would the secret service protect him from this sort of prank, or would that be beyond their influence and maybe they would do an assist? If there are any secret service people watching right now and are interested and available for such benign but funny trickeryt please come contact me. Oh, and bring me some coffee. I am wearing my sexy diapers. You know you want some.
You know what is really odd, it is 4:30 in the morning and there was just a very loud crashing noise outside of my condo right after I posted that. Now someone is pounding on the door above my unit. WTF, is my house bugged?
Ok, that was come very weirdly timed garbage dumping by the upstairs neighbor. The neighbors say that @Steal Your Face needs to stop drinking and driving so much, @Jenee should swirl more with her tongue for better results, and @Diacanu that missing donut is under your bed. I cannot tell you how my neighbor would know these things, but they do. Oh, and Amaris is ok and is now leader of a small communist country near Figi.
Are yopu saying it was cheese porn which might have given Chup the gout and then..... ya know. Is it also true that so much cheese will give you the gout? How much cheese are we talking about here because I have done extensive cheese research on myself and I am wondering if I should be worried. I am pretty sure these are old wives tales. I am pretty sure my eyesight troubles are due to genetics and diabetes and not the number of times an hour I touch myself to orgasm. That being said I do take a lot of breaks from touching myself to eat large quantities of cheese despite the curse of lactose intollerance and I am pretty sure I am going to risk gout too if that is true. Anyway, RIP toilet duck.
American slices or spray cheese won't do it. It's gotta be strong cheese. Li'l Kim got it from Swiss.
I don't go with any cheese that has holes in it. That is a gimmick thought up to cheat the customer out of ten percent of the product. Sweiss cheese should be called ferengi cheese.
Okay, you two start courting her and while you're dueling or having a dance-off or whatever to determine which one of you she chooses (I don't know how monogamy works when love triangles pop up, I bet it's the dance-off thing), I'll steal all the cheese, then we meet up at the agreed upon location and split it three ways. I need three minutes and twenty-nine seconds to get in, grab the stuff, and get out. However, the more time the two of you can give me, the better. This kind of shit never goes to plan.
I think her sport is more giant lobster wrestling. However if you want a drag queen that actually defiled a christian church and biblical stories much better than the paris olympics, that is the one. She made Pezuzu masturbating with a cross while possessing a little girl look quaint and not so bad. I will be proud to stand in her court in hell.