I remember calling that the US would legalize Marijuana within 20 years around 2003 in TNZ. That prediction is looking pretty good. I feel like we're 9-10 years away from having all states go the way of Colorado. Frankly, it's about time. While I wouldn't personally turn into a regular user I see no reason to continue restricting others given that alcohol is legal. Seeing as that really isn't a controversial opinion at WF I am more interested in your predictions of how long it will take before it is nationally legal, and which state(s) will hold out the longest. I'll start by keeping my decade from now prediction and say that the last states will likely be in the old south, Alabama and Mississippi.
Yeah, probably Alabama, they made homebrewing illegal for Christ's sake. I'm also interested to see what Big Weed companies rise up and start sponsoring laws for their own benefit, like the big tobacco and alcohol companies do. Also, if weed becomes truly legal, how can we keep thousands of nonviolent weed offenders locked in cages?
What makes you think they won't be the same companies? They have large budgets and expertise in growing and distribution of crops, especially the tobacco companies. They could really hit the ground running if the regulations restricting growth were relaxed.
They definitely could be, they're probably already lobbying for special status once the legalization dam really does break in the red states.
I hope they legalize it. It'll further keep society's less driven folks out of the winner's circle of life.
Anyway, with pot legalization a certainty, I wonder how much that will hurt Big Tobacco. Folks are far more educated on cigs these days and weed can be grown pretty easily on one's own.
I'd say 10 to 15 years. I would also agree that the Bible Belt is almost certainly going to be the last holdout region on the subject. I'll further add that when it's legally available for recreation in Arizona, I'll probably partake on a semi-regular basis, though in vape form. The main reasons I don't indulge now are, first, I have no intention of going to jail over what reasonable people generally consider to be the equivalent of a shot of whiskey and, second, because I can't stand the flavor or smell of the stuff in smoke form.
I don't know what you label as the 'winner's circle of life' but the last three most powerful men in the world all were recreational drug users at some point in their past. Not to mention the most decorated Olympian OF ALL TIME. What have you done with your life?
seems to me there's a distinction between decriminalization of possession and legally supporting high volume manufacturing. Not sure anyone in power would take much note of the distinction but it does exist.
Look at the shenanigans that were tried in CO to protect the existing medical dispensaries. Due to that legislation there is now a shortage in CO and saw a report this morning that an ounce is going for close to $400.
Yeah, I suspect widespread decriminalization will occur in Tex' time frame, but I doubt full legalization. For one thing, there just isn't the sense of urgency about it in the way that there is with gay marriage. Yes, people think it should be legal, but we're mostly willing to settle for half measures and baby steps. It will happen, but probably more like 20 to 30 for nation wide legalization. Ten years will probably have a majority of states decriminalized and allowing medicinal clinics.
You never know. I seriously never thought I'd live to see a black president. Experts thought the Berlin wall would be up another 50 years. Stuff happens.
I know there is a danger of arrest but I have always been able to get weed. No such thing as a drought in NYC. A change in my smoking activity has been to only smoke at home or a friends home.
I LOVE the smell of weed. But I don't partake because I don't want to lose my job/career, being a gub'mint contractor. BTW here's something I find funny: the VA Hospital piss tests you to make sure that you ARE taking drugs. Let me elaborate - let's say a guy is on medically prescribed morphine and weed (I wish it were me!) anyway they piss test you and you better come up hot. If you don't, they can take away your benefits. Damn I can't wait to retire - doing drugs and shooting my bow and arrow/hunting every day.
I'm not a regular smoker, but I know plenty of folks who are, and they're all decent, moral, productive members of society. The insane witch hunt needs to end.
There are still dry counties; I wouldn't doubt there will still be plenty of mj-free places even a decade from now.
Well, the fact that you don't care for me means I'm doing something right. Sorry stoners, if you're a pothead you're a loser.
New poll says 55% favor legalization. Only groups who disagree are Southerners, Republicans, and old fucks, which are three labels for the same group.
Way to paint with a broad brush! Hell, you're painting with industrial aircraft painting equipment. Every single Souhern Republican (even old ones) I know favors legalization. Maybe I'm hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Legal? Not quite...
Well, launderers are going to become a big thing then. Right here's the problem. They've got it right up there with heroin and coke. Possibly higher. In the face of mountains of evidence, and throats talked raw.
The State arrested the most powerful proponents of Medical Marijuana last week and set their bonds at $1,000,000. Considering that they're looking at a decades long sentence, you probably won't be far off.