The new Heroes promos for season three look absolutely fantastic

Discussion in 'Media Central' started by MoulinRouge, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. MoulinRouge

    MoulinRouge Fresh Meat

    Nov 14, 2005
    Oklahoma City
    :soma: The two promos NBC has running look spectacular. I'm a latecomer to Heroes via DVD, (and I can certainly understand why some fans were down on season two) but the season 3 premiere is getting some rave advance reviews. If the story plays out with the thought the writers put into season one (they've had enough time to get their shit together with the strike) season three looks to make one hell of a rebound. The second promo is extremely spoilery (as in who shot Nathan) so don't blame me if you look--

    promo one

    spoilery promo two
    All we want to do is eat your brains

    Dammit, why didn't someone tell me that Adrian Pasdar is delicious enough to eat with chocolate sauce and whipped cream? :mad: I wouldn't have skipped this show for so long. An Adrian Pasdar and Jensen Ackels sandwich should be on every menu. Hey, speaking of a show whose premiere is getting advanced raves, Supernatural has apparently hit a home run, too. It premieres this Thursday.