Tranny Elementary: 2nd grade boy wants to go back to class as a girl

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Caedus, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Shirogayne

    Shirogayne Gay™ Formerly Important

    May 17, 2005
    San Diego
    And that's most likely why they're pushing this. I've seen schools drop their pants, spread their cheeks and catch the pitch for things including kids who failed the basic classes like English and bitchy parents who think Princess should still get a diploma--and they DO give her one!

    We also had a discussion a while back about a girl who was allergic to peanut butter and got sick when she borrowed a knife that had been used earlier that day for PB from a classmate. The parents didn't sue and knew it was their daughter's fault entirely, but the school didn't want to take the chance that the next set of parents would be so [-]logical[/-] accommodating, so they outright banned peanut products.

    Even in my own school, flip-flops got banned for a year because some Bimbo McDumbass fell into a pothole that everyone else managed to see. But the principal got tired of all the write-up she had to do for that issue, and lifted the ban eventually. Before that, someone bitched about their daughter being cut from the cheer tryouts and why did it happen when she had X amount of years in Pop Warner Cheer and Y amount of dance experience? So, the principal called up everyone and put EVERYONE who'd tried out for that squad on--and it showed in their routines. :zod:

    The list goes on and on, and whether one agrees with gender roles in the class or not, we ALL know schools will do any and everything to avoid a lawsuit. :bergman:
  2. Volpone

    Volpone Zombie Hunter

    Nov 10, 2004
    Bigfoot country
    See, this is what bothers me about the liberal movement today. I don't know if I have the words to explain it, but I'll try. And maybe one of the smarter conservatives will be able to expand on it.

    How does a person get the idea that you have a say in your gender? You have a penis or you do not. And maybe you wish you'd been the other sex, but you know what? You play the hand you're dealt as well as you can. This idea that we can somehow legislate happiness for everyone has gotten way out of hand. Yeah, we should judge a person by their actions, not by the color of their skin. And a woman that does the same work as a man should be paid the same as a man. But that's where it ends.

    If you have a skin color that has been historically persecuted and you're lazy or you're a criminal, you don't get a free pass. If you work in a stock room and you can't lift the product to put it on shelves, you shouldn't get the same pay as someone who can--whether you have a penis or not.

    And the idea that you can just change your sex by saying so? :dayton:

    Actually, strike that. This is a great idea! Because, since we need to be "fair" to women, there are a lot of benefits and government contracts to be had by women that a male business owner doesn't get the same shot at. If all it requires for me to be a woman is for me to announce that I'm one, I can get all those jobs. I can hang out in the women's bathroom. And as an added plus, I don't have to deal with all that messy menstruation and getting pregnant. :cool:

    Which is another thing: Ladies, I'm sorry you're the one who has to get pregnant and carry the baby and all that jazz. But that's the way it worked out and there's nothing I can do to change that. So either decide you aren't going to have kids or learn to live with it. Statistically we die earlier than you. I don't know if that evens things out, but there you go. And we have to be tall and make more money than you and buy you stuff to make you happy. Being a guy isn't all sunshine and lemon drops.

    [edit: And this whole "If you don't like the rules, just have them changed? :rolleyes: Where'd that COME from!? Al Gore was probably the most egregious example of it, but this story is another case of it too. ]
  3. Clyde

    Clyde Orange

    Mar 30, 2004
    Meh this problem is nothing a dress code couldn't solve, have everybody wear the same thing. School is for learning not a fashion show.

    And considering that horrible, misspelled, made up and bizarre names are currently popular, a name of only questionable gender is downright wholesome.