Oh I never said the shitbags would actually learn anything. Just showing them choice and consequence so the can't act surprised later.
Because I don't cheerlead for one of your imaginary teams and give selective permission for destructive riots.
Why? Because I can tell you right now, anyone who calls themself "Antifa" expects be arrested when they go to a protest, regardless of if they do anything could be considered illegal or not. So their response to such a thing would be, "Yeah, we know."
I said "bury them under the prison and make Antifa watch." Don't act like MINE is the failure of reading comprehension here.
So, you’re advocating for vigilante actions? When the Marine in the article you were responding to had been arrested, tried, and convicted under the law? How are you then any different than that Marine?
Well, for starters, the Marine actually HAS physical and mental discipline, whereas UA is just full of shit.
Are you portraying how we feel talking to you, or what you did for twenty years prior to the conversation that explains our feelings?
I am pretty sure that is not a bug, but rather a feature of the legislation as the people who push for it think promiscuous women should be stoned to death in the town square. None of this has anything to do with decensy or saving the babies. It is all about punishing slutty women.
Or married women who want a baby, but have complications. Guess they're just supposed to want to take one for the team to get those damned sluts.
It has nothing to do with any of that. I mean .. yes, the propaganda is about slutty women, but those people, the people who fall for those arguments and vote for the politicians who spout that propaganda do not have the power to effect change - not on the scale we’ve seen in the last 5 years. This is about greed and control. As long as there is a large population of poor people, corporations control wages. When there are more jobs than people, the people control wages. And the wealthy cannot have that. They are the ones who have the power to effect change. And that’s what they did. $15 / hour minimum wage is just a gimme.
The ugly truth is that for virtually every anti-abortion man and a goodly portion of the highly religious anti-abortion women... If more women die because of the bans, "OH FUCKING WELL!" They know full well that's the price that will be paid and they are FINE WITH IT. Whether it's a married woman with kids and a wanted pregnancy... Whether it's a woman who doesn't want a baby tying her into an abusive marriage but is banned by law from getting divorced while pregnant...and ends up with a bullet because he doesn't want a baby either. Whether it's a 10 year old who might well not survive a pregnancy... Whether it's a black mom in the Delta who's local hospital closed last year and might die in labor before they make it two hours on the road to the closest maternity hospital... OH WELL!! Sucks to be you bitches! "Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
Some Canadians decided to protest outside a Florida clinic. Apparently, there's not a word for "sunscreen" in Canada. https://www.tiktok.com/@swanoforlando/video/7376663385477369134
Do we not have floridians for this, or is this some sort of exchange program between the duh and canuckistan? To any canadians, do use sunscreen like a floridian should use layers of clothing in your frozen beaverland.
I would love to shove every anti-abortion politician off the top of a building, let them wrestle with their own bodily autonomy on the way down.
My post here, @Bailey, was pure sarcasm. *I* do not believe this, but it seems to be the prevailailing thought among men who behave and engage in this behavior.