What I Think the Republican Controlled House of Representatives Should Do

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by KIRK1ADM, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. cpurick

    cpurick Why don't they just call it "Leftforge"?

    Jul 7, 2009
    Contracts? What fucking contracts??? Supreme Court has ruled that you have no "right" to Social Security. It's not an insurance premium -- by law it's a tax. You have no account, it's a redistribution program.

    Look at Obamacare. When they sell you the mandate it's enforced by a fee, and when they defend it before a judge it's a tax. It's whatever the fuck they want to call it at any given moment -- what on Earth makes you think an institution like that cares about "contracts"?

    You libs should go fuck yourselves with this "contract" shit. The economy is hurting, and revenues are in the toilet. The worst thing to do to an ailing economy is to raise taxes or borrow more money. Instead, Social Security and Medicare need to be converted to welfare programs, means-tested and sustainable.

    Everybody who's earning money is taking a hit -- nobody's "entitled" to a pass. Also, this is not "a solution on the backs of the poor" -- it's "less of a burden on the backs of the working." They're strained enough.

    People need to start living their lives as if the best retirement they can have is going to be the one they planned and saved their own money for. That's always been the case, but somewhere along the way people started living as if it wasn't. That needs to change. And reality will happily club people in the face with poverty until the message sinks in.

    KIRK1ADM Bored Being

    Apr 2, 2004
    Calexico, Mexifornia
    Most people have a choice when they sign a contract. I was never given an opt out, were you?