Daniel Akaka, FUCK YOU! Max Baucus, FUCK YOU! Evan Bayah, FUCK YOU! Mark Begich, FUCK YOU! Michael Bennet, FUCK YOU! Jeff Bingaman, FUCK YOU! Barbara Boxer, FUCK YOU! Sherrod Brown, FUCK YOU! Roland Burris, FUCK YOU! Robert Byrd, FUCK YOU! Maria Cantwell, FUCK YOU! Ben Cardin, FUCK YOU! Thomas Caper, FUCK YOU! Robert Casey, FUCK YOU! Kent Conrad, FUCK YOU! Christopher Dodd, FUCK YOU! Russ Feingold, FUCK YOU! Byron Dorgon, FUCK YOU! Dick Durban, FUCK YOU! Diane Feinstein, FUCK YOU! Al Franken, DIE IN A FIRE!
My Mother is 74 years old, sans surgery and even with scads of long white hair looks way younger and fresher than Pelosi.
I want to see someone throw a bucket of water on her and see if she melts like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz!
There is an elderly lady that my dad does some home repairs for. In her gentle southern way she said that old Nancy is a W-H-O-R-E! You have to love old bluebloods.
Kirsten Gillibrand, FUCK YOU! Kay Hagan, FUCK YOU! Tom Harkin, FUCK YOU! Daniel Inouye, FUCK YOU! Tim Johnson, FUCK YOU! Ted Kaufman, FUCK YOU! John Kerry, FUCK YOU! Herb Kohl, FUCK YOU! Amy Klobuchar, FUCK YOU! Mary Landrieu, FUCK YOU! Frank Lautenberg, FUCK YOU! Patrick Leahy, FUCK YOU! Carl Levin, FUCK YOU! Joe LIEberman, BURN IN HELL!!! Blanche Lincoln, FUCK YOU!! Claire McCaskill, FUCK YOU! Robert Menendez, FUCK YOU!!!! Jeff Merkley, FUCK YOU!! Barbara Mikulski, FUCK YOU! Patty Murray, FUCK YOU!! Bill Nelson, FUCK YOU! Ben Nelson, FUCK YOU! Mark Pryor, FUCK YOU! Jack Reed, FUCK YOU! Harry Reid, EAT SHIT AND DIE! John Rockefeller, FUCK YOU! Bernie Sanders, CHOKE ON A DICK! Chuck Schumer, FUCK YOU! Jeanne Shaheen, FUCK YOU! Arlen Specter, FUCK YOU UP THE ASS WITH A BAG OF HAMMERS! Debbie Stabenow, FUCK YOU! Jon Tester, FUCK YOU! Mark Udall, FUCK YOU! Tom Udall, FUCK YOU! Mark Warner, FUCK YOU! Jim Webb, FUCK YOU!! Sheldon Whitehouse, FUCK YOU! Ron Wyden, FUCK YOU!!!!
My mother is older than Nancy and looks better than Nancy even when she's bone tired and had a bad night's sleep.
She was at 216 earlier in the day, now back down at 215. I don't know....seems like this is going to happen. We'll know for sure on Sunday, if not sooner. What will be interesting is the showdown between Stupak and Slaughter. (don't think some of us have forgotten how pro-choice women were treated in the House bill last fall). Stupak wants his prohibitive abortion language from the earlier House Bill to replace the revisions in the Senate Bill. Slaughter on the other hand is one of the chairs of the Congressional Pro Choice caucus. We'll see who gets their way.
I'd rather somebody suitcase nukes Washington while they're all there for this healthcare vote this weekend. Problem solved all around.
Hell if they want to vaporize all of DC and the surrounding area perhaps they can upgrade to a 20 megaton moving truck.
Would it make an impression on D.C. if the sales of pitchforks and torches suddenly went through the roof?
No, they're so full of bile and shit, they'd just see it and say "SEE, THE FARMERS ARE GOING BACK TO WORK!!!!" "We did something!!!"
Well, tomorrow will be a day of publicity stunts, trying to create the sense of having the votes, of something wonderful about to happen. Be prepared with your hip waders to traverse through the garbage.
No, it's because this is conservativeforge. The general mindset of this board is: Star Trek = good; "conservatives" = good; not paying taxes = good; liberals = communist scum of the Earth who should die. Poor poor conservativeforge. I feel so bad for you. I mean, people having health care is such a horrible thing!