Yeah, that's much better. Personally, I'm appalled that people still vote for the Tories, particularly when it's blatantly against their interests. But they have the media in their pockets (as they usually do) and have successfully controlled the narrative. They appeal to English nationalism and Labour are offering nothing. The row with the SNP will now be interesting. If Scotland did leave the UK, the electoral arithmetic would make it incredibly difficult for the Tories to be dislodged. The prospect of their becoming dominant for decades beckons. And in that situation they'd be emboldened to push through all manner of shit.
Yup. In coming years expect there to be lots of hand wringing about how the post-Covid recovery requires and changes and innovation and making difficult choices that look to the future rather than clinging to systems of the past blah blah all as a cover for privatizing public services.
Probably get a referendum in 3 years time. If bawjaws manages to stay in power that long then the odds of independence increase further.
Bawjaws I hope independence doesn’t happen but I was listening to the radio this morning and some expert was saying there is momentum gathering now. I keep wondering if it’ll be a return to The Danelaw next
Truthfully can't blame them, they remained in the UK primarily as we were EU members. Why stay once that's taken away?
My understanding is that if Scotland were to leave the UK that would kinda make the Tories a permanent majority. How would that effect the other countries? I would assume that Wales is too closely tied to England to leave and that NI is just a whole ‘nother basket of worms but could there a Domino Effect? I realize it is a BIG IF but IF Scotland were to leave does the UK continue to exist?
NI will be part of Ireland soon enough. If Brexit doesnt fast track it, simple demographics will sort it. In Scotland the picture is similar, the under 40s by a clear majority want independance. Whether their position changes as they get old, have kids and mortgages is yet to be seen of course but at present, the unionist vote wil die out. Wales appears to be showing seeds of separatism. Certainly not as far along as Scotland but Brexit and truth be told, Johnson has pushed the process on.
Johnson will go down in history as the man who devoted his adult life to proudly destroying both Europe and the UK.
Do you think so? I was under the impression that the people of NI mostly belong to the Church of England whereas the rest of Ireland was Catholic. That they can't even have real borders in fear that the violence will once again erupt.
See my posts earlier on the topic. It's not at all clear what would happen, even if demographics shifted.
Hey UK we know you voted fuck it along with the US a few years ago, but we all are having our next elections and have decided to get back on the path rather than trying to go through the jungle of idiocy. I guess we all had to make sure mass stupidity was truly a bad idea for scientific purposes, but now we need to collectively get rid of it. So have another election and be done with this brexit bullshit and we can all have a drink and laugh at the right. You can do it. We are rooting for you. I know some of us, like me, give you shit for being a bunch of limey bastards, but you are our cousins and it would not be the same without you so go back to your team. They need you, and you need them. It works better when we work together.
Brexit is done, well beyond the point where it could be simply reversed. If the EU is ever rejoined it will be years from now and under different conditions.
We should put that question before Patliament, having been thoroughly covered by independent committees following the advice of experts and think tanks.
It's coming home and if those faceless bureaucrats in the UEFA want it back they can come grovelling!