Today a bunch of the office weenies in the building I do a lot of work in had cake in some meeting or whatever. Then, they leave about 1/2 of it uneaten and just sitting out. I took a peak now and again as I walked past the meeting room, and it would get gradually smaller. Should I have asked whose cake it was? Would that have been rude? Damn it looked good.
Usually we have cakes, sandwiches or biscuits (the cookie kind) in meetings, especially if it's a lunchtime meeting. The firm has its own kitchen and chef. I usually grab leftovers and take them back to my debt for sharing out, save some other bastard getting dibs.
That's the first time I ever saw people serving food in that room. And earler in the week I thought I saw a bunch of Subway sandwiches stacked up in the room across the hall from the meeting room. On a sidenote, investigators were interviewing everyone who knew the soldier who went crazy and killed a cop (then killed himself) a couple of weeks back. So far, he didn't display any of the "typical" signes of about-to-snap people.
The best way to commit murder in the US is to send food to a teevee newsroom. Nobody ever asks, "Hey, where'd this cake/cookie/sandwich/pizza come from?" They just dig in.
Indeed, I had a nearly fatal cake incident back in Bosnia. My bud and I went to the chow hall and at the end of the dessert line next to the wall was a HUGE cake. It was Easter, so maybe this was a factor....we didn't read the lettering, so I don't know. Anyway, we each cut ourselves a big ol' chunk and around the corner came two Bosnian chow hall workers. They went apeshit and started yelling in their native tongue. We left our trays and hauled ass out the side door. About a half hour later we came back for a quick recon and they had signs (in English from the soldier cooks) saying it was reserved for some big occasion. Luckily they didn't get a good look at us, so nobody was the wiser (except us).
Wait...Oldfella, you cut pieces out of an untouched, pristine cake!?! Ok, that's just wrong! Maybe if it was half-eaten remnants with nobody around...but an untouched cake?