But FF sure does think the stuff on that laptop is legit. Former Secret Service agent sues New York Post and Daily Mail over Hunter Biden claim Robert Savage says stories claiming he helped Hunter Biden in Los Angeles were based on fabricated text messages.
Unfortunately the desire for performative/entertaining cruelty he imbued in the conservative base has only increased.
I hadn't realized that Hunter Biden's trial was about to start. If we had anyone intelligent on the right, I would be interested in hearing how they might reconcile that Biden is the corrupt puppetmaster who orchestrated state criminal charges against Trump but apparently is not lifting a finger to spare his own son from prosecution. I suppose the answer is that it is all rigged and that the jury is going to acquit him because Dark Brandon, Deep State blah blah cakes. Or if Hunter is convicted, it's the long con. Or something.
I don't know if we still have members of Gunforge/Libertopia left here, but I would deeply respect them if they argued that even if Hunter is technically guilty in this case, the law under which he is being tried violates the 2nd Amendment/was victimless. Essentially, he is being tried for purchasing a gun while he was using drugs and he made a false statement that he didn't use drugs. Seems like he is likely guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of lying when he checked the box saying he wasn't on drugs. We'll see if there's some jury nullification in his future.
The argument would probably be along the lines that Stalin didn't lift a finger to help his son and Biden is clearly a commie therefore...
The law under which he is being tried has been found unconstitutional in another district. I don't expect jury nullification. I do expect either a successful appeal or a circuit split leading to SCOTUS taking the case. With this SCOTUS, who knows how they'll rule.
Should Hunter be found guilty in this clearly political show trial, I hope Joe steps in and pardons him quickly. The Biden administration can't be distracted from its persecution of public enemy number one, Donald Trump.
If the repugs really care about this hunter biden gun thing they should be doing drug tests on every gun owner. If you own a gun you have regular and random drug and alcohol testing. If it comes up positive your guns are taken and you get charged. I am all for this, and everyone including Hunter should be subject to this law.
I'll be curious what the jury decides. On the one hand, it seems pretty clear that in general Hunter was a drug addict over the course of this time, that he had been using drugs before the gun purchase and weeks after the gun purchase, and that he checked the box on the form that he wasn't. On the other, it sounds like from the coverage they do not have anyone saying "I know Hunter Biden was taking drugs immediately before he filled out the form." So there's arguably reasonable doubt about whether he intentionally marked the box that he was not addicted to/using drugs at the time he filled the form out. It's at least plausible that a jury could believe that he honestly thought he'd kicked the habit when he filled the form out. There might be other outs for Hunter, and there's also jury nullification (i.e. that the jury just thinks the prosecution is so bogus that they acquit). I'd guess 50/50 odds for a conviction with a likely verdict today one way or another, but what do I know?
Guilty! All three counts. A tenth of those a man actually running for POTUS was found guilty of, just for FF.
RIGGED! WITCH HUNT!!! ... Seriously, I tend to think that absolutely none of the people who were claiming that the Biden administration was somehow manipulating all the prosecutions against Trump will register that the Biden administration obviously didn't step in to help Hunter, or pretend that the verdict wasn't justified. And on the flipside, I tend to doubt that any of the prominent Dems/liberals will pretend that Hunter was factually innocent of what he was accused of or that the verdict was some sort of show that our justice system is fundamentally unfair to rich guys.
Repugs and their media bubble won't be happy unless he's shot by firing squad. And the second the bullet hits, Joe has a heart attack. Stay tuned for FF's whining about the sentencing from his "centrist" media sources.
I also wish I could read Don Jr. and Eric's thoughts on the subject. I bet it bugs the shit out of them that Joe loves his messed up son who has caused all sorts of political headaches for him like a million times more than Don Sr. cares about them even though they've done all they can to be good soldiers for him business-wise and politically.
Well, I certainly have some questions. For one, can anyone think of any other political prisoners besides Hunter Biden? Like, say, Nelson Mandela?
Thank you for this. Too many of the pundits on TV, especially ex-prosecutors seem to think that a not guilty verdict would automatically be a case of jury nullification. I don't buy that. I think they may decide there is reasonable doubt that a crime was committed, but it seems prosecutors revert to some sort variation of "the jury was too stupid to grasp what is blatantly obvious" when they get their ass handed to them.
This guy should run for President now. but in all seriousness, he should be incarcerated for his drug addiction.
I have seen some news articles saying his reaction was strange because he just sat there and did not act like a Trump. He did not givce a press conference feeding their media frenzy. The news media is a huge part of the oproblem when they feed into the narcissist piss baby behavior because it is better for them to have a toddler reaction from people like Trump than an adult reaction. Oh, and notice how there are no democrats at all saying it is time for violence for what was an obvious interruption of a normal plea deal to have this political trial for a crime the repugs do not want enforced because most right wing gun owners are taking illegal narcotics or drunk alcoholics playing with their replacement penis collection. If this is such a crime every gun owner and purchaser should have drug screenings regularly and randomly so we can imprison them. Anyway, throw hunter in prison, and the only people pitching a fit are repugs because that is all they do. They think that others take it personally when their cult leader is thrown in jail which is really just projection.
Throw Hunter in prison. He was a drug addict buying a gun. It's what he deserves. But at the same time, let's throw every other narcotics abuser with a gun in prison too. I'm not being facetious. I'd love to see that happen.
If repuigs thought this was a real crime they would want drug testing for every gun purchase and not some question that no one has to answer honestly unless they are Hunter Biden. The guntards want to pretend there are no gun owners on unprescribed Oxy, Pot, Xanex, Adderallm, Benzos, or any other abused prescription medication? They want to pretend none of them snort coke, do hjeroin, or take other illicit narcotics? We have drug tests, and we could give them to every person who wants a gun. But every guntard would cry like Trump at one of his trials if we ever enforced the law Hunter was guilty of. Oh, and Trum,p owned a gun, where was his drug test? Drug test Trump right now because of the guns he is supposed to surrender for being a convicted felon. Then charge him with the same crime as hunter since Trump is such a law and order guy.