Why most White men Pefer Asian women

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Starguard, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Starguard

    Starguard Fresh Meat

    Nov 21, 2006
    This is a very interesting topic that was bought to my attention from a very close collegue of mines. Me myself, I neither agree nor disgree with any of the contents of this article, and I am in no way making an attempt to make any kind of statement here, I just want you opinion on this. Please read this entire article VERY CAREFULLY and tell us what you think of it [​IMG]

    Why White Men Prefer Asian Women
    Fred Reed

    There is near me an Asian sushi-beer-and-dinner establishment that I´ll call the Asia Spot. The region is urban, so the clientele is a mix of some of just about everything, but the waitresses are all Asian, principally Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai. The Spot is a neighborhood bar. A large after-work crowd, many of them regulars, gather at happy hour. The social dynamics are curious. It would be an exaggeration to say, as someone did, that the black guys come to pick up white women, and the white men come to get away from them – but it would be an exaggeration of an underlying truth. The waitresses are a large part of the Spot´s appeal.

    A common subject of conversation among male customers is how very attractive these women are when compared to American women. It is not a thought safe to utter in mixed company. It is a very common thought. American women know it.

    Why are the Asians attractive? What, to huge numbers of men, makes almost any Asian more appealing than almost any American? The question is much discussed by men at the Spot. (I should say here that when I say “women,” I mean the majority of women, the mainstream, the center of gravity. Yes, there are exceptions and degrees.)

    American women of my acquaintance offer several explanations, all of them wrong. For example, they say that Asian women are sexually easy. No. American women are sexually easy. The waitresses at the Spot are not available. They date, but they cannot be picked up.

    Another explanation popular among American women is that men want submissive women, which Asians are believed to be. Again, no. For one thing, submissive people are bland and boring. In any event the waitresses aren´t submissive. Many compete successfully in tough professions. Among Asian waitresses I know I count an electrical engineer who does wide-area networks, and a woman with a masters in biochemistry who, upon finding that research required a Ph.D and didn´t pay, went back to school and became a dentist. Both of these wait tables to help out in the family restaurant.

    At the Spot I know a woman waitressing her way through a degree in computer security, a bright Japanese college graduate making a career in the restaurant business, and the manager of the Spot – not a light-weight job. Submissiveness has nothing to do with their attractiveness.

    Why, then, are they so very appealing?

    To begin with, look at the American women in the Spot. Perhaps a third of them are stylishly dressed. The rest of the gringas run from undistinguished to dumpster-casual: baggy jeans, oversize shirts -- often male shirts -- with the tails out. They seem to affect a sort of homeless chic, actually to want to look bad, and do it with more than a touch of androgyny. A high proportion are at least somewhat overweight. (So are the men, but that´s another subject.) The Asians, without exception, are sleek, well-groomed, and dressed with an understated sexiness that never pushes trashy.

    Further, the Asians are what were once called “ladies,” a thought repellant to feminists but very so refreshing to men. Listen to the American women at neighboring tables, and you will frequently hear phrases like, “He´s a f---ing piece of shit.” In what appears to be a determined attempt to be men, they have adopted the mode of discourse of a male locker room and made it their normal language. The Asians, classier, better students of men, do not have foul mouths. They presumably know about body parts and bathroom functions, but do not believe that a woman raises her stature by referring to them constantly in mixed company.

    Men at the Spot, I have noticed, instantly understand that colloquial commentary is not wanted, and don´t engage in it: In the presence of the civilized, men adopt the standards of civilization. Men also tend to think of women as women think of themselves. The Asians, without displaying vanity, clearly think well of themselves. And ought to.

    All in all, they give the impression that they do not want to be one of the guys. They want to be one of the girls. Here we come to the core of their appeal. Let me elaborate.

    The default position of American women is what men refer to as “the chip,” a veiled truculence, mixed with a not-very-veiled hostility toward men and a shaky sense of sexual identity. The result is a touchiness reminiscent of hungover ferrets. There is a bandsaw edge to them, a watching for any slight so that they can show that they aren´t going to take it. They are poised to lash out in aggressive defense of their manhood.

    As best as I can tell, they don´t like being women. Here is the entire problem in five words.

    The Asians at the Spot show every indication that they do like being women. They do not seem to have anything to prove. Being happy with what they are allows them to be comfortable with what they are not – men. They are not competing to be what they can´t be with people who can´t be anything else. They don´t have to establish their masculinity because they don´t want it. They do not assume, as American women tend to, that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper.

    I´ve spent many dozens of hours chatting with the gals at the Spot, and never seen a sign of the chip. For a man, the experience is wonderful beyond description – smart, pretty, classy women, who are women, and are not the enemy. As long as American women carry the chip, the Asian gals will eat them alive in the dating market.

    Note that the espousal of hostile obnoxiousness as a guiding philosophy appears to be an almost uniquely American horror. It certainly isn´t requisite to independence or self-respect. I recently met a quite attractive blonde who, among other things, was smart, a long-haul motorcyclist, a student of the martial arts out of sheer athletic enjoyment of it, and an excellent marksman. She was also heterosexual, feminine, delightful company, and had no trace of “the chip.” I was astonished. How was this possible, I wondered?

    She was Canadian.

    link: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/555526/posts
  2. Starguard

    Starguard Fresh Meat

    Nov 21, 2006
    Here is another article I managed to dig up to counter the first one called
    "Asian American women who hate Asian men"

    This topic has come up a few times before, but I was thinking about this the other night after AM empowerment mentioned this phenomenon. He mentioned there are lots of Asian American girls who actually refuse to date Asian American guys. I’ve heard the hypothesis that they are just trying to marry ‘UP’, and attain approval in the US by marrying into a white or non-Asian family. But, I don’t think this is the case, because these girls he mentioned actually HATE Asian guys, and REFUSE to date them. It just doesn’t make any sense to abandon your race just to get ahead. You can marry non-Asian, but still have a good relationship with your Asian American family and friends, you know? So, what gives?

    I don’t think that it has to do with being ridiculed by non-Asians growing up, either. Because, if anything, that would make you closer to your family. They would provide the support and comfort at home while you’re battling the outside world. And, most Asians who are ridiculed react by standing up for their heritage. You usually resent the source of the pain, and that would be the racists saying all these things. So, I rule this out as a logical reason.

    I’m no expert, and I’m hypothesizing, so I may be completely wrong. But I think that these girls who hate Asian guys must’ve had major issues at home. I am guessing that their fathers were abusive, violent, or unfaithful men. These girls were either abused directly, or their mothers were abused physically or emotionally. They grew up hating their dads, and avoided anyone who reminded them of him as a result. In other words, us. They associated all that pain and abuse with Asian men, and to a certain extent, Asian culture. So, they start acting more white so they can get with non-Asian men, and eventually marry out. Maybe these are the girls spreading rumors that Asian men are abusive. I don’t doubt that it’s true though. Being raised in traditional chauvinistic Asian societies, I bet a lot of men take liberties and beat their wives when they get frustrated.

    The reason I thought about this is because I know a guy who was abused by his mom as a kid. Now, he’s a guy, but he still really resents his mom, and he has an odd identity crisis where he isn’t proud of his Korean heritage. He likes it when people think he’s Japanese, which is odd, don’t you think? I’ve heard him diss Korean culture, and he picked up Japanese even though he can’t speak Korean well. He’s gets depressed and lonely, and he doesn’t get along with native Koreans that well. He hasn’t completely rejected his culture, but he seems to get along with non-Korean girls better. He rarely talks to his family, and IMO, he has lots of hangups. It all makes sense to me. Reading on therapy and psychology, almost everyone’s hangups come from upbringing, and how they react to it with their personality.

    So, I think these girls are victims more than they are haters, and they need some help to figure out their issues. If you ask them, they probably won’t mention they were abused, but will give you all these lame reasons why they hate Asian men: short, small penis, not sexy, etc… The real reason is probably that we remind them too much of their dads. I think it requires a truly traumatic experience to hate your own. Again, this is just a hypothesis, and I’m not a psychologist.

    See the rest here: http://singleasianmale.com/?p=298
  3. vandygoddess

    vandygoddess Yankee Forever

    Jul 19, 2004
    City of Brotherly Love
    It's too early in the morning for this...
  4. El Chup

    El Chup Fuck Trump Deceased Member Git

    Mar 27, 2004
    Asian woman are not and are never likely to be attractive to me. Juts thw ay it is, like I don't find most black women attractive, but white, medditeranian, middle eastern, sometimes latino and sometimes Indian sub-continent form of Asain can all be attarctive to me.
  5. Clyde

    Clyde Orange

    Mar 30, 2004
    There's beauty in all variety of women. :yes:

    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Mr. Plow

    Mr. Plow Fuck Y'all

    Apr 15, 2004
    Langley Falls, VA
    Because they're fuckin' hot! (Margaret Cho excluded, of course)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta

    ^Is that the right smilie I'm thinking of? Hmm...

    Interesting...article, and though I don't have much experience dealing with too many women from the USA, he is pretty dead on when it comes to "the chip" on many women. Sadly, it's not just limited to American women either. Me and my friends were just discussing it last week, and the question we started asking was what, exactly, can an americanized Asian woman offer us, that a foreign Asian woman cannot? It just seems to us, that a lot of these women walk around like they are ENTITLED to certain things, such as you treating them like princesses all the time, and waiting on them hand and foot for their every whim. Asian men are beginning to get sick of this attitude, wherelse it seems quite popular now for an Asian woman to have a white pussywhipped boyfriend on a leash. Some guys used to have a problem with this, but they've wised up and realized that if they need to be a doormat to be with these Asian women, then it's really not worth the trouble.

    Still, I can count the number of mixed-race couples on one hand, while most of the asians I know today ended up marrying another asian.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Liet

    Liet Guest

    Meh. I went to high school in a specialized math/science program in New York City, then did a couple of years hard time at M.I.T. I was at least 20 before I even met a nonasian woman.
  9. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    All I can say is...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    Where to even begin?

    THe only thing many women feel "entitled" to is equality. It says right in that article that apparently some men feel women aren't entitled to such things.

    So because some women don't want to wear, what, heels and miniskirts, they're no longer deemed attractive, or even deemed to truly be women? T-shirts are entirely in the purview of men?

    This is one of the most insulting lines in the piece. If it's just the boys, it's ok to use "foul" language, but when it's mixed company, that's a no-no? Fuck that. That smacks of trying to keep a woman in her place. "You can't use the big-boy's talk, little lady. We'll have to wash your dirty cunt mouth out with soap now."

    I could keep quoting passages, but it would all boil down to the same thing:

    I, and other "feminists", do NOT hate being women. We do NOT want to be men, we do NOT have chips on our shoulders. What we despise is attitudes like this man has, that the only good lady is one who dresses in skirts and heels, keeps her toungue held in check, and doesn't try to assert herself much TO THE MEN.

    I don't want to be a man. But I want the freedom to act any way I wish without having my gender identity assailed by how people think I should act based only on what's between my legs. Gender does not determine what sort of person you ought to be, it only determines your physical makeup.

    That article is a crock of shit.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. markb

    markb Dirty Bastard

    Apr 29, 2004
    Yellow fever gets on my nerves! :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    To add: I think that most men prefer Asian women because they ARE comparatively docile. At least, if the testimony from a male friend of mine is any indication.

    In his own words, the Japanese woman he dated was like a free maid, waiting on him hand and foot without him even needing to ask. And she was an executive! A college graduate!

    She deferred to him in nearly all matters, even when he insisted to her that he wanted her real opinion on things like what movie to see or where to eat.

    Assertiveness in the boardroom is far different than asseriveness in the bedroom, despite what that article implies.
  13. markb

    markb Dirty Bastard

    Apr 29, 2004
    And the way the guy wrote the article, you can just tell he's never gotten laid by anythig other then his hand. Geek.
  14. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    I don't like Asian women because of how they behave, I like them because they're beautiful.
  15. Megatron

    Megatron Banned

    Mar 30, 2004
    Doesn't make it any less true.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004

    I've heard about you.... :garamet:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Megatron

    Megatron Banned

    Mar 30, 2004
    Hit a nerve, did it?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Mr. Plow

    Mr. Plow Fuck Y'all

    Apr 15, 2004
    Langley Falls, VA
    DENNY CRANE!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Megatron

    Megatron Banned

    Mar 30, 2004
    No you haven't. And trust me, you don't want to.

  20. Dan Leach

    Dan Leach Climbing Staff Member Moderator

    Mar 29, 2004
    Lancaster UK
    Kelly who?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  21. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    Yeah, it did. I'm not afraid to admit that, why would I be? SInce when is being offended when someone insults you a bad thing?

    Of course, if half the things I've seen people say about you are true, and those quotes from you on the front page are accurate, you're nothing more than an ignorant pisshead who had a temper tantrum cause he couldn';t handle having HIS nerves tickled, like a little boy running home to mama.

    So now you've apparently slunk back in here like some snake in the grass, and based on only TWO POSTS, it's obvious you're just as nasty a little shit as everyone's said you are.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. Marso

    Marso High speed, low drag.

    Mar 27, 2004
    In my travels in Europe, it always seemed to me that European women were content with being women as well- I've always said that if my wife tossed my shoes I'd never marry again, but if I did, she'd probably be from 'over there'.

    But it takes all kinds. Some guys think girls who can be 'one of the guys' are the greatest thing since sliced bread- fair enough. Others enjoy women like the one described in the article- classy, professional, etc. I'm probably too rough around the edges for a girl like that to tolerate. I'm an old school type- I like whiskey, hot planes, and hot girls. And I don't want them in the cockpit with me unless they're offering to get me coffee from the galley.

    So where am I going with this? Hell, I don't know- I dig chicks. Just about all of them. Blonde, brunette, redhead, asian, white, hispanic, persian- you name it.

    Guess I'm just a dude. :D
    • Agree Agree x 3
  23. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    Except that to be classy, women have shoehorn themselves into your gender expectations.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Megatron

    Megatron Banned

    Mar 30, 2004
    Who insulted you??
    Nobody tickled my nerves you stupid girl. I left because I was disgusted at how an old guard poster like me was treated in place of a fat, emotionally unstable, illogical teenager.
    You are an ugly bitch aren't you?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. Marso

    Marso High speed, low drag.

    Mar 27, 2004
    Yes, they do. These things are totally subjective to everyone- that's why fat, ugly girls can find love too.

    And while classy, professional women are great, I doubt they would find me great, however, as I don't fit into their 'gender expectation' of being a modern emasculated doormat, condemned to suffer their irrational whims, PMS, and hissy fits in submissive silence.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  26. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    That article, implying a woman had to behave a certain way to be a REAL woman.

    I don't know what happened, but if I had to guess, I'd say you ARE an emotionally unstable teenager just based on what I've seen of you.
  27. Megatron

    Megatron Banned

    Mar 30, 2004
    Your guess would be wrong, as with everything in your life, it seems.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  28. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    That's certainly not what I look for in a man. So put away your assumptions.

    The last thing I want is some tofu-eating sissy from California. Without giving too much personal info, I like a man who can assert himself, in all ways. The only thing I expect is that he treats me as an equal in our assertiveness.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  29. Cervantes

    Cervantes Fighting windmills

    Apr 18, 2004
    You need to practice your reading comprehension.

    What I complained about had nothing to do with how people perceive the way I dress. It's the perception that I ought NOT dress that way just because I"m a woman.

    Please, read closely next time.
  30. persianmouse

    persianmouse Adorable moppet

    Jan 11, 2006
    It's slap-a-bitch time!

    This man is an idiot. Having or not having a potty-mouth is not a determining factor in being a "lady".

    Ladies can curse. From the beginning of time ladies have cursed, and cursed often. What makes a lady a lady, however, is that she can make even the foulest of curse words sound fucking classy as hell.
    • Agree Agree x 2