World Of Warcraft Player Claims A Bounty On His Head In And Out Of Video Game

Discussion in 'Press Start' started by $corp, May 2, 2007.

  1. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta

    They fucked with the wrong mexican!
  2. Scruff

    Scruff ↓ dn ʎɐm

    Jan 10, 2007
    29 Acacia Road
    I read about that.

    I wonder if he tried to root one of his attackers and sheperd the remaining ones so he could let off a massive AOE :unsure:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Chris

    Chris Cosmic Horror

    Mar 23, 2004
    "Sheep! Sheep! Damnit, why isn't this working?!"
  4. Marso

    Marso High speed, low drag.

    Mar 27, 2004
    OMG! It's.....Machete! :soma:
  5. Liet

    Liet Guest

    Wow. Cripplefight redefined!

    Who's more pathetic: he who stalks someone in an online game, or he who beats up someone over an online game stalking? :thelurker:

    And if both guys died in the fight, who would be more deserving of a Darwin award?
  6. Marso

    Marso High speed, low drag.

    Mar 27, 2004
    Cracks me up. The guy who got home-invaded is a fucking idiot. My wife read that and asked: "Why were there no arrests?" :rolleyes:

    Because the other party didn't tell the first guy their real life name and address, I'm guessing!!!!!! :doh: They have no freakin' idea who did it, unless they want to do some serious online sleuthing.
  7. Bailey

    Bailey It's always Christmas Eve Super Moderator

    Apr 1, 2004
    Adelaide, South Australia
    Friends don't let friends play WoW. :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Archangel

    Archangel Guest

    If you want true MMO some searching around the web for "koreans" "MMO" "Lineage".

    Scary stuff.
  9. El Chup

    El Chup Fuck Trump Deceased Member Git

    Mar 27, 2004
    Am I the only one ever so slightly disturbed by the whole WOW fad? I've got a couple of friends who can't tear themselves away from it and now they even go so far as to talk about people they know from playing it as friend, i.e. "our friend Sven does X" and then you find out that they don't actually know Sven, he's just some pixelated brick shithouse viking with a shield.

    I....mean....good...god :shock:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Tuttle

    Tuttle Listen kid, we're all in it together.

    Apr 17, 2004
    not NY
    And that's different from the virtual WF friendships how? Because arguing politics and insulting each other is that much more elevated than fantasy questing and role playing?
  11. GuiltyGear

    GuiltyGear Fresh Meat

    Oct 8, 2006
    Exactly Tuttle.. and usually people you play with in WoW, you actually have voice communications with. Most guilds talk over Ventrilo or Teamspeak for instances/raiding/PvP. I've been talking to some of the same people for over a year now. Don't know if I consider them 'friends', but nice people to play with and fun to chat with.

    But unless you know the people face to face in real life, giving out your address is just retarded. Especially if you're giving it to someone whom you're harassing in-game.

    His problem was that he wasn't a warlock with Seed of Corruption and a Felguard.
  12. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta
    I really hate the way MMO's are designed. They have to keep players coming back for their subscription fee, so they design leveling up to be a long and tedious process and so in order to get anywhere in the game, you have to spend an ungodly amount of time playing it.

    A good RPG, you should be able to finish in about 60-80 hours - which is about average for a console RPG. An MMORPG I'd allow for two or three times that amount of time.
  13. Liet

    Liet Guest

    So they're designed perfectly to suit their intended purpose as really expensive chat rooms. :shrug:

    A good RPG should be a good game, first and foremost. MMORPGs aren't even games, much less good ones. They're chat rooms with a simulation interface. I've never really gotten their allure.
  14. El Chup

    El Chup Fuck Trump Deceased Member Git

    Mar 27, 2004
    Because aside from those on here who I've met several times I would'nt refer to any of you as my friends because basically I don't know any of you and couldn't claim to. I don't see how a nickname on a screen and some text qualifies someone as a friend to the extent that they should be used in real life conversations. For example, I've had a few beers in the past with ecky, I know what he looks like, what he does for a living, where he lives, what his voice sounds like, how he dresses, have his phone number and so on. Whereas, say PGT, another Brit, I only know as an anacronym and some text on a screen, so how could I call him a friend of mine?
  15. Ryan

    Ryan Killjoy

    Mar 29, 2004
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    I don't know how the legal system works in Mexico but I imagine all they'd have to do is get a court order for Blizzard to hand over the user account info.
  16. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta
    Yeah, that's a tough one. Usually, I'll call you guys "a guy on the internet", or an "online associate".

    There are actually a few friends though. For example, Summerteeth sent me a boxfull of orange tic-tac candies from Britain last year. That's more than an online associate.
  17. Tuttle

    Tuttle Listen kid, we're all in it together.

    Apr 17, 2004
    not NY
    What was ecky to you the day before you met him?

    I agree with you generally, I wouldn't use "friend" as casually as your buds who call Sven a friend. But like the term 'pen pal', I guess there's room for another word to describe what I called virtual friendships, and so far your mates haven't been motivated or creative enough yet to coin their own term.

    Maybe you can nudge them enough to change that.
  18. GuiltyGear

    GuiltyGear Fresh Meat

    Oct 8, 2006
    A better RPG takes tons of time to finish AND has replayablility. Take KotOR or Jade Empire for example. You can play through once, see the story and figure out how it ends, taking 40 hours or more. You can then play again as the 'dark' or evil character and come across different content. You can create a different archtype and go through yet again using different strategies or fighting styles. IMO, that's a good RPG and why some (not many) MMO's are appealing, especially to me. With WoW, there is almost always new content for me to see and explore. Also, it's not based all around leveling and getting to the top level doesn't take THAT long. A saying in WoW (before the expansion) was life starts at 60.

    Yes, it can be repetitive, but so can many RPGs, where you go through scripted battle after scripted battle or random encounter with monsters who have the same abilities or same model over and over battle. In fact, wasn't Final Fantasy pretty much like that until the recent one, when you could avoid encounters?

    Then you have other options, such as PvP, raiding, dungeon crawling, group questing, crafting, etc. I really dig crafting items or finding patterns. There isn't supposed to be an end, although they do call the upper-most content 'end-game' content. If I get bored with one class, I can roll another and level it up. If I get sick of alliance, I can roll horde or vice-versa. There is SO MUCH to do, that it's hard to find it repetitive.

    Yes, they keep players coming back every month, but isn't that the point? $14 a month to me, for a game that doesn't end and continually has new content added, isn't a bad deal. It saves me $50 or more a month, I'd be spending on a new game for my console, that might or might not be super awesome.

    Completely disagree. Perhaps when Ultima Online was around, that was what it was like, but WoW is not like that at all. Graphics are actually pretty nice looking, very stylized. Encounters are challenging and enjoyable, though sometimes frustrating. PvP is fun as hell and requires skill, some classes more than others.

    Yeah, some MMO's suck the big one, but there are a lot of good ones out there. Hell, there might even be better ones than WoW, but IMO, none of them are as fun. The one Darkening plays is probably pretty fun too, considering it's Sci-Fi.

    I've not met anyone from an MMO face to face, but I would not hesitate. A lot of people from certain guilds, do have meet-ups, just like WF has had meet-ups. However, unlike WF, we do talk to each other and know each others voices. I know some people's phone numbers, though only people I've known a long time. Some husband and wife couples who play as well. While it's hard to call them a 'friend' like I would someone who I've known a lot of my life, some people I play with are more than
    acquaintances. Now you should definitely not substitute people you know in MMO's for your actual friends, but you can certainly get to know people pretty well.
  19. Powaqqatsi

    Powaqqatsi Haters gonna hate.

    Apr 15, 2004
    Well... not sure which ones you have played, but the good ones work as pretty solid RPGs even if no one else was around. Take a look at game sales and maybe you will change your mind.

    I renew/cancel my wow account depending on how much free time I have. It's fun, but I really can't recommend that anyone play it in good faith. I mean, it is a great game. But, I still advise against playing it due to the time investment. But, let's face it, thats what games are DESIGNED to do, is pass the time.
  20. GuiltyGear

    GuiltyGear Fresh Meat

    Oct 8, 2006
    They've also made WoW more accessible to the casual player with The Burning Crusade. 10-man raids for nice gear and heroic instances for nice gear. So you can play with less time on your hands and still progress pretty nicely.

    But let's face it.. I work 40-hours a week and take care of my kid. He plays WoW too, so we can both spend quite a bit of time playing, have father/son time as well. (though, that's not all we do for sure)

    Certainly not for everyone.