Translating words from English into Bostonese/Beantown speak.

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Will Power, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. Will Power

    Will Power If you only knew the irony of my name.

    Apr 26, 2009
    On one of the coasts!
    Let's try a few words & names in this here OP to kickstart the thread:

    Captain Kirk in English. Kaptin Kuk or Kaptin Cock in Beantown speak.

    Judd Hirsch in English. Judd Hush or Judd Hosh in Bostonese.

    Harvard in English. Have-ihd in Beantown speak.

    Smart in English. Smat in Bostonese.

    Car in English. Pronounce cat with the t SILENT to pronounce car in Bostonese.

    Bar in English. Pronounce bat with the t SILENT to pronounce bar in Bostonese.

    Chowder in English. Chow-duh in Beantown speak.

    Jerk in English. Juk or jock in Bostonese.

    Clerk in English. Cluck or clock in Beantown speak.

    The point of this here thread is to demonstrate how English names & words are pronounced in the Boston accent.

    Boston Red Sox in English. Boston Red Sawks in Bostonese. "The Sawks!"

    New York in English. New Yuk or New Yok in Beantown speak.

    Computer in English. Kump-yoo-tih in Bostonese.

    Wordforge in English. Wud-fahj or Wod-fahj in Beantown speak.

    Your turn now ...
  2. Spaceturkey

    Spaceturkey i can see my house

    Nov 23, 2004
    I always smirk when I hear "wart-er".

    but I'm just a guy from Ch'rawna
    • Funny Funny x 1