Pizza for Everyone! Cain is Buying!

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Bulldog, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    I'm going to need links and sources for all of those.
  2. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    You forgot the part about how the case was dropped after the defendants were all but sentenced / fined.

    Meanwhile, god help you if you're a spec ops warrior who gives a terrorist a bloody lip, that's a court martialin'!

  3. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    Since when is the Justice Dept. Obama? Is it only all inclusive when you want it to be?

    That said, some of the reasons listed for being against Obama are amazingly petty and infantile. I realize politics is essentially civilized shit throwing, but you don't have to cover yourself in it.

    Of course, this is how it always is. It happens at TBBS, too, but on the other end of the spectrum. A minor issue, a simple gaffe, is mushroomed into some kind of end of the world/political suicide/civilization ending event, when it's a tempest in a teapot. I felt this way with George W. Bush, too. I mean, dear god, during a meeting, the man pulled the handle on a door that was locked, and he was looked at like a complete and utter moron. ZOMG! The door didn't open!

    Reagan's famous microphone gaffe, where he believed the microphone was still turned off when he quipped the joke that he had just outlawed Russia and the bombing was about to begin. ZOMG! The President made a joke!

    Every President has said/done/been a part of something stupid. DVDs, iPods, speeches, doors, puking on Japan's Prime Minister, all human mistakes. I swear, if I went solely by the news here on WF, you'd think civilization had cracked at the foundation and was coming apart at the seams. I mean, I guess it's a way to pass the time rather than sitting and doing nothing, but hitting the drama button all the time has to get tiring.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    That would be the Justice Department, not the Obama Administration. They are two totally separate entities, though while checking sources, Fox News always seems to put "Obama Justice Dept" together.

    We are presently disengaging our forces in Iraq. The current timetable for leaving Afghanistan is 2014. GITMO is still open, and I blame Obama for not closing it when he said he would.

    Whoop-de-fucking do. George Bush senior vomited all over the Japanese Ambassador, and I don't care about that either. It's irrelevant. To wit, Britain is still our staunch ally, they seem to like Obama fairly well, and I doubt it's really an issue for anyone not voiced by a Murdoch paper.

    I had to dig through, lonelyconservative, The New American, Free Republic, Rush Limbaugh, Texas GOP Vote, Senator David Vitter's website, and a host of blogs just to find a news article on this one. Finally, set the record straight (I also checked their source links, one of them being the import export bank of the US), and states that the claim about Obama is a false one.

    Multiple news sources. Multiple viewpoints. It's much easier to get a rounded and more comprehensive idea of what's going on. Is it perfect? Hell, no. But it's better than listening to just one voice that may not be telling the whole truth.
  5. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Good Lord John.....

    So now the Justice Department with the people appointed by Obama is no longer part of the administration?

    Is that the same line you used when some said, "Bush Justice Department"?
  6. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    When someone used the term "Bush Justice Dept" as an indictment (obviously not here), I probably rolled my eyes. People were so damned ready to pin everything that could ever possibly go wrong ever on Bush. Did he make mistakes? Oh, shit yeah, and so has Obama. I never expected either of them to have a perfect Presidency. Too many factors to take into account for that, and it's just not going to happen.

    Look, I get the "let's throw as much shit at the guy as possible" stuff. You don't like him, and to show you don't like him, you'll use everything from the legitimate to the inane to make your point. Bush could have saved a busload of nuns, while HuffPo would ask about his obvious relationship regarding prayer in school, and Democratic Underground would excoriate him for being so ready to continue relying on fossil fuels. Obama could save a busload of nuns from going over the side of a cliff, and Free Republic would rant about Obama's plan to take over the transportation industry, while TownHall and Redstate would wonder why Obama was endorsing religion.

    For many, it's not about being factual, it's about being "vindicated", and they're not above being petty and unreasonable to make it happen. Hell, using Bush as an example, the man choked on a pretzel and got mocked for it. I guess no one ever choked on a pretzel before, but it didn't matter. It was the same "throw every piece of shit you can, something will stick" tactics used on Bush that are now used on Obama, that were also used on Clinton, and will be used on every future President until people stop fellating pundits, themselves, and their political egos.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    That is all true enough. Nevertheless, it does not imply, or even come close to implying, that all politicians are equal. There is no doubt about the existence of "BDS" and "ODS," but the illegitimate complaints do not negate the legitimate complaints.

    The fact of the matter is that Bush 43 was not a good president. The ill-thought invasion of Iraq, the even more ill-thought follow-up once the overthrow of Saddam's government was successfully accomplished, the incredible deficits, all added up to at best a mediocre president. No, he wasn't "as bad as Hitler" the way so many on the left pretended, but he wasn't even close to good.

    And the same is true of Obama. If I denounce Bush for Iraq, I denounce Obama for staying there. "These things take time." Hogwash! If Obama had taken a year to withdraw from Iraq, I would accept that. But three years? That is not reasonable.

    And if I denounce Bush's deficits, I of course denounce Obama's deficits even more loudly. Over here, even people who lean to the left politically (by France's standards!) ask me embarassing questions about why America continues on the path of blatant financial irresponsibility. What should I tell them? "Well, Obama is the most qualified man for the job, overall, even though his financial policies could well help trigger a collapse of the global economy." Yeah, right...

    The "stimulus" was, in large part, pure unabashed pork. It was one of the most shameful pieces of legislation passed by Congress in decades. (Except maybe for the Patriot Act. Bush shouldn't have signed that stab at the Constitution, and Obama shouldn't have maintained it.) That Obama pushed for the stimulus and signed it makes him responsible.

    I am not at all convinced that the Republicans will come up with anyone who can do a better job. But that doesn't matter; with all the bad stuff Obama has done, he does not deserve a second term. And it is neither ODS nor racism to say that.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    I agree.

    What annoys me about the "he's as bad as Hitler!" comparisons (both Bush and Obama), is that it makes me wonder if any of those people have ever read what Hitler did while in power. I mean, there's hyperbole, and then there's hyperbole, or as I like to call them, "Code Pink". I really don't like Code Pink. They screech and they have no idea what they're talking about. There are conservative groups like that, but Code Pink wins the John award for annoying the piss out of his eardrums.

    Agreed. I don't like how he's handled Iraq and Afghanistan. I agree with his decision involving Pakistan, as it ended up with bin Laden being captured and killed. We're starting to leave the area, but it's a long time coming.

    You tell them our politicians have their collective heads up their asses and have no intention of working together to repair the economy as it makes for great speechifying, grandstanding, and for the news media, terrific ratings.

    I was more upset with Obama for continuing the Patriot Act than his work on the stimulus. I voiced my opinion at the time over that, and it still irks me. As for the stimulus, I'm not sure whether it has worked or not, for the simple reason that there's a shitload of data going in both directions, and they seem more circumstantial than definitive. I think an economy the size of ours is too complex to easily say "this worked" or "this failed". It takes a lot of study, and we probably won't know for years after Obama's left office, the same with Bush and Clinton.

    I don't like the race card. It obfuscates important issues with dreck and drudge. Politicians and pundits use it to distract. When someone has a real criticism of the President (as you do above), and voices it as such, it's not ODS. To me, ODS (like BDS), likes to focus on stupid details (like flag lapel pins and puppy choices for his daughters), and take things to ridiculous extremes (Bush let 9/11 happen so the government could take over under martial law!).

    Now, I laugh when officials do silly things. When Bush fell off the Segway, I did laugh after I saw he was okay, because it would probably have happened to me as well. Now, I know he's not the President, but when Biden asked that wheelchair bound guy to stand up (to be recognized), I just about pissed myself with laughter. It was a simple mistake, but I found it hilarious (I'm sorry, I love Biden). I think people forget that humans are still the goofy creatures we always are, and that doesn't change when you put a suit on one and hand him a set of index cards.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I don't take politics as seriously as I did, because as I get older, I see it's just a part of a bigger pattern that cycles itself around. Now that doesn't mean get complacent, but it does mean lower blood pressure.
  9. oldfella1962

    oldfella1962 the only real finish line

    Nov 28, 2004
    front and center
    I am literally looking at a Godfather's across the street from my office as I type this. All you can eat buffet at lunch - can't beat it.
    Often they have ham + pineapple pizza too!
    They take checks too!
  10. Volpone

    Volpone Zombie Hunter

    Nov 10, 2004
    Bigfoot country
    Now I'm leaning towards insane.:cylon:
  11. Uncle Albert

    Uncle Albert Part beard. Part machine.

    Mar 29, 2004
    'twixt my nethers
    Oh, dear god yes. :drool: :swoon:

    They have those around here, too. They take requests for what to put on the buffet, too. I try to avoid it because I have no restraint in a place like that, and my knees would prefer I not weigh 600lbs.

  12. Jenee

    Jenee Driver 8

    Jan 20, 2008
    On the train
    I haven't had Godfather's pizza in ... geez, 20 years.