The fact that it doesn't sell games is a big reason to care. The Wii would have ended up the way the Wii U did if it didn't somehow catch on with the mainstream as a gimmick. It's not as high impact on the games industry as say, a second thumbstick on a controller, or being the first console to get a good online service going, or creating achievements and starting DLC rolling. How about games starting to be downloaded, or the first time someone was able to play their game on both PS3 and vita for the price of one game. What did the Wii bring? Motion controls? It's the motivation for the Kinect and Move? It was an anomaly.
Both the 360 and PS3 will be on the market for another 5 years. I won't be surprised if both of them surpassed the Wii by then.
This DRM thing has the potential to be a HUGE PR nightmare for M$, and if they don't start assuring the public before it launches, I can see the casual gamer staying away in droves. Already it has generated a ton of bad publicity that it won't be able to play used games and forces it's way into your living room via spy cam. From a few other online discussions I've seen, the consensus, at least for now, is that $ony will allow used games, while M$ won't. If this soundbyte stays in the minds of consumers and makes it to launch, I expect the Xbox3 to be slaughtered. With all due respect, you sound like Eccentric used to before he got too scared to post here regularly anymore, i.e. a huge M$ fanboy. The XBox isn't big in Japan because the games don't really appeal to the Japanese market. Not because of some inherent racism.
I'm sure the PS4 is considering or has considered some similar type of DRM. There's no way publishers will allow Madden 25 to be locked down on 1 system while the other system allows used copies all day. Sony and MSFT will take this step together or not.
Doesn't the Xbox have a ton of raiden type shooters in Japan? I'd imagine there's gotta be some market for the 360 over there if all that stuff gets made for 360 over there and never makes it over here. Also, I'd like to correct you: It's already a huge PR disaster for microsoft. Their wishy-washiness and failure to commit is only making it worse. Major Nelson's quote to clarify the situation was just as ambiguous as anything. It was basically "Shut up, we have this under control, we know what's best for you, trust us." And why should we?
Sony has been apprised of the mood of gamers in regards to DRM. Sony, it should be remembered, installed malware on people's computers as a form of DRM. They've had some expensive mistakes, the DRM fiasco, the online security breach (which lasted for months, and the DRM that they spent $1 billion developing, only to discover that it could be defeated with a Sharpie. It remains to be seen if they've learned their lesson or not.
You mean besides the whole "I lived in Japan for 5 years" part? Japan is a highly racist culture. I forget the exact number, but Japan is something like 90% ethnic Japanese, and they will tolerate, but aren't fans of foreigners.
Areyoufuggingkiddingme? The Wii absolutely revolutionized gameplay. I will fully agree that the Wii's graphics and a lot of their games suck in comparison to PS3/Xbox. But until the Wii came along, I had zero reason to buy a console, because I had a far superior gaming experience on my PC. The Wii was a small (but important) step in full-game immersion and interaction. Adding a second thumbstick is a goddamn joke by comparison. I will also admit that barely use my Wii anymore and I will probably end up selling it on eBay. But to minimize its impact/influence on gaming is downright stupid and naive.
Adding a second thumbstick made third person games and shooters playable, which allowed for games like Halo, and Call of Duty. That was a pretty big step. Most of what the wii's controller did was get in the way and get put into games where it didn't belong.
No it wasn't. Those games were already playable on the PC. In fact, third person and FPS games are still better on a PC. So, not really a big step or a revolution in the way people game. And you can call the Wii a "gimmick" all you like, history is still going to prove me right.
Only because it only shows sales. I would love to see the figures on how many of those sold have less than 100hrs of total playtime and ended up collecting dust. But hey if you enjoyed it that's great...enjoy your millionth Mario/Zelda incarnation.
And Robotech Master already pointed out how they buy a lot of Apple products. You do realize Apple is an American company, right? They also eat a lot of McDonalds.
Iphones are a relatively new thing in Japan, the first company to carry them only started about 3 years ago. McD's in Japan is different than in the US. A lot of people may eat there, but more eat just about anywhere else. You can argue all you want, I've seen it first hand.
Go play Goldeneye now, see how good it is without a second thumbstick. It plays much differently than two thumbstick shooters, and that's in large part due to the second thumbstick and the amount of precision it gives. Maybe calling shooters without a second thumbstick unplayable was hyperbole, but it changed how console shooters played forever, and they're a huge market. And in regards to Doom, I was talking about console shooters.
I've uncovered EXCLUSIVE news! One of Xbox One's exclusive games will be a throwback game that will incorporate the modern advances of the Always on Kinect sensor... It's called Personal Space Invaders!! You perform lewd acts in your living room and try to determine if the Kinect is transmitting it across the web!!
Both are true, but I'm not sure it could be considered racism. More brand loyalty than racism. Why port the most popular games to the XBox when it isn't selling in Japan anyway? It could easily have been done and both consoles could have had most of the same games. But, brand loyalty won out and Microsoft didn't have anything extra to offer over the already well established Playstation brand. Most Americans (or lets say westerners, because Europe and the US have similar gaming tastes) do not like moe dating/idol/school sims, monster hunter, anime games and J-RPGs (save final fantasy which isn't too J-RPG anymore). Just as Japanese aren't thrilled by most western FPS, RPGs, MMOs, FPS/RPG hybrids, Action Adventure, etc. There is cross over... Resident Evil seems to do well all over, as does Mario, Zelda, etc. Though I'm sure a lot of that has to do with them being long running franchises rather than west vs east taste in games. The two vastly different markets are pretty hard to compare overall. IMO, anyway.
As big of a PS3 supporter that I am, I don't want the Xbox One to fail. The cosole business needs at least 2 competitive console manufacturers to continue to thrive and innovate. And not for nothing, the gaming industry is one of the few things that American manufacturers still export to the rest if the world. Just saying.
This used game DRM is probably going to be ubiquitous across all consoles next generation. Sony's been pretty much mum on the whole thing because I think they don't have anything good to say other than the PS4 is a games console first. If this is the way the used game market is going to work... All digital installation, sell a disc, etc., then the PS4 will have a period of mandatory Internet connection too. How else could they do it?
You can now preorder one for the "low" price of $500. I'll be sure to not rush right out and buy one.
PS4 is $400, so they've undercut MS by $100, and they claim no restrictions on used games and no requirement that the PS4 be able to "phone home" on a regular basis.
PS3 a hundred bucks cheaper and more powerful, I bet some people at MS shit themselves when that price was announced.
I'm sure this helped rub the salt into the wound, too: [YT="How to Share Used Games"]?v=LKdBecUSGP0[/YT]