Troll Kingdom apparently got rid of their Day Care Center for the Feeble Minded.

Discussion in 'TK Sanctuary' started by Will Power, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. jack

    jack Slave To The Rhythm

    Sep 13, 2011
    Good times! I get why some people don't "get" TK. It's all good. Those narcissistic big ego's have to say "I know what real trolling is, blah blah blah". Those who interrupt conversations in the attempt to derail any given thread while proclaiming "they" are the authority on what is or what isn't trolling really are just dancers and wannabees.

    Which I've experienced more than my fair share of.

    Thanks for the props Para.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. Tererune

    Tererune Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Jul 5, 2014
    Beyond the Silver Rainbow
    I could go with a definition of trolling created by the world, or I could go with the definition created by a couple of people on a very tiny message board. I am just figuring if I want to communicate with the most people I am going to use the definition that does not die every time TK goes offline.

    But to each their own.
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  3. Tererune

    Tererune Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Jul 5, 2014
    Beyond the Silver Rainbow
    Here is a story for @jack and @Parallaxis from when I was becoming a troll way back on alt.* on usenet. This is the story of how doxxing became a thing.

    Usenet alt.* was an area of worldwide free speech and the trolls were really hard to stop from destroying newsgroups with spam. There was no "accounts" to ban on usenet as you only needed a client and you just filled in your information and broadcast your message through your usenet service. So the people on usenet used something called a killfilter to try and ignore the posts of trolls. This did not work well.

    The netkops got together and tried to get the providers of usenet services to kick their users off of their entire service if they spammed usenet. That went nowhere. So they thought they would try to go after usenet trolls IRL by tracking down their real life identities and making hell for them in the real world. They knew the trolls were real world people who were mostly using school or work internet connections to access the internet, and at the time you might have gotten a local admin to cancel that users access to the system because local admins did not want the trouble of problematic users.

    This was a bit before the major popularity of dial ups, and before places like AOL, Compuserve, and Prodigy had fully entered the real internet. At the time there were trolls on those services, but they were not reliably on the internet yet. They were mainly confined to their own services and dial up ISPs were just becoming a thing in the US. They seemed to be a lot more common in places like europe and Australia at the time, but that is just other information.

    What would happen is these netkops would track down the trolls through the paths they used to access the internet until they found their connection point at a business, school, or dial up ISP and then they would try to get the user info on who they were IRL through methods like contacting admins and fooling them into outing the identity of the user. Then they would threaten the user with doxing to try and get them in trouble and removed. This did not work well at the time because most people did not care what the internet or usenet was. However, the trolls did recognize the usefulness of the tactic and would proceed to use it against others for the LOLs.

    Do you know how I know this? I was there. Web based message boards like trekbbs were created because of us trolls on usenet. They needed to moderate to remove the trolls. Rules against socks were created because people like me, and many other trolls, abused sign ups. secure level access was created because just letting people access sites and post created a highly abused amount of free speech.

    The very tools you would use to try and keep me out of troll kingdom were created to keep me out of other online message boards long before TK was even a thought. The very definitions of trolling you are pretending are yours were created by people like me just being ourselves in the formations of the internet.

    You are nothing without TK. Your little hole in the internet where you hide has a stronger door designed to keep real world trolls like me out because of what we did in the past. You are welcome.

    I do not exist because I paid for a message board to masturbate on and hide out in to pretend I am someone without being disturbed by the world. That is you. I could make a message board tomorrow and post my diary and masturbate all over the place about how great i am while hiding from any attention, but I do not.

    Trolls are attention whores who demand attention. You cannot keep them off your space because they will get around your bans by trolling themselves there. That is because they are attention whores. You are not an attention whore if you are jerking off in your own room where no one can see and no one wants to open the door. There is no one trying to get into TK. This is why TK is not actually trolls. if it were someone would be talking about it, and WF really does not count.

    Don't worry, I am not forcing my way into the cave where you all jerk each other off. You guys play with yourselves all day long, and have fun cosplaying real trolls. It is cute. It is also cute some people think TK is actually trolling. It does not change the real world or make you much more than the trekbbs trumpanzees.
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
    • TL;DR TL;DR x 1
  4. jack

    jack Slave To The Rhythm

    Sep 13, 2011
    Mirror Mirror on the wall :corn:

    I was one of the original Usenet users (way before "TrekBBS" which I passed on), so unless you're 70 (or older) I call bullshit on your TL:DR

    I was posting on the internet long before "TrekBBS" which seems to be some sort of studio standard ... for something.

    "The very tools you would use to try and keep me out of troll kingdom" there are no "tools" Reg is locked...always has been. You won't get in unless I say so, and I'll never "say so". So blather away.

    as far as this goes: "Don't worry, I am not forcing my way into the cave". Don't worry, without my express blessing there's no way you ever will.

    "Trolls are attention whores who demand attention." Then quit "demanding my attention". I certainly don't need either your approval, permission or acceptance to post here. Your above wall of words is direct proof of how deeply you've been "trolled" by your definition.

    Thanks for dancing :diaf:

    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  5. Tererune

    Tererune Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Jul 5, 2014
    Beyond the Silver Rainbow
    I am glad you are sticking around. I am sure we will have some fun and I will rue the day you came here and showed me how great you are.

    Oh, and BTW I am fifty, but was ahead of the curve on a lot of geeky things like the internet and computers in general. While most kids were screwing around with Atari my dad got our family a magnivox Odyssey. The fucking thing had a damned keyboard and they actually sold a cartridge where you could do code on that shit. I used to draw on 64 bit punch cards my parents would bring home from work. My family had the first computer in the school because my grandmother was a teacher and I got to play with it. I was dialing up and downloading 8 color video games on a 300 baud modem. I actually had a satelite dish that moved and scanned across the horizon because we could not get the cable company to come down our dirt road and my father wanted movie channels.

    It just turned out my father likes his devices and he let me fuck around with them. Then I discovered the internet.

    Do you remember the movie Hackers? I was pointing out what was wrong with it in the theater. I was there with porn, I helped to invent furry shit, and I was playing troll on alt.2600 probably before you even knew what a video game was.

    When you brag about the FBI and TK being something, I see a lot more of the internet universe than you do from my perspective. I also get that you were probably not expecting to find someone like me in someplace like this. So loosen up and have some fun because this is going to hurt if you keep that stiff scared shit going.
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  6. jack

    jack Slave To The Rhythm

    Sep 13, 2011
    Usenet began in 1979, which was when I first started using it. It ended in 2010, which was probably when you started using it. One of my hobbies is collecting small computer/game systems all of which I have kept, most of which work. Original Nintendo (with the robot) Atari 2600, 5200, etc. Intelllivision, Coleco, TRS-80 (which I did a few games for) Timex Sinclair (I was the first DJ in my high school to use that unit to program "disco lights" for our school dances using that). btw, I graduated high school in 1972, same year I burned my draft card. I was a CO and never was drafted. Still "1-H" to this day.

    "and I was playing troll on alt.2600 probably before you even knew what a video game was." Bitch, I probably wrote whatever game you were bragging about playing back then.

    Never saw Hackers, as that shit was a bit too juvenile, considering what my interests were. I was a drummer in my schools rock band "Pure Lard" among many other interests, music was my main one. I was at Woodstock though. I was one of the kids in the towers when Gravy started screaming about the thunderstorms coming. I lived in Bennington then and hitchhiked over there with a couple of friends. Got grounded for two months over that one. Good times.

    "When you brag about the FBI and TK being something, I see a lot more of the internet universe than you do from my perspective." Change your perspective then. You might be surprised what you see.

    As far as TK goes, that's been my home for almost 20 years, so I've grown accustomed to it's face. I'm no "troll" but trolling you is a snap, bubbaleh...your ego-driven narcissm is a joy to behold.

    And no, keep that dildo in your mouth, where it belongs. Not interested in your idea of "sex" If I want a chick with a dick I'll let you know, k?

    Have a nice day, dollface. Haven't had a new Dancer in a few years.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. Tererune

    Tererune Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Jul 5, 2014
    Beyond the Silver Rainbow
    Good but a little more funny haha and not funny hoho.
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  8. Tererunererun

    Tererunererun Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Nov 11, 2004
    On the darkside of the moon
    Gorram troll-geeks.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. jack

    jack Slave To The Rhythm

    Sep 13, 2011
    • Winner Winner x 2
  10. Tererune

    Tererune Troll princess and Magical Girl

    Jul 5, 2014
    Beyond the Silver Rainbow
    So are you the owner of TK, or just a high level admin?
    • Facepalm Facepalm x 1