Tech from Trek

Discussion in 'Techforge' started by MiniBorg, May 15, 2009.

  1. MiniBorg

    MiniBorg Bah Humbug

    May 29, 2004
    For those of you who were following, I said I wouldn't post on WF again today, but I've having a break dammit!

    Anyway, pretty pictures, showing what's been seen on trek, that we now take for granted nowadays, or has just been/ soon to be developed. Felt I had to share it with WF. And the sky has just gone blue, whereas it was grey all day, so I can only assume the gods approve this message.

    Linky Linky

    Also, were automatic doors "of the future" back in the days of TOS??? Really?!?!
    • Agree Agree x 2