Last Activity:
Feb 11, 2025
Mar 27, 2004
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Following 1

Aug 22, 1958 (Age: 66)


Romulan Troublemaker, 66

T'Bonz was last seen:
Feb 11, 2025
    1. CoyoteUgly
      Welp, I've been banned AGAIN. Dunno what for, but fuck it. TBBS was getting boring.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T'Bonz
        Jesus, did you have to go in TNZ and talk about it? You've caused me no end of grief.

        Stick to fighting over politics, eh?

        No good deed goes unpunished.
        May 19, 2020
      3. CoyoteUgly
        Oops. Sorry.
        May 19, 2020
      4. T'Bonz
        Ya bitch. ;)
        May 19, 2020
    2. CoyoteUgly
      1. T'Bonz
        Will do. Going back in to read your threads now after I get a hot cup of tea. No, not Earl Grey. Earl Grey is nasty.
        Jan 30, 2020
      2. T'Bonz
        So I was going to answer on that thread and I signed up and when I clicked the button for the confirmation?

        File not found.

        Great confirmation system.

        Stupid assholes. I've not signed in there in years and have no fucking clue as to my password.
        Jan 30, 2020
    3. CoyoteUgly
      I thank you for your efforts. The strongest stuff I've done there is feed some libtards their own medicine.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CoyoteUgly
        Sure, I'll PM Mentalist, who owns the place now... or maybe Eggs.
        Feb 6, 2020
      3. CoyoteUgly
        Okay, Eggs is aware of the problem now.
        Feb 6, 2020
      4. T'Bonz

        BTW - if you're a fan of James Wood on Twitter, I guess the fuckers who run the place finally lifted his long-term Twitter ban. He's the funniest guy on Twitter.
        Feb 7, 2020
    4. CoyoteUgly
      Ok, some jackass at TrekBBS banned me (Doctor Bombay) for being a dual of MeanJoePhaser after I asked to be taken off TNZ ban after the month was up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. T'Bonz
        Short version is there is hope. I'm not promising a positive result, but unless I find sustained trouble, I'm willing to fight to reinstate you and keep your secret IF you can behave.
        Jan 27, 2020
      3. T'Bonz
        I do, btw, agree with your sentiments about HClinton. And for the life of me, given what I've seen thus far about your political leanings, why the fuck would you even want to go in there to argue with them? You absolutely cannot argue with the hard Left (probably true of the hard Right but I don't know any radical Righties pesronally online.)
        Jan 27, 2020
      4. T'Bonz
        Give me a few days. I have to slot this in in-between doctor and vet appointments. :/
        Jan 27, 2020
    5. CoyoteUgly
      Fuck you Bonz. You banned the wrong guy for the wrong thing. I wasn't even MeanJoePhaser... no idea who he is/was... and your mods are a bunch of self-important crybabies.
      1. T'Bonz
        I have no idea what happened. When did this happen? Who was the persona?

        Oh, and fuck you back. ;)
        Jan 25, 2020
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    Aug 22, 1958 (Age: 66)