Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets it

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by MoulinRouge, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. MoulinRouge

    MoulinRouge Fresh Meat

    Nov 14, 2005
    Oklahoma City
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    Yeah, she "nails it" all right. She "nails" the standard politician's approach: Rant and rave, with all kind of emotional language, about the bad things that are going on, without offering one slightest hint of a solution.

    After watching that rant, one doesn't even know if she's in favor of a bailout or not, let alone exactly what she does propose.

    That, to the average American, is unfortunately "nailing it." Blame others, blame the rich, then think that you have done something constructive when you whine.

    I do not approve in any way of the way the subprime lending scheme went on. But I have no sympathy for those who signed for those high-interest loans when they already had financial problems. When I took out a loan to buy a house, I made very sure that my finances allowed me to meet the payments. I don't actually care what kind of insurances there are for the bank if I don't pay because I can and will pay. I wouldn't have signed otherwise.

    I'm not surprised, though, that some people think blaming the rich and making those who took out loans they couldn't pay back into victims, without ever offering any solutions, it "nailing it." It just shows, once again, the dismal state of our country. People who think that blaming others and offering no solutions is "nailing it" are the ones who elect the politicians who have nothing constructive to offer except blaming others and offering no solutions.

    And the vicious circle goes on...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    The more I hear about this "bailout", the less I like it. We might as well light a trillion bucks on fire.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    In any case, one thing is, as far as I can see, an absolute certainty: Sooner or later, the system will crash. It is not stable, and the instability has been building up for decades. Too many people are gleefully rubbing their hands and seeing it as an excuse to blame "the other guys" and use it for their political gain, but everyone is guilty. The Democrats are guilty, the Republicans are guilty, the bankers are guilty, the people are guilty, everyone who has gone along with this "house of cards" economy for so long, without raising a cry against it, is guilty. That includes those who financed bad loans, those who signed for loans they knew they would have a very hard time repaying, and all those who put in place and maintained the financial system that made that possible.

    So finding out "who is to blame" is a game for children. The real question is, what can be done about it?

    And to be perfectly honest, I don't see many options. When you have built a structure that is too unstable, sometimes there just aren't good ways of shoring it up. All you can do it bulldoze it down and start over. Except that we're talking here about the entire financial structure of Western civilization. The crash will be spectacular and will lead to all kinds of other problems, including most likely civil wars in various places.

    So if there is a bailout, that still won't be the end of it. It will simply mean that the inevitable crash will have been staved off this time. It has to come. My guess is that, at most, it can be staved off for a few more decades. And probably not that long. A financial system based on nothing more real than faith-based "money" necessarily allows personal and public debt to build up to the point where it will destroy the whole system.

    People like to blame someone else when things go wrong, and everyone will blame whoever is "in charge" when things actually do crash. Simplistic answers suit those who haven't seen the problem coming for decades. (See Cass and her denunciations of Bush for a good example.) But no matter who is in charge, they will not be the sole or even the primary cause of the crash. Blaming them will simply be a soul-satisfying exercise for those who can't admit that their favorite political managers didn't have any solutions, either, when it was their turn.

    So I am of mixed feelings. Part of me says, "Let it crash. Since it has to come sooner or later, let's get it over with before it becomes even worse." But another part of me can't help but wish that it didn't have to be now, and continues to hope that some kind of massive government intervention will help, even if it is only temporarily.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    I feel you, but we're buying bad paper from these banks & such, knowing in the front end that it's bad. Does anyone really believe even the govt., let alone the taxpayers, will ever see any of this money again?
  6. Black Dove

    Black Dove Mildly Offensive

    Mar 27, 2004
    Northern New Jersey
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    The taxpayers (us!) are going to be paying for this disasterous bailout for years to come. We just jumped from the frying pan into the fire, and it's the average working Joe that's going to be forced to pay for it while the politicians and the bank CEO cocksuckers laugh away in their multi-million dollar homes.

    Async scorns the politician for not offering any solutions. But the problem is that there isn't a solution. This time America's and the corporations' greed have truly fucked us over, and it's going to take years, maybe even decades for us to recover.
  7. Demiurge

    Demiurge Goodbye and Hello, as always.

    May 5, 2004
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    That's not completely true - damn near everyone colluded on this.

    What, you thought the value of your home legitimately tripled in the last ten years?

    Greed was the problem, but it was endemic.
  8. Muad Dib

    Muad Dib Probably a Dual Deceased Member

    May 4, 2004
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    I wants my gub'mint check! :rant:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    You'll have to settle for some gub'mint cheese!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Bulldog

    Bulldog Only Pawn in Game of Life

    Mar 29, 2004
    State of Delmarva
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    I wouldn't expect those who created the problem (the government and Wall Street) to be able to solve the mess they created. All they can do is poor-mouth and come, hat-in-hand to the taxpayer, demanding we bail them out, or we'll all die. :ohnoes:
  11. gul

    gul Revolting Beer Drinker Administrator Formerly Important

    Mar 23, 2004
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    I tend to agree with this. When I bought my first house, my primary concern was whether I could afford the payment. To the lender's credit, that was also their concern. Something changed between then and now, obviously. The only thing that ought to be done for the folks who intentionally took on more debt than they can afford is some tweaking of bankruptcy law. At the moment, it does not provide courts adequate leeway to implement a payment resolution.
    Well, here I'm not so much in agreement. The rich (in this case meaning bankers and their investors) played a lot of inadequately informed people for suckers, just to make a faster buck. They deserve no mercy for that.
  12. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    I'm not sure there is any disagreement at all in what you said. At the very least, I agree entirely with what you wrote. The bankers and their investors did play a lot of inadequately informed people for suckers, and they do deserve no mercy for that. My point, however, was twofold:

    1) The guilt of the bankers does not, in itself, take away the guilt of the greedy borrowers who get themselves into such situations. Blaming only the bankers, while going on about the "poor homeowners" who are in this situation, is too simplistic. When a fool falls into a trap that he should have seen, the guilt of the one laying the trap does not make him less of a fool, nor less responsible.

    2) It is not enough, either, simply to asses blame, which is what this woman did. To talk about how bad the situation is and how the rich bankers are evil is true enough, but unless you can offer a solution, or throw your support in favor of someone else's solution, you are part of the problem. The problem stems in the first place from the "I don't have to take care of myself, someone else is responsible" mentality. As long as we cheerlead "legislators" who limit themselves to pointing fingers at who is responsible, and saying that the situation is bad, we are failing to require legislators to actually propose laws that improve our situation. I can't even disagree with this woman's proposed way of dealing with the situation because she doesn't have any. Yet this totally irresponsible procedure of just pointing fingers and wailing about the situation is lauded as "nailing it." To me, that is not "nailing it," that is wasting the money of those who are paying you to find solutions.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Muad Dib

    Muad Dib Probably a Dual Deceased Member

    May 4, 2004
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    That's all we ever get from our gub'mint. Cheese. :(
  14. Powaqqatsi

    Powaqqatsi Haters gonna hate.

    Apr 15, 2004
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    That would at least have a positive side effect of fighting inflation.
  15. bryce

    bryce Optimism - It's Back!

    Jun 7, 2007
    Space, The Final Frontier
    Re: Rep. Marcy Kapture, D-OHIO about the bailout plan...My God, but this woman gets i

    Damn right.

    This city deserves a better class of criminal...