X-Men DOFP. Trailer

Discussion in 'The Green Room' started by Steal Your Face, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Does anyone want to discuss this trailer or the upcoming movie? I was a big fan of the 90s cartoon as a kid/teen. I was a fan of the movies and First Class was pretty awesome. I am really looking forward to this movie. I think it's a great story line and the trailer looks really emotional. This movie almost serves as two sequels; a sequel to First Class and as an X-Men 4. There's a lot of movies coming out next year/the end of this year that I've been looking forward to, but this one seems to really grip me. I suspect it's the last time we'll ever see the original cast as the X-Men on screen. On another note, I kind of wish they would have done something like this with Star Trek instead of Generations.
