Tell us the origin of your username... Mine is that Xenomorph that screams like a little bitch while the other two slaughter it to escape from Alien Resurrection.
Back in the day there were fan subtitled versions of Sailor moon done by a person with the nick VKLL. I needed a nick that no one would use that I wanted to be Sailor Moon oriented. Telelu was one the Witches five sub bosses of the S series of Sailor Moon. VKLL spelled it Tererun because of the way it sounded in the Japanese. I pronounce it with the Rune sound at the end so I eventually added an E. Of course, I end up having a name more like Ed from cowboy bebop with about 8 or 9 different names. I stick to Tererun mostly, but I have many different names I go by for different groups of people.
I got the name in the early days of the Interwebs. I think it was AOL that gave me the random numbers after my first name and first initial of my last name. Back in the day people speculated on where it came from. Those explanations were much more entertaining than the real story.
It’s from Tolkien, means Rushing Jaws in… Sindarian? some elf language. He was ‘the mightiest of Morgoth’s winged dragons.’ It was one of the handles I used in LAN games, along with Cuban B and Sexual Tyrannosaurus, taken from an older dorm student once he graduated. When I signed up for my first forum ( the first couple of names I thought of were picked so I went with it because that was more of serious debate/discussion forum so I wanted something more serious than throw away lines from a weed movie or Predator. Been Ancalagon for the last quarter century since.
hah… I do actually think of you whenever I hear that song (not really often, fortunately), but I always thought that was just my association, you never struck me as a McCartney guy… Mine is actually spelled Raymond Luxury-Yacht.
I've used mine at various places, starting at a media message board in the early 2000s (in teevee parlance, news photographers/photojournalists are often called "shooters"). The capital letters at the end are because there was already a "shooter" registered on that board but for some reason the software let me register once I capitalized the E and R. Plus it looks dumb. shoot---ER.
Years ago I was on a team of four, sometimes five, people who made difficult things happen. These missions didn't have a name. They were fairly secret and involved a lot of planning. We all had our roles and sometimes we were given nick names. There was murdock, responsible for getting us from the base to the field - sometimes successfully. There was BA, the muscle of the group. The leader was John, but some people called him Hannibal. I was faceman, or face, for short. Anyway, we don't hang out as much as we used to, but you know if you have problem, if no one else can help, and you can find us, maybe you can hire us...
As for me, my first name is Matt and my surname begins with H, but it's a fucking crap surname that got a lot of laughs as a kid. Hunter was an 80s cop show with Fred Dryer and Stephanie Kramer. Math. Do it.
I'm essentially a threat to straight, white male supremacy in the workplace. Which is weird, because I'm a straight white male.
Lanzman was a nickname bestowed on me in the Navy. I answer to it among friends from those days and it seemed a natural when I first got online.
In the 1990s, sometime after Prince started using a glyph as his name and newspapers were calling him "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince," Boston Globe humor columnist Alex Beam wrote a column involving an imagined dialogue with the Monolith from 2001, which he called "The Alien Formerly Known As The Slab." It was amusing enough to stick in my head and resurface when I needed to come up with a username for something. It's not particularly significant in any way.
isn't the logo just called "Stealie" or "SYF"? or is that just something those of us who are old enough to have attended a few shows called it?
When I was in middle school, for some reason, I started sarcastically ordering people around, and when they didn't listen, I'd say "that's an order!" like doing so would change anything. (It didn't. No one has ever, or will ever, do what I tell them to do.) One time, after issuing an order, a friend of mine said he was going to start calling me "Admiral." I felt that it would be arrogant of me to accept such a nickname, and suggested a lower rank. So, he suggested "Commander," and I decided that was acceptable. Shortly thereafter, I changed the spelling to differentiate it from the rank. Years later, I encountered someone who thought the variant spelling was some kind of KKK or Nazi thing. I considered not using the name anymore, but it was too late. Anyway, shithead supremacists don't own the letter "K." Anyway, it's pretty much the only way to do a variant spelling. If I change any of the other letters, such as "Cammander" or "Commandur," it just looks like I don't know how to spell words. No, it has to be the first letter. I guess "Qommander" might have worked, but that would have just resulted in people calling me "Queermander" or "Qommander Queer," and that would have bothered me. I mean, people did call me those things, and it bothered me, but they'd have done it more if I had used the "Q" spelling. Mods, please change my name to Qommander Queer?
we had a guy about Feddy's age some years ago, called himself some misspelling of "commandant". His grammar was so bad I recall once asking if he was daunted by commas-he didn't get it.