I might need to get active again here since this pandemic is gonna just be a cull in US and you'll need someone around to post when 50% of this board...
He lost a foot? Hahahahahahahaha. I need someone to give me a quick update? Is Techman still dead? What about that sickly woman who was always...
It's super gross you have a picture with one of your victims in your avatar. A mod should probably remove that.
And now one of them is going to be god damn senator from the worst state in America! God damn how times have changed!
Love this Trump guy. Great act he's got going on. I full endorse him for America. :polarslam:
"!" Don't come by here much due to the whole life "thang" but I'm sad to read this. He was a good Peg City guy. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN A...
Techman still a tranny? I can't keep up with the drama here.
Well, we don't really stay in touch. I assume things have been better! But cause this is the helpdesk, I wish to have help! Why is this site so...
Veags is gauche. You're still too new money for me.
I'm like all grownup with a life and stuff, I don't have time to read threads and pick away at people's weaknesses in order to cause general mayhem...
Separate names with a comma.