Tales of the Holocaust (Holocaust is a Lie)

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Zodiac, Mar 2, 2013.

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  1. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    In this thread, I will express my shame for finding solidarity with an evil, deeply unethical society. Let's begin:

  2. RickDeckard

    RickDeckard Socialist

    May 28, 2004

    Dinner today...
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    Today's sad holocaust tale comes from Manya and Major Kornblit.

    Manya and major were teenage sweethearts when the Germans invaded. They were almost captured by the Nazi's, but they hid in a haystack that was 3 stories high. Good thing, because the Nazi's machine gunned everyone else.

    But then they got hungry, so they went to work for the germans who had just finished machine gunning everyone in their town.

    The Nazi's took Manya to the Auschwitz death camp. Manya heard people scream in the gas chambers. She can still hear them screaming.

    Then the Nazi's needed laborers in Czechslovakia, so Manya volunteered. Lucky for her, because the Nazi's killed all the jews who saw the gas chambers, so they would remain a secret.

    Miraculously, Major also survived the death camps. Manya and Major found one another in Poland. They had survived a combined 13 death camps.

    Miraculously, Manya's brother also survived the death camps.

    http://newsok.com/article/keyword/3058896/ (Link is old, sadly. But her harrowing tale of Anti-Semitism lives on!)
  4. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    Today's sad holocaust tale comes from Martin Lowenburg. It's a doozy.

    Little Martin was only 15 when the evil nazi's gathered up Martin and his family and put them in a box car. The box car went to Auschwitz. Martin and his fellow Jews would use the dead Jews in the box cars as benches. The Jews would poop on the dead Jews. When the train arrived at Auschwitz, 1/3 of the people had suffocated.

    The Nazi's gave priority to the trains full of Jews. Trains full of food going to the troops would have to wait, because the Nazi's priority was to kill all the Jews.

    Mengele greeted the transports. Mengele had a whip and a white coat. Little Martin was only 15, but he told Mengele that he was 18. This spared his life, because the Nazi's gassed all the Jews who couldn't work. Martin had to work by moving rocks from one place to the other, then back again.

    The Jews got only 200 calories a day for food. In the morning, they had no breakfast for breakfast---only tea. For lunch, 4 people had to eat a single bowl of soup. The jews got a slice of bread for dinner. If you didn't eat your bread right away, the rats would steal it from you.

    The camp commander had a motorcycle that he would drive down the main street. He would shoot at anything that moved from his motorcycle. If he saw you, he would use you for target practise.

    There was typhus at Auschwitz. A friend, the magician told Martin not to drink the water. the friend put a pebble in Martin's mouth to make saliva. So Martin didn't have to drink any water for 3 years, and was never thirsty. Martin would clean himself by rolling in the snow.

    Martin saw his own mother and sister go into the gas chamber. The Nazi's had crews of jews who would work in the gas chambers. Every 90 days, the Nazi's shot the Jews who worked in the gas chamber, because they didn't want anyone alive to testify about what the nazi's were doing.

    At Auschwitz, there was a team of Jews that had wheelbarrows. Every morning the Jews would walk around the fence with their wheelbarrows, and pick up the dead Jews who had died on the electric fence.

    Dr Mengele would perform experiments on the Jews. He casterated the big Jews. He injected animal semen into some other jews.

    One day a wheelbarrow ran over Martin, and he couldn't work. So his friend, the magician, hid Martin in the rafters. The magician would have been killed in the first transport, but the nazi's needed a magician.

    Then Martin and the magician volunteered for a transport that said "Destination Unknown". The Nazi's killed all the Jews at Auschwitz, so Martin is lucky the Nazi's let him and the magician volunteer for this transport.

    The transport went to the warsaw ghetto. Martin worked on the dynamite team. The Nazi's made the Jews dynamite the builings.

    The Martin built an underground factory. The Jews would pile rocks up 100 feet high and very long. The Nazi's poured 4-5 feet of concrete over this mountain of rocks, and then took a firehouse and blew out the rocks underneath. So the nazi's then had an underground tunnel that they built the V2 rockets in.

    The Germans made Martin salvage electrical transformers from the ruins of Warsaw. Martin and his friends saw diamonds, gold and money lying in the ruins. But they didn't take any, because you couldn't eat diamonds.

    One Jew traded another Jew, a greenhorn, the diamonds for his bread for 3 days. The Jew who took the diamonds died of starvation. After 3 days.

    The holocaust was the biggest money maker ever for the germans. The Nazi's had whole teams of people working in the gas chamber to take the gold from the dead Jews. If you had gold fillings, you were gassed immediately. Then the Nazi's sold all the shoes and clothing from the dead Jews to South America. The Nazi's financed the war for 2 years by selling the Jew's gold fillings, and shoes, and clothing.

    Then the Nazi's were going to kill all the Jews in Warsaw, but the resistance leader warned the germans not to. So the Germans Death Marched the Jews instead. They made the Jews death March all week. Then the Jews wanted to drink at the river. So the Nazi's machine gunned them. They used dogs to get the jews back into line for the machine guns. The river turned into blood, all red.

    Then the nazi's put the jews on a train to Dachau. Then they told the jews they were going to march to Switzerland, but the Nazi's fooled them, and death marched them again. Martin was certain to die on this Death March, but the Americans came.

    Then an American soldier gave Martin a cigarette. Martin took 1 puff and fainted for a week.

    Then Martin and his friends robbed the nearby German houses, and killed the SS men.

    Then Martin went to Holland, but the Nazi's had stolen all the cows.

  5. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Goldie gendleman.

    Goldie was only a young girl when she escaped from the Nazi's and his in the forest. Goldie walked all night, and came to the edge of the forest. She heard voices, and wanted to run, but she was overcome by her longing for human companionship.

    There were 6 jews sitting an a circle. They welcome Goldie into their midst. Goldie had only 2 carrots to live on, and thought the Jews suitcases might be full of food, but she gave 1 to the baby anyway.

    Then some children came from out of nowhere. They screamed with glee, "Jews!" and ran off to tell their parents.

    The Jews ran hid in one of the haystacks, which were as big as a barn. All the Jews hid in the same haystack.

    Then the entire village turned out, and zeroed in on the haystack the Jews hid in. Again and again, they stabbed the haystack with pitchforks. People were screaming all around goldie.

    Then, the villagers left. it was nightfall when Goldie crept from out of the haystack. The bodies of the Jews were lined up in a row, naked. The evil villagres had stolen the pitchfork holed clothes of the jews, and left the Jews to rot in the harvest fields! All lined up in a row.

    The villagers even killed Buzio, the baby! And stole his clothes, too!

  6. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
  7. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
  8. RickDeckard

    RickDeckard Socialist

    May 28, 2004

    And a nice pic of Anne Hathaway. :drool:
    • Agree Agree x 6
  9. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    Sorry, those tales have outdated links. These aren't:

    This sad holocaust tale comes from Pepkale Dodyk.

    Pepkale was only 3 years old when the evil Nazi's and Ukranian police invaded her town. So her and dozens of others fled into a cave with disease carrying bats. But the Germans raided the cave, and captured Pepkale's family. The other Jews escaped through a hole they had dug. In the rocks. With their bare hands.

    The Germans wanted the Ukranians to shoot Pepkale. But Usher offered his hidden stash of gold and silver to the Ukranians. So the Ukranians fired 5 shots over the heads of the Jews. They let Pepkale, her mother, and Usher live, but they killed the aunt and cousin.

    So the jews found another cave. They lived in the cave for 2 years, sleeping 22 hours per day, to conserve energy, because the 38 people did not have any food.

    The Ukranians tried to murder them by sealing the entrance to the cave, time and time again. The Ukranians were apparently unfamiliar with fire, and how it might adversely affect people hiding in a cave.

    Then a message in a bottle came, and Pepkale and the 37 other Jews came out of the cave.


    Pekale's family, shortly after their 2 years of living in a cave.

  10. Spaceturkey

    Spaceturkey i can see my house

    Nov 23, 2004

    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    What about eye boogers?
  12. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    A brief sad tale today.

    Sally Eisner hid with a Gentile family on their farm during the war. One day, in December 1943, the Nazi's, who apparently had nothing else to do in 1943, came to this remote farm in search of Jews. Just in case there were any Jews there.

    The nazi's barged into the home, and Sally and her brother hid under the bed! But the nazi's saw Jew-sign in the form of handiwork, and knew there must be Jews close by. The nazi's raked under the bed with their bayonets, even stabbing the point against Sally's skin, but she never made a sound.

    Then the Nazi's searched the potato cellar. The Nazi's were mad when they left, because they didn't find any Jews.

  13. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Germany.

    Dr Lerle is a German doctor, opposed to abortion. On an anti-abortion website, Dr. Lerle referred to the murder of unborn innocents in Germany as a Holocaust.

    Dr. Lerle has been sentenced to 1 year in jail for his crime.

  14. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    Eye boogers are always relevant. They're probably also an appetizer at restaurants in France.
  15. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    Today's sad holocaust tale comes from Simone Jacobsen.

    Simon was only 12 when her parents gave her to the French police to save her from the Nazi's. The French police kept Simone in a cellar under the library for 3 years, where it was perpetually dark. And filled with rats. So Simone read books.

    The police told Simone that the Nazi's would turn her into a bar of soap, so Simone never left the cellar for 3 years. The French police would daily rape this attractive young girl.
  16. RickDeckard

    RickDeckard Socialist

    May 28, 2004
    This is quite a bit of effort, considering that nobody is reading your posts...
    • Agree Agree x 4
  17. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    French rats frequently dine on the finest eye boogers.
  18. RickDeckard

    RickDeckard Socialist

    May 28, 2004
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Alfred Wetzler.

    Alfred was 24 when he was sent to the death camp of Auschwitz. Alfred managed to survive for 2 years without being deathed. But the evil nazi's did break his arm. And dislocate his foot. And break his head. And had their dogs bite him.

    Then Alfred and Walter Rosenberg hid in a woodpile for 4 days. Then they crawled under a hole in the fence. Death camps were well known for having holes in their fences that remained undiscovered for 4 days.

    Then they walked through the woods for 11 days. They gave Churchill the label of a can of Zyklon B, which conclusively proved that Jews were being killed with bug spray. So Churchill bombed Hungary. Alfred was responsible for saving 120,000 Jews.

    So Alfred wrote his story, but he was such a hero, that he wrote under the psuedonym of Josef Lanyk. Because jews are well known for their modesty. Walter Rosenberg also changed his name, to Rudolph Vrba.

    Alfred will be discussed in greater detail in another sad tale.

    http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/11187/Auschwitz prisoner who escaped to help save 120,000 Jews
  20. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    I could say the same about Julian Assange. You're not a very energetic activist..?
  21. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    Did you know that cows' eyeballs, breaded and deep-fried, are often mistaken for meatballs?
  22. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    Another sad tale. Vassily Grossman was a writer for Pravda. As it turns out, Vassily wrote an article in 1943 about Treblinka, featuring giant machines that dug up massive graves, (300 meters by 25 by 6 meters), took out the millions of moldy Jew and Jew pieces, roasted them on outdoor Hibachi's, and made the ashes vanish by spreading them on the side of the road. Vassily even has Barry the gooley-gnashing dog in his version. And the hair sent to Germany to make submariner booties.

    But, most remarkably, Vassily has a naked, nameless Jewess battling a dozen Ukranians and killing 2 of them, wounding a third. And, equally, Vassily claims that the Diesel of death released 2-3% carbon monoxide.

    Here's a link to the full story in French.

    And an internet translation engine

    And the CODOH forum where they have some comments on this story.

    It's not as though anyone doubted why this fable was created, but it's interesting to note that Grossman's Wiki entry points out that Grossman was considered a war hero for his writings.
  23. John Castle

    John Castle Banned Writer

    Mar 24, 2011
    Boring. Get to the part where the UFOs.
  24. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Zev Kedem.

    Zev was only 5 years old, vacationing with his sister in Carpathian mountains, when the Nazi's captured him. Unless Zev was 8 years old, and the Nazi's captured him while he and his family while they were fleeing to his grandfather's house in Poland. Zev remembers seeing his mother and sister on the other side of barbed wire.

    The evil Nazi's would kill all the children who were younger than 13 and could not work, so Zev was smuggled into a concentration camp where he worked alongside older men. Zev saw some other workers stealing Jewish headstones to use as paving tiles. The rest of the family managed to hide in a chicken coop where they avoided being sent to concentration camps. The Nazi's would drive around in trucks at night, warning the Jews that if there were any Jews hiding, they should come out so they would be killed. Jews would be forced to dig up Jewish graves, and extract the gold teeth.

    Zev was on Schindler's list, but the Nazi's found that he was younger than 13, so they sent Zev to Auschwitz to be killed. At Auschwitz, Zev wore a Harry Potter like cloak of invisibility, so he survived 3 years in the Death Camp. The rats would walk over Zev at night. The Nazi's tormented 5 year old Zev for 7 years.

    Then the nazi's tried to Death Walk Zev. Twice. But old Zev survived.

    Zev was silent about his ordeal for 50 years, but now he speaks every chance he can.

  25. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad Holocaust tale comes from Elsie V. Elsie V is, however, just a pseudonym, because she is still afraid of Nazis.

    In 1941, Elsie's family had a feeling that the SS would be coming to kill the Jews. Because of that, they tried to hide some paintings. Then the SS men came.

    They took her to a Gestapo house in Prague. Then she was deathmarched outside and put into cattle cars with other Jews. The evil Nazis tried to starve the Jews by making them wait 4 hours without food or drink.

    Then the train arrived at Theresienstadt, a castle. "The Nazis did everything possible to keep their camps, and what took place in the camps, very secret." Of course, this implies letting the Red Cross inspect the camp, and having footage of it filmed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFSFZ6TkNZo

    After they got out of the cattle cars, they were deathmarched into a basement. Elsie was forced to watch a Professor being beat to death, during which the evil Nazis laughed. In the basement, the Nazis took all the Jews' belongings.

    While waiting for their names to be called out, in the basement, the Jews could see "open areas" in the wall, through which they were being watched, and, occasionally the Nazis would put their guns through, to shoot at people in the room. Around the room there was blood on the walls and floor.

    The next morning, they were deathmarched to the castle. Both the many Jews who fell on the way, and the Jews who tried to help them, would get beat by the SS.

    Inside they were taken to a stone room, where they had to sleep on cold stone floors, without heat or fresh water, and with only a bucket to use as a toilet.

    After 2 days they were given Surprise Soap to wash themselves. This Surprise Soap "had a poison in it that gave many diarrhea, making them sick. Many died from this."

    Elsie tells us that they would get deathmarched outside, where it was very cold for no reason other than to make Jews pass out.

    Once during Christmas, Himmler showed up at the camp. On that special occasion, they were deathmarched outside and ordered to turn around in order to look at the trees. When Elsie turned, she saw many people hanging. Himmler was amused and wished the Jews "Merry Christmas!"

    The evil Nazis inflicted a hysterectomy and breast reduction on her. Without anesthesia. Which caused her to pass out afterwards, and was left with an infected incision area. When the SS men would beat her, they targeted that area specifically.

    Elsie heroically told an SS man that he will go to hell because he has the devil on his forehead. The officer laughed, but afterwards raised the butt of his rifle and shattered part of her skull with it. Which is why she has a metal plate in her today.

    After waking up from the blow in the head, Elsie found herself in a small locked box, where she couldn't move. Which was full of blood. The Nazis would make her stay like that for 24 hours, with no water. Later an SS man took her out of the box, dragged her by the back of her neck, and threw her in a corner to die.

    In the large stone room where the Jews lived, many would die every day. To survive, the Jews would steal the clothes of the corpses of other Jews, which were left there for many days because the Nazis wanted to kill the Jews with the corpses's stench.

    As food, Jews were served green bread.

    Source: http://www.remember.org/witness/elsiev.html
  26. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    For Germany.

    It turns out, German hairdressing students are forced by their social studies teacher to watch the barber of Treblinka tell his preposterous tale!


    How in the world those poor kids can sit through this utter nonsense without breaking into peals of laughter is beyond me. For those of you who have never seen the barber of Treblinka, Abraham Bomba, from Claude Lansmann's film Shoah, can watch the link below.

  27. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Nina Lisitsina


    Nina was only 5 years old when she was taken by the evil nazi's and made to undress. The nazi's wanted to shoot Nina, and all the other Jews, so they could steal their clothes.

    The Nazi's shot the Jews, but many Jews lived, because the Nazi's were only permitted one bullet. Because bullets were expensive in war time germany. (It was, after all, cheaper to round up all the jews, train them halfway across Europe, give them a haircut, and a tattoo, build enormous gas chambers for them, and make them all vanish by the millions in crematoria than it was to shoot them in the head. Because the Nazi's were only permitted one bullet)

    Then the Nazi's filled the pits with lime, which is actually a preservative. The Nazi's didn't understand that putting lime in a pit with bodies would preserve the evidence, rather than make it vanish. Well, someone didn't understand this, anyway.

    The Nazi's missed Nina, so she crawled out of the pit. Then the Nazi's forgot all about killing Nina.

  28. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from Philip Bialowitz.

    Phillip was only 14 years old when he was captured by the Germans, and lined up against a wall with a dozen other Jews to be shot. But as soon as Philip heard the bullets, he fell down. Philip fooled the Nazi's into thinking he was dead by hiding under all the other dead bodies. The Germasn decided to rob the corpses in the morning, so Philip escaped.

    Then Philip was taken to Sobibor to be put into a vacuum chamber. But a miracle happened. Just before Philip arrived, the nazi's killed all the Jews, including the jewish helpers. So Philip's brother told the nazi's he was a pharamacist, and the nazi's decided they needed pharmacists to help burn bodies. Philip's life was spared!

    Then Philip would help carry the luggage of the jews who arrived to the death camp. The jews would tip Phillip when he stole their luggage.

    Phillip and his brother then heroically led the Jews to their deaths in the vacuum chamber. Then burned the Jews.

    So philip and his brother decided to escape. They tricked the nazi's, one at a time, by telling them there was a valuable coat they had found. When the Nazi came to steal the coat, the unarmed Jews killed him.

    Then the Jews all charged out of the north and south gates. The Nazi's were machine gunning at them, but they missed!. Jews in front of Philip were exploding as they stepped on land mines, so Philip had to step on their dead bodies!

    Then the Nazi's planted trees on the site, so no one would ever be able to tell the Nazi's operate their evil vacuum chambers and Jew hibachi's.

    Philip now tells his sad tale to anyone who will listen.

    YouTube - Holocaust Survivor Philip Bialowitz,Death Camp Survivor 2=
  29. Zodiac

    Zodiac Banned

    Jun 27, 2006
    Underground lab
    This sad holocaust tale comes from father Desbios, a French priest.

    Father Desbios criss crosses the Ukraine, looking for mass graves of jews murdered and buried during the holocaust. Father Desbios will only record a mass grave if he has 3 eyewitnesses. The local Ukranians, who are all anti semites, think that Father Desbios simply pays elderly Ukrainians to claim that there is a grave in the pasture he points out to them.

    Father Desbios also records the testimony of these elderly Ukrainians. Some of the Ukranians saw the ground moving 3 days after the Jews were buried, because the crack nazi killing squads were only allowed one bullet, and often they would miss.

    Father Desbios has never actually seen any of these bodies in the mass graves, because it is up to the local authorities to disinter them. Instead, father Desbios relies on eye witnesses, and nazi reports.

    Since the nazi's burned all the bodies, all that is left is ashes and dust. The ashes sometimes squirmed for 3 days. Because the Nazi's destroyed all the evidence. So father Desbios must interpret the weather reports, which were actually coded documents. When the Nazi's wrote " Clouds", this actually meant graves. When the Nazi's wrote " rain" the amount of rain actually meant the number of bodies.

    The holocaust is, after all, the most documented event in history.

  30. Diacanu

    Diacanu Comicmike. Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    Let him throw his worthless life way.
    It keeps him out of real mischief.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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