The Great Black Nova Hunt!

Discussion in 'Press Start' started by CaptainChewbacca, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. CaptainChewbacca

    CaptainChewbacca Lord of Rodly Might

    Apr 3, 2004
    If I were to put together a series of clues and systems that lower-rank players could solve and try and find a world with 100 billion undefended credits, is that something that could be done without other folks trying to muck it up?

    I'm thinking a series of space beacons with riddles leading to a final planet. Of course, it would be an honor-system thing for both the higher-level guys to not compete and for the lower-level people to not erase a clue if they're the first ones to find it.

    So, is anyone interested? I'd probably set it up Wednsday and then folks would have until Sunday to find it.
  2. Nautica

    Nautica Probably a Dual

    Aug 10, 2005
    St. Louis
    Meh...why bother? Credits are flowing like piss at a free kegger these days, but if ya don't have it already, that much ain't gonna help.

    Hell, 1 Trillion might make a difference, but not much of one. Considering SOME folks get that much in interest every 6 minutes.

    At this point, there isn't really any middle class. It's the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, and Rockafellers, and the poor immigrant masses. There ain't no in-between.
  3. CaptainChewbacca

    CaptainChewbacca Lord of Rodly Might

    Apr 3, 2004
    Shouldn't you be smoking a cigarette and have a brooklyn accent to talk like that? :techman:
    • Agree Agree x 1