You're So Vain, You Probably Think This "Fuck You" is About You

Discussion in 'Media Central' started by Tuckerfan, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Tuckerfan

    Tuckerfan BMF

    Oct 13, 2007
    Can't tell you, 'cause I'm undercover!
    In the annals of artistic history, there are some legends amongst artists where they've gotten to say the kind of "Fuck you" that most people only dream about, to shitheads. Michelangelo putting hints that the Pope who basically forced him to paint the Sistine Chapel was a pedo in the imagery on the ceiling, Stephen King's "Misery" which called out overly obsessive fans, the guy who wrote "A River Runs Through It" telling off an editor who rejected that book and then begging to publish his next work, Prince changing his name, or Lou Reed releasing his "Metal Machine" album to get out of his recording contract on a technicality.

    My friends, they have all been beat by Warren Beatty. Why do I say that? This is why:

    fuck disney.jpg

    I read that, and all I can think is that someone listened to John Goodman.

    • Funny Funny x 3