
Discussion in 'Press Start' started by Pylades, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. Pylades

    Pylades Louder & Prouder

    Jun 1, 2005
    Just bought this little gem on Sunday and have played it for close to 20 hours since. Absolutely addictive!

    It's apparently pretty much a Diablo-clone (can't really tell since I never played Diablo) - you've got your character (Destroyer - melee, Alchemist - magician, and Vanquisher - ranged combat) and your pet (a cat or a dog) and you crawl your way through dungeons, killing everything that moves and leveling up. The combo works perfectly.

    The pet I find especially awesome - not only can you teach it spells and give it a couple of items as well but also can you use it to - wait for it - bring all the crap items you pick up back to town and sell them for you. It'll just be gone for two minutes and then come back with the money. Absolutely awesome - when I compare this to what little experience I've had with other similar games, it's just an amazing feature.

    Graphics look nice enough but that's never really important for me - all about gameplay and that's just plain addictive. The storyline admittedly isn't exactly Shakespeare but then again that doesn't matter too much (or at least it doesn't for me).

    I definitely recommend this little gem. And here's the best part: until Jan 4 you can get it for $9.99 (which is insanley cheap for a pretty new game)!
  2. Powaqqatsi

    Powaqqatsi Haters gonna hate.

    Apr 15, 2004
    I got it a couple months ago, it's definitely great. Some of the creators of Diablo worked on this game, and it really shows.

    If you are into action RPGs, you'll probably enjoy it.
  3. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta
    What really stood out for me from this game were the controls. The animations we very smooth, and not clunky or unwieldy like a lot of 3/4 view RPGs of this type.

    I think I got to level 20 before Dragon Age took my attention. It's definitely a worthy waste of time, and well worth the $10. Only problem I see is usually I like to control a party of characters, and in this one, you only control you and a pet. I also wish you could customize your character's look a little bit more.
  4. Pylades

    Pylades Louder & Prouder

    Jun 1, 2005
    I think I just finished it - killed the last boss and now there's probably that "inifinite dungeon" waiting for me (haven't tried it yet). I think my character was at about lvl 38 - good enough to kill the boss without too much of a struggle but that one did take the longest. Got killed exactly once on a side quest - the main quest is fairly easy when you do the side quests as well since you level up faster than your opponents.

    Scorp's criticism is quite fair, especially the part on customization. More types would be appreciated as well but again, given the price tag, it's insanely great value!
  5. foil1212

    foil1212 Jose "Mom Fan" Alvarez Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 5, 2005
    They did it in 11 months too, which is pretty impressive with the relatively small team they have. That's a short amount of time to make a great game!