the kids would call a hot take, but I don't think I even want a follow up to DS9 at this point. I feel like the show did a great job of wrapping up the arcs that were satisfying enough to stand on their own, if bittersweet. Odo joined the collective, Sisko went to the prophets, Miles & his family went back to Earth. The only really big reason to do a follow up DS9 story would be to get Sisko back to his plane of existance but Brooks either won't come back or was barred from Hollywood, so that's not happening. I feel like a lotta people want DS9 because all the other shows are getting attention but I don't know what follow up story they could possibly do that could live up to the original. Lower Decks had the right idea not to even try.
I agree. I don’t want them fucking with the DS9 arc. They’d retcon it for cool space battles a negate the accomplishments in that show. TNG and VOY and PIC trotted out the Borg to the point of uselessness. BOBW? Whatever. It was neat at the time but its impact is blunted by overuse. Don’t do that to DS9. I’d be fine with using DS9 characters in unique stories consistent - that is key - with their characterization. Like what do Bashir and O’Brien get up to while hanging out in Ireland one weekend? Does General Kira help put history behind Bajor and Cardassia to help both planets? Is Jake’s memoir of his friend Nog a success or just meaningless catharsis?
One of the missed opportunities IMO. The Borg Remnant and Mutated Changelings have a couple of things in common, one being they both have a gestalt angle, the other anger at the Federation. They make natural allies, hell, have the mutations to the Changelings make them assimilatable, but only by a choice, so they're equal partners in the new collective. There's a horror consequence from S31's actions - Borg can now be anything. But, show that!
Matalas says if we want Legacy, we're gonna have to Snyder Cut that shit, because the money is already in SNW, Starfleet Academy, and the Section 31 movie, and Paramount needs to hear us beg to cough up more green. Not his specific words, but that's the gist. https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/24/te...date-alex-kurtzman-hears-fans-loud-and-clear/
Cant believe I'm coming out of retirement just for this, but why has no-one asked how a Galaxy Class starship that was built for 2000 + people, be driven into battle against the Borg with a bridge crew of pensioners. No-one else? Guess we dont actually need a shit ton of officers on each ship anymore! Still loved it. May post thoughts tomorrow
That's kind of a load. Weren't they moving towards having some kind of Trek airing every week year round? Last year we had Picard, SNW, and Discovery, and Lower Decks all airing one after the other. Academy replaces Discovery just fine, but a one time Section 31 movie isn't filling the weekly slots left behind by ten episodes of Picard. Legacy basically is Picard just with presumably less Patrick Stewart, so it shouldn't be a hard sell in the slightest.
Geordi mentioned automated drones loading the D with torpedoes, so that's one thing. We never saw a phaser control room on TNG like we did in TOS, so presumably firing weapons was more or less automated even back then. Flying the ship is fine, Picard and Riker were able to do that by themselves after taking it back from the Bynars. They'd have been utterly fucked if the Borg had managed to damage the ship in a way that required immediate repairs, but luckily it never came to that since that massive cube also turned out to be a barely function relic.
But they're pumping extra dough into the "movie events" so that drains away a show all by itself. I know, it's dumb, I wouldn't do that, but I'm not in charge. The effects in Section 31 had better make me cum, that's all I can say.
See, despite my previous remarks, I don't need "more DS9" just for the feels, I just ... SNW is basically TOS with modern production values. It's not trying to re-invent what everyone loved, just do it well. That's what I want in a "next DS9" - doesn't have to be anyone, or practically anyone, from that cast - hell there are several I actively don't WANT to see more of, sometimes like you said their story is told, satisfied, move along. I'd just like that part of the Trek world to serve as the staging ground for the sort of series, character development, storytelling etc that I associate with Ds9. I just think the anti-S31 notion is an appealing way to do that and such a story naturally involves Worf (given what we know now) and Bashir (and thus by extension Garak). I admit that involving Kira has an appeal but it's not integral to that sort of story. Now with all that said, no, I don't want to dreg up a hit parade of "Hey look, it's Jake! And there's Rom!" kind of moments. That sort of nostalgia party doesn't seem appropriate to DS9.
really, deep down where they don't talk about it to the public, I'm sort of thinking that it's basically "y'all chill while we figure out how to turn a profit on streaming and then we'll get back to you."
1) Kurtzman is an overall EP for the franchise. Apart from DSC's development he doesn't work directly on the shows 2) Matalas was co-producer for Season 2 3) Who do you think hired him in the first place, ya putz?
Member when FF used to rage against the memberberries, right up until they started coming in by the truckload in the exact flavor he liked? FWIW I'd put Season 2 as my favourite.
Scotty had the 1701 set up to run with just the bridge crew in STIII. One shot from the Klingon ship blew out the automation though. My guess is that Geordi had the ship set up for automation since it was probably only supposed to fly during celebrations. You don't want to assign a crew of 900 just for 1 space parade every year. It seems likely that most of the non-essentials were stripped out. There's no telling how much of the interior saucer section was finished. Someone check the screen caps but was the arboretum even lit up?
I'd forgotten about that. I still say S2 was one of the single most frustrating seasons of Trek I've sat through--and I say that having lived through ENT's 2nd season first hand--but any one of the 47 underdeveloped plot threads felt more like Trek than anything in S3.
Memberberries are fine if used well. The fan service this season actually worked to benefit the story. But let’s not add nuance to the conversation. SNW straight up copied “Ballance of Terror” and apparently stole a plot from one of the novels in another episode. That’s pretty lazy, even if the episode was pretty good.
Overall it was a nice tribute to TNG and Star Trek as a whole. Yes it’s frustrating to bring back the Borg, but whatever.
I've joked before that the in-universe reason for ship registry numbers not being consistent (i.e. a really modern ship having a much lower registry than it should or vice-versa) is a scheme by Starfleet Intelligence to confuse the Federation's foes (Gul Asshat thinks he's up against an aging relic from the 2320s when it's the newest top-of-the-line escort). But now I think they should go one further and just call every ship the Enterprise. Good for morale too - every officer gets to serve on the Enterprise!
The fan petition for Legacy has already surpassed the one for SNW. https://trekmovie.com/2023/04/26/st...n-surpasses-one-preceding-strange-new-worlds/