It should be a surprise, I can't remember ever agreeing with Liet before. I'm curious to know what you won't defend. Cops firing into a crowd at an...
Your integrity never ceases to amaze me.
I'm with Liet on this one. That cop should be charged with a crime.
I don't think anyone would confuse you with a fence sitting observer. If you were, you would not categorize Rick's hyperbolic thread grenade as an...
I read the whole thread. You're reaching Actually, your use of hyperbolic and inaccurate language demonstrates your lack of objectivity. Whether...
It's not a fine point, gul. A battleship also has a tool that uses a controlled explosion to propel a projectile at high speed towards a target with...
Does he believe that? He certainly never said anything like that.
Anyone who thinks it's splitting hairs to differentiate a machine gun from a semi-auto rifle is an idiot. A quick glance at military history from...
It's not the same. Rape is a predatory action. Stepping out into traffic is inherently dangerous no matter how much accountability you put on the...
Or you could just use the damn crosswalk that was put there for your safety. Don't you think that is a bit more sensible than bringing vehicular...
I mostly hear about identity theft.
Looks like they are going to waste $45.5 million of that.
Yes, I understand and agree for the most part. But Oldfella's point could very well have merit. After all, poverty influences culture. But not...
Good question. We need numbers to compare poor blacks with poor whites.
Dramatic little bitch, aren't ya? He's not talking about feeding them gruel. Imagine encouraging healthy, nutritious food for our nation's poor so...
Separate names with a comma.