The issue regards whether it is skin color causing crime against whether it is the conditions in which different races exist. Are blacks truly more inclined to criminality? Or are they more likely to be poor?
Or just an acknowledgment of something that Dickens and Victor Hugo figured out...that poverty increases the likelihood of crime.
It isn't skin color or poverty since boatloads of poor African immigrants come here and end up doing very well for the most part even though they toil endlessly in our racist, bigoted, stacked deck of a country. What's the secret to their success? Most of them can barely speak English when they get here, but learn it faster and better than many of us natives of all races. So my point is it's a complicated issue, but if people that come up with reasons/ideas are shut down once somebodies enlightened feelings are hurt, nothing positive will ever get done, which is of course the endless cycle that Democrats and limousine liberals want to keep downtrodden minorities on so, they can depend on their votes while they lock themselves away in their gated communities hiding from them. Am I on the right track here? If not, please enlighten me.
That would help. Mainly my point is that the answer probably requires focusing on more than just superficial appearances. My theory is that poverty drives most of the anti-social behaviors. Oldfella seems to think it's culture.
Yes it does. So please explain why it increases crime among some groups (poor white trailer trash perhaps) yet spares others such as the vast majority of Asians? Think it's a cultural thing? I do.
Yes, I understand and agree for the most part. But Oldfella's point could very well have merit. After all, poverty influences culture. But not necessarily in a constant, predictable fashion. More detailed analysis would demonstrate whether that is the case.
Right, there is no doubt some vicious cycle at play. But does the culture arise from several generations of poverty, or does the poverty result from the culture?
There is also the question of which crimes get attention while others fly bellow the radar. Three times more private property theft falls under the category of white collar than any other type. But we mostly only hear about B&E. Why?
That also raises the question of how local LEOs classify crimes during arrests, q.v. the Affluenza Case.
As for crime stats, should be possible to tease specifics out of these:
I'm saying that anywhere a minority population exists either recent (Hispanics in the U.S) or longstanding (blacks in the U.S.) these populations are much less likely to cooperate with the law enforcement authorities because they see them as beholden to the majority population and not primarily interested in the minority populations interests. Less cooperation with the police inevitably leads to less police activism in solving crimes in the minority population. Criminal elements naturally gravitate toward victimizing such populations.
Yep - self fulfilling prophecy! We don't cooperate with the cops because they don't care about us anyway. So after a while the cops aren't in such a hurry to come around. See? They really don't care about us!
But of course we have it backwards! Our pea brains can't possibly have the deep, almost supernatural understanding of the complex societal mechanizations inherent in our modern world.
You and others constant claiming that people with conservative views restate things seen on FoxNews or by conservative commentators is annoying and tedious. Like on the TrekBBS when I was accused of getting my opinions on enhanced interrogation by watching episodes of "24". Even though I have never watched more than 10 MINUTES total of "24" thus far in my life. Or being accused of basing my opinion on Rush Limbaugh even though I have never seen or listened to a complete episode of Rush Limbaugh's program in my life. People can be think for themselves and analyze the SAME set of fact Garamet yet come to complete different conclusions. I would think that you of all people (given your career as a writer) would understand and acknowledge that.
You have worse debating habits than I've been accused of Garamet. Given your age and background I would've thought you would be better at addressing other peoples arguments than being no better than a spelling nazi. And besides, why not use bolding and underlining? It doesn't cost anything.
Because Norway considers itself a Progressive Utopia. I'm sure RickDeckard can elaborate on the details.
This animal slaughtered 77 children, and hasn't shown one iota of remorse. I wouldn't have any problem pulling the trigger myself.