Obama throws 170 White House Parties in less than a year....One every Three Days

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Eminence, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Nautica

    Nautica Probably a Dual

    Aug 10, 2005
    St. Louis
    I wonder if the count of these "parties" include the standard, frequent "State Dinners" where visiting dignitaries are honored. Shit like that seems to happen all the time in DC. A new Ambassador here, the visiting Prime Minister of Upper-East-Friggin-Bumfuck there.... :shrug:
  2. Liet

    Liet Dr. of Horribleness, Ph.D.

    Jan 11, 2008
    Evil League of Evil Boardroom
    Also the White House Easter Egg hunt, the Passover Seder Obama held, the Super Bowl champion visit to the White House, the annual turkey pardoning ceremony, etc.

    Anyone intent on finding a "party" every other day at the White House would be a total moron if he failed to find exactly that, regardless of the administration in power. Heck, with the release of the White House visitor logs I could define a "party" as any time three or more guests log in within an hour, thereby in all likelihood finding several White House parties a day. This thread is weaker sauce than is tepid water.

    Time for PUMA-troll to eat shit and die.