What the fuck is an oriental, mr subway sammich artist who failed his history major? Is an oriental japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese, or phillipino? Oriental ends up being a slur because you group a whole bunch of people of differing cultures and sometimes genocidal towards each other in a group because you are a fucking moron. When you say oriental I do not think it was the japanese or koreans. Do you know where they are on the map? Do you know Indians are not native american and also make tea, and were a part of the english empire? Oh wait, you were just trying to be cool in front of @Volpone by dropping a slur so maybe he will talk witgh you and play with you seeing how UA doesn't seem to acknowledge you exist. Maybe Volpone could be nice and be friendly with you and teach you how to be a better proud boy, or klansman, or neo nazi, or whatever the fuck he calls himself. Come on volpone, I am sure your reputation won't get any lower if you are friends with our prime village idiot. We already think so little of you that the bigfoot built the pyramid power plants for the aliens bullshit won't make a difference. You guys can talk about racist shit, and you can be the father the boy never had. Maybe you could take him fishing or something. At the very least you can trade him to your repug buddies and they can molest him. He has virginia country boy meth mouth and that means gummers. You know how much you and your friends like gummers from tween boys with drinking and meth problems. And he can make sammiches so after you are done you can smack him in the head and laugh while he makes you snacks.
As a huge anime fan, I get it. Some of the really great series have some huge cringe. The rape scene comes from a really good series called Goblin Slayer. The main character dedicates himself to fighting these low level monsters because they swarm and are rapey horrible things. The series is good, but they set up the danger and there is a graphic scene in the opening that sets the tone of danger that really does not come back later, but is important to understand. There is a lot of brutality in some of the more beautiful anime like Made in Abyss and Ancient Magus Bride are both Beautiful, but horrific in that the environment and people are in some very magical worlds with huge variance in power and lots of danger. These are adult shows with some very adult themes. Then there is the sister fucking. The sister fucking is not the worst thing. There is a series called midori days. In this series the male protagonist has one of his female classmates become his right hand. That is the plot of the series, and I have no idea where the fuck that series went because I never went down that road. I also do not go down the sister romance road. It is a specific genre and I am not there for it. There are a couple of series where I really loved the plot but there was obvious bad shit going on that did not need to be there. I am looking at you Koboyashi's dragon maid. Most of the series have it very upfront where you are getting into something you do not want to see. If you are ever curious about a series ask me and I am glad to answer honestly and give warnings without spoilers. Even if I do not care for a series I probably know about it and can tell you about any cringe things you might not want to have in your entertainment. Still, there is some fucking gross shit in anime.
"You want to see the human? You can't see the human! Nobody sees the human! Even I've never seen the human!" "I fed you two hours ago!" "Forever ago, you mean!"
I thinkl Vader sent some mixed signals there. He did wipe out his religious followers. If the pope killed all the catholics and then started talking to me about my lack of faith I might not understand his intentions.
Well, the Jedi and the Sith are sort of like different denominations of Force users. So it'd be like if Martin Luther had an apprentice and ordered him to kill all the Catholic clergy.
I agree it is the same mixed signals of the abrahamic faith sects. Jebus loves all christians, except those guys over there which is why we have to kill them all. Muhammed gave the words of Allah to us all and Islam is the word, except if that guy is your caliphate then you have to kill everyone. The metachlorians rule all of life in a balance unless they are dark or light metachlorians and then we have to kill them all. It is mixed signals all around for those of us on the outside.
Right, so you remember the Futurama episode about Fry's dog? Yeah, this meme involves that, so I'm gonna spoiler it because it's a bit of a gut punch.