Every day I chase my cat off the top of our (covered) fish tank. He just doesn't get the fact that he can't fit through a thin slot (where I sprinkle the fish food) and the fish dive down toward the bottom when he jumps up there.
Normally I wouldn't do one after the other, but I wanted to post this. I took a picture of our living room this evening with the lights off so I could get the Christmas tree, fireplace and balcony window where the lighted wreath and garland were. So I did a quick shot and the flash was on by mistake. Anyway, I was looking at the picture later, and my dog (Dallie) was looking in my direction when I took the shot. It looked like, when she was laying on her bed, after running around a bit, (she's active for her age which is 13). Anyhoo, I had a good laugh thinking she looked like she was charging for her next romp around the house, and so I made a quick little animation. J.