Well, once upon a time. Nice to see the rest of the world finally paying attention to what is going on in Northern Alberta. http://www.businessinsider.com/a-tour-of-cenovus-energys-in-situ-christina-lake-facility-2012-5 Pretty cool pictures. Picture 7, 8 and 9 bring back memories. As does picture 25 and 26. It was fun setting those up. Future of energy in North America right there. Doesn't matter what Obama says.
Wow, that is awesome stuff. Damned dirty and dangerous job, so my hat's off to anyone who does that day in and day out. Also, a Beechcraft King Air 350! I love those planes!
Ahh, reminds me of happier times. I really enjoyed being a roughneck. Nothing like pulling 30,000 feet of pipe out of a hole in the ground to make a man feel alive. When I was in there the ultimate goal for some was to work for ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia or offshore but I wasn't one of those, I preffered to go home at the end of my shift and crawl into my own bed. After working the towboats for a while and being stuck with people I'd rather not have to deal with I decided to not persue such ventures. I was unaware of the stringent rules in place for the guys in SA at the time and am humbled by their persistance and ability to make such a trek and survive. Things weren't as radical as they are now but still. Most of the crews I worked with were a great bunch of guys though like in everything there are those crewmembers you just wanted to smack with a hammer. Love the wipers on the pipe, we never had such luxuries even when using oil based mud. We never had the luxury of hydraulic tongs either, we spun up the pipe with chains.