If A President Declares A "State of Emergency"

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Tuckerfan, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. Order2Chaos

    Order2Chaos Ultimate... Immortal Administrator

    Apr 2, 2004
    here there be dragons
    What’s there to explain? The wall is a bad authoritarian idea made worse by every possible aspect of its implementation, including the use of eminent domain (with a silver lining for the constitutionalists in the room of at least the taking being for a public purpose rather than a private one).

    Exactly the same thing as the border fence 12 years ago, but much worse for the increased costs and additional land. This is utterly straightforward.
  2. spot261

    spot261 I don't want the game to end

    Sep 27, 2018
    All well and good, but I was gently ribbing your spelling of "explain" ;)
  3. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    All well and good, but I was gently ribbing your spelling of "explain" - spot261

    "Gently ribbing" is for making condoms - you can't be too subtle here on wordforge. :nono:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. matthunter

    matthunter Ice Bear

    Apr 26, 2004
    Bottom of the bearstack, top of the world
    Yep, it's the full 14" Plunderer or nuthin'!

    Most posters here have got nuthin'
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. spot261

    spot261 I don't want the game to end

    Sep 27, 2018
    Condoms are for the weak :bed:
  6. Bailey

    Bailey It's always Christmas Eve Super Moderator

    Apr 1, 2004
    Adelaide, South Australia
    Wish Storm would pop by give he used to be ultra-libertarian but has apparently now gone full Trump.
  7. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    "triggers you"

    Sorry dude, you are gonna have to turn off the right wing cliche generator and think for yourself. This shit gets tedious.

    1. I was answering a specific question.
    2. I'm a trans woman who doesn't support Republicans in Missi-fucking-SIPPI I promise you when it comes to "dealing with people who disagree with you" it's my goddam superpower.
    3. that you didn't get the point and went on to spout bullshit about being triggered means you need better reading comprehension.

    The question was "Does anyone believe this shit?"
    My answer was "yes, let me tell you about these folks who do in fact still believe this shit"
    and your reply is "what's your point?"

    Fucking hell man.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Love Love x 2
  8. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    as I said in the other thread, the coming year it's going to be both fascinating and horrifying to watch Cult45 come unglued when the walls close in.

    But it will be equally fascinating to watch the Republican denialists who been playing the "I'm not a big fan of Trump but y'all are funny for hating him so much" try to worm out of the corner they have painted themselves into.

    By 2020 it's going to be crystal clear that the so-called "haters" were absolutely right in 2016 when we said "this isn't just a guy from the wrong party, he's something we have never seen before and he's an existential threat to the country"

    Think I'll spend some time in the wayback machine next...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. tafkats

    tafkats scream not working because space make deaf Moderator

    Mar 27, 2004
    Although I'm having trouble imagining ways a Democratic president could use eminent domain for health care (building a hospital or something? I dunno), the bolded part is ... interesting.
  10. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    I wasn't talking about eminent domain, I was talking about the President declaring a state of emergency.
  11. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    select quotes from this thread:
    Dayton3 (on page 213 where we pick up our story)
    There is zero evidence that Donald Trump hates minorities.
    Trump is a loathsome and repulsive individual strictly on the "merits". There is no need to embellish his faults
    Concerning my prediction that we will never have another Republican president (thus reducing our two party system to a much more streamlined one party system!) because the math dooms them:
    the electoral college system gives the Democrats a built-in advantage - an advantage that can only grow with future Democratic victories.
    Drudge is reporting that 22% of Hispanic voters claim it is their first time voting.

    That's probably the end of Trump right there. Also the end of the two party system in America and we slide ever faster towards one party fascist Democrat rule.
    WTF is up with Rudy Giuliani? :huh: Dude is getting senile or maybe he's sleep deprived or something - he was babbling about how Obama is doing in the election!
    you probably won't be happy about the wreckage - "blow it up real good" might make for a winning campaign but it ain't worth a shit if you have no idea how to put something back together.
    oldfella (quoting my comment above)
    Trump doesn't need to - he will have a staff for that. That said he will have to really listen to (and trust) his handlers. And Donald - when you get any briefings about security procedures, listen the fuck up.
    (how's that been working out?)
    oldfella (same string)
    He'll catch on quick enough - he's smarter than he seems. Then again his success depends on how much cooperation he gets from the other branches of government. It's not a one-man show.
    I guess the Dems have no choice but to nominate Oprah Winfrey next time
    he seems to have been elected on the power of "Fuck everything!"
    I wonder how many of those folks even know exactly what they want from him, let alone how to tell whether or not they get it.
    The DP has to accept the guilt for nominating maybe the only member of their party that could lose to this guy.
    But that said, it's also true that any sane country wouldn't have given a guy like this that many votes if he'd been running against a turnip. So it's pretty fucked up all around.
    so being "sane" means to vote for someone that doesn't keep their nose clean (and that's quite an understatement) than to vote for "a guy like this"? Sorry I guess the rest of the country doesn't seem to share your values of choosing a known criminal over giving someone new to the game a chance.

    _an aside___________________________________________
    "known criminal" - still never been even indicted let alone convicted of a single thing despite massive desire of the party in power to find some way to do so;
    "new guy" (who was well known to be mobbed up with shady characters and had already paid fines for money laundering through one of his businesses and had skated on criminality only because rich dudes almost never get busted for financial crimes and had been the subject of multiple lawsuits for fraudulent business practices among other things that were in the public record before election day) is now the subject of 18 - and counting - criminal investigations into basically everything he's touched, AND an unprecedented counter-intelligence investigation AND has multiple close associates already pled guilty or convicted of felonies, some of them directly related to his own behavior or even implicating him - and none of this includes upcoming Congressional investigations or the multitude of current and former cabinet members under investigation.

    That whole "let's not elect the crook" thing really worked out well!

    Predictions for 4 years from now with Trump presidency:
    *there will be a conservative justice in Scalia's seat - a gimme but CHECK
    *there will not be any significant legislation to restrict abortion (they will pass some symbolic stuff outlawing stuff that ain't happening CHECK
    *no major trade agreement will be changed - negotiated, not a sure thing to be ratified
    *no wall will be built beyond what is already planned - CHECK (yes, it's not happening)
    *the deficit will go up considerably - another gimmie CHECK
    *whatever they do regarding the ACA will not make the health care situation better, millions will lose their insurance, premium rates will continue to rise just as they were rising under Bush - CHECK
    *the market will drop badly, possibly crass - clock still running
    *unemployment will be significantly higher - clock still running, a major recession is still possible
    *refugees will be turned away (you can count that as one point his supporters will get what they hope for) - CHECK
    *we will have troops on the ground in battle somewhere - this referenced new commitments, think I might MISS here
    *there will be no decrease in terrorist attacks - if you count domestic right wing attacks, an increase
    *there will be tons of examples of Trump voters who not realizing their hero is responsible for the negatives will act out against the "others" blaming them for their continued problems - see above
    *ADF and other "Christian" legal groups will blow up state legislatures with anti-LGB/T laws faster than the courts can knock them down - CHECK
    *Congress will move to pass the First Amendment Defense Act (i.e. "The License to Discriminate Act") which will need to be litigated to SCOTUS and with the fresh appointment, may stand up. - they missed there window so MISS

    If you are black, Latino, Muslim, Jewish or any other "Other" people group, gird up your loins - the candidate of the KKK has been elected and batten down the hatches and try to survive the next 4 years.
    If you are LGB/T, hug and kiss the legal rights you have (in my case, basically none) because you'll be damned lucky to keep them and you sure as fuck won't be getting any more, maybe not for the rest of your life if any more Supreme Court seats come open. - CHECK

    The world - and this country - is a much darker place than I'd have liked to believe.
    understand me here - pick any other Republican that ran - even Ted Cruz and that man is my mortal enemy - and put him in Trumps place and he wins over her then I shrug and go on about my business. I would not LIKE it, but that's the way the cookie crumbles - shit happens, life goes on.
    That's FINE, that's SANE.
    Electing Donald Trump, alone among every major party candidate EVER nominated - THAT is not sane. And the country will pay a massive price for indulging our fetish for reality TV and our obsession for blaming "others" for all our problems.
    I didn't make it up. Go check Stormfront. EVERY White Nationalist, race based group, KKK, and allied group -
    who did not ever endorse major party candidates until now...
    Looked at Trump and said "finally!! At last! this is our guy!!!!" I don't have to say anything about that - THEY did.
    And everyone that voted for Trump said "so what?" and elected him anyway. They have to own that.
    and he sold his soul to Tony Perkins (among other nauseating associations)
    You guys won't notice, a lot of you won't acknowledge it if you do, but - and again I would not say this of any other GOP candidate - there are people on our soil who will literally die because of this outcome. Not in big terrorist attacks (though that might happen to) but quietly, in the dark, because whatever any individual voters intention was, the biggest winner tonight was the Hateful crowd, and this election just validated their views.
    I AM melting down.
    I intend to continue to.
    I won't live long enough to see the day when I'm a fully equal citizen of this country, who can't be fired, or evicted, or refused service because of who I am. I, and many many others including other LGB types, and Muslims, Jews eventually, Blacks and Latinos - we're basically standing in the role of Jews in Germany in the 30's, and we're dependent on those in this country who are NOT racists bigots but who are conservatives to figure out how to put
    that genie back in the bottle. I'm not hopeful that they will even try to do so.

    Go back and look at what the segregationists did in the south in the 50's and 60's to those who were standing up for equality. Horribly abusive even to little school kids. We, as a nation, are NOT so far removed from those people. Based on the results, not even so far as I had thought.

    Yes, I'll melt the fuck all over the place thank you very much. For all our political agreements, Gul is still a white male in a blue state - he has the blessing of not having to melt down because his concerns are vicarious - for me they are real.
    So what the fuck specifically, tangibly will Hillary do to help you? Not a fucking thing - she would do about as much as Trump would do. Would Hillary make you an equal citizen of this country? Does your acceptance hinge directly on Hillary Clinton? And Donald Trump will personally see to it that you are denied your rights? Please explain, and show your work please.
    Nova (answering that question)

    Bullshit. If nothing else, she would continue the policies of the current administration regarding Title VII and Title IX which gives vastly more protection to people like me than we had before, and she'd have appointed judges that would have supported those policies when they were challenged in court.

    The Obama Administration has filed and won scores of Title VII cases in defense of people like me unjustly fired from, or not higher to, a job because they were trans.

    That alone can literally be life and death for a trans person. The choice of Medicare to offer transition related coverage (based, by the way, on the consensus of medical providers) stood to be a driving force in expanding insurance coverage and driving down discrimination against trans people in all medical care (which is widespread) - again, these are life and death matters.

    By contrast, Mike Pence already has a good long list of such policies, as relates to LGB/T people across the board, that he's ready to implement the Dominionist theocratic view of with Trump's blessing.

    What evidence do you need? A list of court cases? Policy positions currently in place, the Republican platform that specifically list these things as targets for reversal? I can show it to you. There's a case going to SCOTUS this term that will lose specifically because Trump's judge will fill the open seat and it will be a MASSIVE blow to the legal reasoning behind trans equality in law.

    But hey, it's cool - not gonna hurt you are anyone you care about. You'll still have your gun by-god so all is right with the world.

    (adding to the above answer - judges. Trump inherited over 100 district court or higher openings because McConnell was holding open seats beyond Garland's. He has appointed and had confirmed a record number of those judges - and it's not close - for a 2 year term and fully 1/3 of them have a direct active record of working against LGB/T equality and virtually all of them have disqualifying bullshit in their past. Plus there's the Garland/Scalia seat that would have been a liberal and the Kennedy seat which would have sealed all those appeals court wins for equality, several of which are now in the pipeline and may very well be overturned - knocking down the Title VII and Title IX cases is a real danger and was a major contributor to my rants quoted here)
    Ten Lubak
    I don't think trump will be nearly as bad as people think. He'll probably be a bit more left than people anticipate.
    You're a bitch because you keep trying to imply that because those fuckheads voted for Trump that all the millions of people who outnumber those knuckleheads by the MILLIONS are no different then those knuckleheads.
    Nova (replying to that)

    no I'm not saying that.
    I'm saying the millions of people who are NOT in fact racist bigots decided that it was perfectly fine to elect the guy who's a hero to those people. I know a lot of people I think a lot of who voted for Trump, in all innocence - some of them probably blithely unaware what the KKK thinks of him.
    But it is undeniable that millions of voters knew for a fact what the racists thought of Trump and decided they could live with that guy being their candidate. If that doesn't give you pause, that's not my fault for pointing it out.

    In the same way that anyone who voted for Clinton did so with the full knowledge she had a corruption issue.
    That is who he is. That is who the racists see him to be. And that is what the Trump voter looked at and said "I can live with that" There is nothing false in any of that, no matter how many schoolyard names you can pull out of your ass to offer as a response.
    Does that mean I am saying every Trump supporter is just as bad as a KKK member? Nope. I'm only saying they are fine with supporting the guy they love. That's pretty obvious.

    My silver lining is having some facts scientifically confirmed.
    Like the worthlessness of Nate Silver.
    That's handy to have on hand for next time.
    an aside - actually 538 was practically perfect on the margin (and again in 2018) and gave Trump a higher chance the day before than anyone else did (and took shit for it) - the "winner" projection only failed because of poor state level polling in some Midwestern states, but 538 is an aggregator - they didn't do the polling themselves. Also, their was some weird shit (high Stein vote for example) that polls would not have discerned and we now know, various other shady shit that might not have reasily showed up in public polling


    Donald Trump campaigned on appointing Supreme Court Justices that would strip away Rights, such as overturning Roe v Wade. He campaigned on banning Muslims from entering the United States (even Citizens who leave). He campaigned on muzzling the Press. He campaigned having a nationwide Deportation Force to round up 10 Million Illegal Mexican Immigrants divide up the daily Deportation of 10 Million people over a 4 year, or even an 8 year period, that is absolutely Draconian. He campaigned on Trade Wars. He campaigned on stripping Insurance away from Millions of people who will no longer be able to qualify for it, let along afford it. And that doesn't even address his lack of a Filter, inability to be humble or admit to being wrong, all of which can be catastrophic on the World Stage, nor does even address the acceptability he brought to Bigotry and bullying. We have no reason to believe he won't live up to (or at least attempt to) his Campaign Promises, a whole lot of people are in for a living Hell.
    No, not in camps, nor do I expect to be. Just a despised minority living in a country where the bigots are feeling their oats and think their hatefulness is now cool and legitimate. I don't worry about Trump (other than his giving a blank check to the Pharisees) nearly as much as I do the people he's drug out into the daylight and legitimized.
    it's not the KKK (et al) legitimizing Trump that's at issue, it's Trump legitimizing THEM.

    THEY think that their boy getting elected validates White supremacy as a legitimate political movement - and there are a LOT of latently racists white folks out there who can see views they had been conditioned to keep to themselves now permissible in the public conversation. Social media is awash this week with examples of people, from old gray-hairs to school children, blatantly taunting minorities in ways they would have never have had the courage to do a year ago.
    True we don't know if Trump won't be a corruptible, negligent president in the future - but we already know Hillary is.
    (actually some of us DID)
    In summary: I stand by every word of that thread and the contrary opinions amount to either folks who wanted the shit I was complaining about (gturner, Dinner) or the ones who said "oh you'r over-reacting, everything will be fine!" which...didn't age well.
    • TL;DR TL;DR x 4
    • popcorn popcorn x 1
  12. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. spot261

    spot261 I don't want the game to end

    Sep 27, 2018
    I wasn't even here to witness those exchanges and I've pretty much got the gist....
  14. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    It's not that I don't understand it, I don't understand why it was necessary and why it's relevant to this thread. Anyway, I guess @Nova just wants to have a meltdown.
  15. garamet

    garamet "The whole world is watching."

    Apr 2, 2004
    Keeping track of who said what so they can't pretend they never said it =/= "a meltdown."
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Fisherman's Worf

    Fisherman's Worf I am the Seaman, I am the Walrus, Qu-Qu-Qapla'!

    Apr 3, 2004
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    I can't think of anyone on this board that has gone back to delete posts so they can pretend to not have said it.

    Especially given that you can't delete other posts quoting you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    oldfella contends, as in this comment...

    I'm glad the Trump hate does exist - it's a great opportunity for the left to show the world how petty, spiteful, jealous , etc.etc. they can really be when nobody is reigning them in. It's breath-taking to be honest!

    that the negativity about Trump is just "Trump hate" that's irrational and unwarranted - TDS to borrow the tired canard - and so he is free to mock it because it's unjustified.

    I contend that some of us who were greatly distressed and angry that he was elected were so for very good reasons because we saw a shitload of bad outcomes coming

    In support of that position I refereed back to the warnings I voiced the week of the election
    The considerable majority of such have proven to be just what I expected.

    It's not "Trump hate" in the sense of "he's a right asshole and no one likes him" - it's Trump Hate in the sense of we hate what he's doing to our country. And it's about to get much worse.

    It's a reminder that the folks who said "how bad can he be?" - are finding out. And not one of them will smell the coffee in 2020 and say "I'll give you one thing, it turns out Nova was right"

    (notwithstanding some of these motherfuckers LIKE what he's doing)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    Also, I said that night and quoted the post above: goddamn right I want to have a meltdown.
    The future of this country as we know it is on the line. 2019 will be the most consequential year in our history since 1865. We need more meltdowns, not less, because you fuckers STILL aren't taking this shit seriously.
  20. Steal Your Face

    Steal Your Face Anti-Federalist

    Oct 2, 2013
    Are you out of your damn mind? I'm taking it serious as it needs to be. But you keep on telling us that the sky is falling.:dayton:
  21. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    much like the US is in the longest running shutdown, Nova is having the longest running meltdown - 8 November 2016 and counting! :lol:
  22. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    :wtf: Nova - the shining example of why we need affordable psychiatric drugs! Seriously, Nova just sold me on the idea of free mental health care!
  23. Tuttle

    Tuttle Listen kid, we're all in it together.

    Apr 17, 2004
    not NY
    Nova, it's sad that you and white supremacists have so much in common. Glad I don't think like you guys do.

    I've only heard of two groups in the US who might really believe Trump is a white supremacists - some of the never Trumpers (e.g. you, O2C, AOC), and apparently those who are actual white supremacists.

    Both of these two groups seem to agree that in his heart, Trump is a piece of shit white supremacist. And since you and the white supremacists think so much alike about this particular subject, perhaps you are best able to understand what the supremacists are all about in other respects? I sure as hell don't - I have no idea WTF you and the supremos are talking about, but then I also don't claim to have amazing mind reading skills.
  24. Fisherman's Worf

    Fisherman's Worf I am the Seaman, I am the Walrus, Qu-Qu-Qapla'!

    Apr 3, 2004
    This post doesn't make any sense.

    I dont even know what you thought you were accomplishing with this post other than confirming that you're a drooling idiot.

    You know what does make sense?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    She has more reason to be upset than you do. You can do absolutely nothing and your life will go on with little disruption.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  26. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    everybody has things "easier" or "harder" than somebody else, somewhere. Nova is no exception, nor are you nor I. Regardless if our nation crumbles (which Democrats can bring on just as well as Republicans can!) I'm sure China or Russia or some Middle Eastern caliphate will welcome all of us with open arms.
  27. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    This is what I mean. You get to remain oblivious, while still defending your own behavior with meaningless platitudes and generalities that highlight your inability to comprehend. Nothing in your life has to change. Nothing.
  28. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    So Nova was treated like royalty under Obama? If Hillary won Nova would be on easy street the rest of her life?
  29. tafkats

    tafkats scream not working because space make deaf Moderator

    Mar 27, 2004
    I think it's more a matter of "not being constantly shit on by her own government in addition to most of the people around her."
    • Winner Winner x 2
  30. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    do you (or preferably Nova) have any specific examples of what you surmise? Just curious!
    • popcorn popcorn x 1