It must be a full moon because I actually agree with this. Let’s compare and contrast. It’s all about school choice.
Except for the fact that I still have to pay for it. Which was the entire point, and all of your alleged benefits conferred by forcing me to do so is really just an inverse laundry list of the ways negligent parents harm society by having children they cannot afford to properly support.
Ok, so it's fair to say that you want to take more money home for the work you do? That's fair, and brings us right back to if you can show anywhere that has abolished or never instituted public education that you think would result in that.
The notion that public education is more expensive or worse or otherwise more problematic in some other way coIuld all be conceded for argument's sake, and yet not change the argument I made above one bit. Even assuming for argument's sake that you might have benefited MORE under a system where there was no public education system (something I highly doubt), it does not change that you HAVE benefited from the system we have in place in the ways outlined and more. It's fair to say that you do not think you are getting your money's worth out of funding public education, as value is subjective. I don't think it is fair to say that you are not receiving any benefit whatsoever.
Before tax-funded education existed, I would have kept that money. You trying to counter that with other external costs is just deflecting.
There are positives that I should not have to pay for several times over, and negatives that nobody seems willing to acknowledge. So yes, I would opt out of it all if I could.
care to share some of those negatives or is this another case of you posted a link or details in 2006 that I should go find if I want an answer?
So your entire existence would be directly related to your birthright. Somehow I doubt you would have gotten very far as the crotch dropping of the two most worthless humans ever, but you can fantasize all you want. You are only where you are at because of the taxes and place you were born. Had there not been public education your family would have left you in a ditch to die. You are only a drag and anchor on everyone around you, anbd without the public you would not evenb have had an opportunity to weld things. The very reality is without society and taxes UA island would have starved to death and died soon after leaving the womb of the jackal that birthed it.
This whole argument it has is that UA island would somehow have been in the same place without any society. It is amazing how on one hand it feels no one has any right to the small and tiny contribution he has made to society, but that it should get every benefit of society for being UA island. Without the development of public education, and the rights to it he would be an illiterate slave to the landowner where he was born. He would barely be able to speak, and he would be traded as a belonging at the whim of whatever owned him. The only reason he has his job and toys is because it was invented and made by others. UA island does nothing but leach off the accomplishments of others while pretending he did it himself. Had he been left to his own devices he would have been dead as only a society as charitable as this would have made a place for such a handicapped and worthless fool.
Again, you seem to be making the case that if public education was removed other things like your wage making ability as an average citizen of your country wouldn't be reduced. Great! Sounds like an awesome saving! Let's see any of the examples you use to think that.
I tend to think that UA doesn't care about such things. He just cares that public education makes him pay out of pocket for things that directly benefit him currently, and he prefers to think about a world where he doesn't have to pay and doesn't think too much about what that world might look like and/or assumes that he would continue to get the indirect benefits he currently enjoys for free. Or in short, fuck you, I've got mine.
I will take the chance that I can pay my way. Refusing to pay YOUR bills does not make me a freeloader.
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. People DID get education before they were forced to collectively fund it.
Even after being forced to collectively fund education, most people didn’t bitch. It’s when corporations stopped paying taxes and weapons manufacturers wanting to play both sides against each other in a 20+ years long war that taxes have gotten out of control an now people have a real reason to bitch about taxes, that corporations have been able to pay public relations firms to put out the word that forced collection of funding for public education was a bad thing. Yea, I know the grammar in that sentence is totally fucked, but you get my meaning.
Most people didn't, at least not in the U.S. and not to the extent that one would need to function in a modern industrialized society. Public education in the U.S started to be pushed in the 1830s or so. Back in that time frame, it was probably cool in most cases if you didn't know how to read or do much of anything. BTW, did you personally go to public school?
An aside -- mods, perhaps this needs to be split off into its own thread about public schooling since it has nothing to do with SCOTUS.
I don't need most people. I just need it to be a possibility. Yes, I went to public school. There wasn't any alternative where I grew up. Even if my parents weren't taxpayers by then, my own contributions have long since made up for it. Do I get any guarantee that most people will be a positive return on that investment? No I fucking do not. Which is why people try to blend everyone into a collective statistic where the top performers lift all boats, as if that bullshit isn't transparent as all hell.
dubious Even with the dollar adjustments over time, you haven't "made up" a fraction of $220K (13 years by 17.5K/year) the state of nebraska spent teaching you to breath. the links are there if you wanna nitpick with unadjusted dollars /shrug if you got most of your education in other states, well, half of them spend more per pupil... chisler
What an odd response to a post where Spaceturkey acknowledged they were adjusted numbers and even linked a per year breakdown for if you want to refer to a non-adjusted real dollar figure for specific years.