Star Trek: TNG Reviews - From Start to Finish!

Discussion in 'Media Central' started by Robotech Master, May 26, 2009.

  1. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004
    I just bought the whole DVD set! And I decided that I wanted to keep a record of my run through the series. So I will be posting mini-reviews of all 176 episodes of the series!

    That is the plan, anyway. We will see how far I get.

    Although I have seen 95% of TNG before, I know there are some episodes I've never seen. And I've never actually watched the series from start to finish in the correct order, so this should be an interesting viewing experience.

    I'll try to review these episodes as if they were just airing and I will see if I can find something positive to say about every episode.

    Oh, by the way, I am using a somewhat arbitrary but simple rating scale:

    * - horrible
    ** - average
    *** - good
    **** - great

    Something like that. With that said...

    Encounter At Farpoint

    Huh, I guess I've never actually seen this as a single episode. I've only ever seen it in two parts and the DVD version seems to have some scenes I've never seen before. Either way, I think it makes a difference watching it as one episode. I remember being bored out of my mind the last time I watched it, but this time around I actually found it fairly interesting.

    The first half is definitely better than the second half. Before any characters are introduced, we are almost immediately thrust into the action with the crew's first encounter with Q. The trial scene is excellent. Picard and Q have a really interesting discussion and it does a good job of explaining what Trek is about and, particularly, what this series will be about. Of course Tasha almost ruins it with a silly outburst about how great Starfleet is but Q puts her in place.

    This first half is almost like a prologue to the rest of the series. It is a good bookend, especially knowing the trial will be revisited again in seven years.

    The 2nd best scene in the episode is the one with Data and McCoy. Nice touch and very classy.

    Unfortunately the rest of the episode suffers from having to introduce lots of characters and also having to create some secondary crisis which can't match the first gripping battle of wits between Picard and Q. Cosmic Jellyfish? Troi annoys us with her constant exclamations of pain but at least the crew seems to figure out what is going on. Q is not impressed.

    Still, the episode does an adequate, if clumsy, job of introducing the rest of the cast. I could have done without the saucer reattachment scene but at least it gives Riker something to do. The visuals don't actually seem that bad. Maybe I just never really cared about that sort of thing. The series definitely has an 80s look to it. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The original series was clearly made in the 60s but that takes nothing away from it.

    Anyway, not a bad episode. As a pilot, it does the job. It introduces the new ship and the new cast, it has a fantastic villain, it has a bit of action, a bit of humor, and a bit of philosophy. It is very slow paced and does not quite excite me like 'The Cage' or 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' but at least it gives a good idea of what we can expect from the series. I'd put it below the TOS pilots and the DS9 pilot, but above the VOY pilot.

    Voyager's pilot promised great things from the series but the show never delivered any of that. TNG would only get better year after year.

    Rating: ***
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
    • Agree Agree x 11
  2. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004
    The Naked Now

    Okay, this really should not have been the second episode of the series. We are already rehashing an episode of TOS? And isn't it too soon to see the main cast OUT of character when we don't even really know what sort of people they are yet? Still, I did enjoy the goofiness in this episode. And, in a roundabout way, it does give us some insight into all of the characters. That is one thing the episode does really well. It uses everyone as an ensemble. But I think Worf comes off really good in this episode even though he doesn't actually do anything. But he is the only one who is smart enough to avoid getting the infection. He stays at his post and does his fuckin' job! This episode is also memorable for the Yar/Data encounter. It is a pretty fun episode and it gives the actors an excuse for some bad acting.

    So what is bad about the episode? Wesley Crusher saving the damn ship! He wasn't too annoying in the pilot, but they started ruining the character in the span of one episode. I don't care how smart he is, you can't have him single-handedly saving the ship every episode and expect the audience to take the adult characters seriously. Still, the good outweighs the bad IMO.

    Rating: **

    Code Of Honor

    Damn, that was bad! Third episode and another TOS ripoff? It was racist and sexist, and it was disgusting the way the Starfleet folks were coddling that culture. The acting was silly, the fight scene was laughable, and did we need Dr. Crusher popping in every five minutes to tell us that they REALLY, REALLY need to get the vaccine because the disease is spiralling out of control and killing millions? It felt forced and it was a poor way to give the episode a sense of urgency while Picard got led around the nose by the walking stereotypes. Because we know Kirk would not have fucked around with these idiots. He would have taken the vaccine, retrieved the girl, and he would have given the alien culture a foot up its ass and forced it out of the Middle Ages. One positive thing about the episode? Well, at least Wesley didn't annoy me in this one. Unfortunately, most of the other characters did.

    Rating: *

    More to come later. Feel free to discuss!
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    This is, unfortunately, true of a lot of TNG. It's not that I didn't enjoy the series but, well, it felt forced...

    BTW, while you watch the series, be on the alert for what I call "the TNG maneuver." It consists of a character making some kind of "cutting" or "insightful" remark, then walking away before the person to whom they said it can respond. It's supposed to be dramatic, but it is just poor manners. And besides, a lot of those remarks seem "dramatic" only because the other person doesn't get a chance to respond. Very often, they are not by any means the "final word" they are supposed to be.

    And in any case, it was used way too often in TNG.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. RickDeckard

    RickDeckard Socialist

    May 28, 2004
    That's quite a task you've set yourself. For the record, I quite like early TNG despite its flaws.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Shirogayne

    Shirogayne Gay™ Formerly Important

    May 17, 2005
    San Diego
    That's an understatement. I'm no expert on TOS, but if we absolutely needed to [-]pay homage[/-] rip off from that series this fast out the gate, there were certainly better ones than this, no?

    I never knew "Code of Honor" was a TOS rip-off.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Baba

    Baba Rep Giver

    Mar 29, 2004
    They should havve make deanna bi.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  7. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004
    The Last Outpost

    This is one of those episodes that I never saw before.

    This wasn't as offensive as 'Code Of Honor' but it was probably just as stupid. Nothing about the episode made sense. The Ferengi were not threatening at all. They just looked like little monkeys hopping around snarling at everything. They were really supposed to be the big enemy for the show?

    And it seemed like every one of the main characters was acting like a moron. Picard demands that the Ferengi vessel return some stolen equipment, then changes his mind a minute later and actually offers to surrender! Then he changes his mind again and decides to persuade the Ferengi to collaborate on a scientific venture. Huh??

    And why the hell was Data messing around with a Chinese finger puzzle in the middle of a crisis? Why are small children playing around in the Conference Room? This isn't funny... it's just moronic.

    Oh, and who the hell is running Engineering? There is a scene where Picard calls down to Engineering for a report and no one answers. So Geordi runs down there and in the next scene we see him actually running Engineering by himself. I know he eventually becomes Chief Engineer, but at this point he is still Helmsman and there is absolutely no reason for him to be down there.

    And then the away team, including Worf and Yar, are subdued by three little Ferengi with lightning whips. And Riker doesn't seem to recognize the Ferengi even though he just saw them on the viewscreen moments before!

    And I was not at all impressed by Portal of the Tkon Empire aka Emperor Palpatine.
    What was the point of this episode? Portal captures the two ships, tests Riker with some vague philosophical question, then lets the two ships leave.

    Damn, he must be bored as fuck on that planet.

    Utterly pointless episode and a horrible introduction for the Ferengi. At least Wesley didn't do anything stupid this time.

    Rating: *

    Where No One Has Gone Before

    Finally, a decent episode! My only real gripe is with the portrayal of the Kosinski character. I just can't believe they'd let someone like that into Starfleet. He'd get better later in the episode though.

    Still, the other aspects of this episode did work. When they accelerated straight into another galaxy and then beyond the edge of the universe it really felt strange and exciting. The music score and the surreal visuals helped sell the idea that they were really off the map. And they made good use of the whole cast.

    The Traveler is a cool character. He can travel time and space with his mind. Neat. And this episode is actually a good one for Wesley. It at least provides some explanation for why he is saving the ship every episode and it is the start of a good arc for the character.

    Overall this was a good concept and a good use of the entire cast. It entertained me and it made me ponder some metaphysics. What more can you ask of TNG?

    Rating: ****

    Lonely Among Us

    Huh. Don't ever remember watching this one either.

    Boring! That is really all I can say about this episode. It is your standard body possession episode. Nothing else happens in this episode. An energy being from a nearby cloud gets picked up, jumps from person to person, then takes the Enterprise back to the cloud so it can go back home.

    An Assistant Chief Engineer dies in this episode but no one seems to care.

    Data pretends to be Sherlock Holmes and the rest of the crew talk about mutiny when the captain becomes possessed by the entity.

    Some lizard aliens and some bear-like aliens come on board and try to kill each other and the Starfleet folk are puzzled by this.

    Oh, those silly aliens and their petty feuds! Humans are so much more evolved than that!

    This episode isn't terribly offensive or terribly stupid but it is terribly boring. My only other comment about this episode; Denise Crosby was quite the babe in those days! I would have hit that with phasers on full.

    Rating: *
  8. Tex

    Tex Forge or die. Administrator Formerly Important

    Aug 13, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Season One is pretty bad as a whole but it has a few good episodes mixed in. You still have The Royale, Conspiracy, and The Neutral Zone to go, all of which are good. I actually did a review of The Neutral Zone a few years ago and it spurred a good debate over the quality of the episode. I believe it was Forbin that tried to deny it's greatness, lets see if he makes that mistake again. :bergman:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. LizK

    LizK Sort of lurker

    Mar 27, 2004
    The main reason that these two eps are so TOS is that there was a writer's strike right then and the one way to get around it was to have the writer's rewrite their TOS scripts
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    What? Was Tex's TNG thread lost in the glitch?


    Edit: And Picard's surrender to Q certainly laid the groundwork for how his career as a social-worker turned Starship Captain would proceed over the next seven seasons...
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. Apophis

    Apophis Impending

    Mar 29, 2004
    Atlanta, GA
    Well, if you really want to know how true that is check out:
    Red Shoe Diaries: You Have the Right to Remain Silent

    It's available on Hulu (with free registration) but I didn't post a link due to it's content.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. 14thDoctor

    14thDoctor Oi

    Mar 25, 2007

    They were supposed to be scary like Reavers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Baba

    Baba Rep Giver

    Mar 29, 2004
    Why is it all t he actors who play the ferengi generally are jewish?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  14. Lanzman

    Lanzman Vast, Cool and Unsympathetic Formerly Important

    Mar 27, 2004
    Someplace high and cold
    Baba, control yourself. It's getting old.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Dan Leach

    Dan Leach Climbing Staff Member Moderator

    Mar 29, 2004
    Lancaster UK
    Im looking forward to a few of these.
    Chain of command, Darmok, Inner Light, First contact,....
    Some right crackers in there :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Paladin

    Paladin Overjoyed Man of Liberty

    Mar 29, 2004
    Since you're undertaking this mission, RM, I'll give you my quick responses on each ep you review...

    Encounter at Farpoint: stiff, awkward, Picard surrenders the flagship waaaay too easily, and giant space squids?!? At least Q gets a good intro. **

    The Naked Now: TOS ep rip-off that still kinda works, mildly turned on by horny Yar trowling the halls looking for meat, Data being fully functional, but--ack!--Wesley saves the day. *1/2

    Code of Honor: another sorta TOS rip-off, kudos to the producers for going against the PC grain, the holodeck ninja's pretty cool, and Picard actually outwits someone. **

    The Last Outpost: smacks of the TOS ep 'Arena,' the notion of a fallen interstellar empire (T'Kon) is intriguing, and--while definitely distinct as a species--the Ferengi just don't measure up as bad guys. *1/2

    Where No One Has Gone Before: metaphysical plot makes little sense but the Traveller and Kozinski are both interesting characters. If Wesley represents the next stage of human evolution, I say we end it here. **

    Lonely Among Us: alien possession plot not terribly compelling, some uninteresting subplot involving two species hitching a rid on the Big E, and how the hell does the transporter reassemble Picard from a cloud? *
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    I think the point of doing Naked Now so early was to show us who some of these new characters are deep down. Kind of a characterization shortcut.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004

    Well, I definitely remember seeing this episode before! Who can forget the planet full of sexed-up Aryans? Or Wesley being sentenced to death for trampling plants?

    Wesley has some of the silliest lines in this episode. "There are some games I don't know how to play yet." Or, how about, "We're Starfleet. We don't lie." And what other normal heterosexual teenager wouldn't be horny as hell on a planet like that?

    However, I did like that Wesley was portrayed as a normal kid who screws up and not a super genius wonderkid. In fact, I enjoyed most of this episode, surprisingly!

    Yeah the planet of Edo, its people, and its rules are ridiculously absurd. But the episode seems to realize this too. This episode handles the Prime Directive issue much better than 'Code Of Honor' and Picard actually grows a spine in this episode!!

    When Picard decided to stand up for his crew, Prime Directive and Edo God be damned, I almost wanted to cheer. To quote an older Picard, "the line must be drawn here..."

    This episode used almost all the cast effectively (something this series is already very good at... lookin' at you Voyager) and there was some good debate about justice, the death penalty, the prime directive, and the question of 'what is God?' Yes, we will revisit all these issues in later episodes but this one still packages the issues nicely into a silly but entertaining plot.

    But I do have one question... How the hell does Tasha conduct a complete review of the world's laws and customs but NOT pick-up on the fairly important fact that every crime is punished with death??

    Rating: ***

    The Battle

    This is probably TNG's first character-centric episode. And it is very good. I'm finally starting to like Picard and this episode helps provide some important backstory for the character. It sort of reminds me of 'The Pegasus' or 'The Wounded'. Picard's past comes back to haunt him in the form of a vengeful Ferengi captain and an old Starfleet vessel.

    The Ferengi are MUCH more interesting in their second outing. They are still a silly race of aliens and they won't get too much more development until DS9 but Daimon Bok is surprisingly nuanced... for a Ferengi. He is motivated not by profit but by revenge for the death of his son. This even brings him into conflict with his own crew and first officer. His wanting revenge against Picard is perfectly reasonable... hey if it works for Khan and Nero....

    Picard and Beverly also have some nice interactions in this episode that are subtle but also show how much the characters rely on each other. Picard questioning whether he made a mistake all those years ago provides some depth to the character and makes him more human.

    The Ferengi mind controller is a weak plot device but that is about the only weakness in this episode. It's not quite a great episode but it is a highlight of the season. I was entertained.

    Rating: ***

    Hide And Q

    Q returns and this time we really get to know the character. In the pilot we had to get through all the introductions and we had the Cosmic Jellyfish B plot. This episode is all Q.

    He is still a very menacing presence. He can flip on a dime from silly to scary to thoughtful and he had some very interesting and revealing conversations with both Riker and Picard. We get to learn more about the mysterious Continuum and this episode shows that they are dangerous but also genuinely curious about humans and their ability for growth. Interesting stuff.

    And when Riker gets the powers of Q we get an interesting scene that reminds me of Gary Mitchell from TOS. He tries to control his powers but he can't help himself. This is another episode that uses most of the cast well. Even Tasha gets a surprisingly moving scene when she is nearly in tears over the fact that Q can take her life at a whim. This actually resonates considering how she eventually dies and what we know of the character. Geordi also gets a nice scene when Riker returns his sight and Data gets some kudos for wanting to become human on his own rather than as a magic gift.

    So who gets the stupid award this episode? Worf. We get you are a Klingon warrior... but c'mon dude why the hell would you try to physically attack Q? You're not that stupid. DS9 Worf would pick his battles more wisely. They've all seen what Q can do and trying to snap his neck is totally pointless. He really is micro-brain in this one. That's okay, we know he will get more depth later on.

    Oh, the battlefield and the pig soldiers that Q created were sort of... unimpressive. I guess the show had a small budget this year.

    Rating: ***
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. shootER

    shootER Insubordinate...and churlish Administrator

    Mar 27, 2004
    The Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue

    That was part of them establishing early in the series that Wesley Crusher was gay. :ramen:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    What's not to love about Brenda Bakke in a skimpy jogging outfit?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  21. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004

    This episode didn't work for me. Some scenes were really hilarious but overall there is a whole lot of 'meh' here. Lwaxana Troi is introduced in this episode and she is actually not that annoying here. But I would have preferred less of her over the years, especially on DS9.

    Deanna's fiance is not a very interesting character and Deanna's response to the whole thing was sort of wierd. She was oddly accepting of the marriage and she basically gave Riker a pat on the back and the 'it's okay, we can still be friends' speech. This doesn't really jive with some of the subtext from earlier episodes. It would have been nice if we had gotten a little bit more in her head.

    The episode was dragged down by an uninteresting plot about some disease carrying aliens. The briefing room scene was a couple minutes of dull exposition about these people whom we will never see again. The dovetail into the A plot was was also uninspired.

    The highlight of the episode was the dinner scene with the crew and the marriage parties. The whole sequence was hilarious and there was a lot going on... from Lwaxana's bickering with the groom's mother, Data hovering around watching everything, Riker's frustration, Picard trying to play peacekeeper, and Deanna's violent outburst when she just can't take her mother anymore.

    This wasn't a horrible episode. Let's call it average. By the way, I'm sort of having second thoughts about my whole rating system... but I guess I'll just go with my gut feeling for each episode.

    Rating: **

    The Big Goodbye

    So...TNG's first Holodeck episode. I admit, I'm a little biased. After years of 'Holodeck goes crazy' episodes on TNG, DS9, and especially VOY I am a little sick of the whole concept.

    But I am trying to view this as if it was my first time. So I'll keep in mind that in TNG's first year the holodeck is still a relatively new invention and, yeah, it is still a cool idea. I wish we had holodecks.

    Anyway, Picard's fantasy in this episode is to play a 1930s private detective. Not exactly what I'd pick but I can see why Picard might find it interesting. It's not a bad setting to play in but it all still feels a bit pedestrian. There isn't a whole lot to discuss here. It basically just introduces the holodeck to the audience.

    There are one or two amusing scenes, and I sort of like the insect race of aliens that demand a proper form of greeting and, if they don't get it, respond violently. It sounds like the sort of thing that could actually happen when dealing with a truly alien culture.

    Still, there is not enough here. Kind of a snoozer, IMO. There are better (and worse) holodeck episodes later on.

    Rating: **


    This was excellent. This is the episode that finally goes into Data's backstory and introduces another great Trek villain, Lore. Kudos to Brent Spiner. He plays Data, Lore, and Lore-as-Data, all without confusing the audience.

    Lore has some truly great lines in this episode. He's vicious but I couldn't help laughing when he threatened to turn Wesley into a torch. This episode has it all... a great score, a cool fight scene between Data and Lore, and some real suspense when the away team investigates the abandoned labs of Data's homeworld.

    The crystalline entity is also a pretty interesting creature, at least visually. Nice continuity in this series... we will see both the Entity and Lore again. The love-hate relationship between Data and Lore is one of the more interesting ones and I'm glad we will see more of it.

    I also enjoyed the scene where Lore kicks Worf's ass in the turbolift. Poor Worf. Does he ever actually win any physical combats in TNG? I guess he makes up for this when he ends up at that Dominion prison camp.

    Rating: ****
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. Paladin

    Paladin Overjoyed Man of Liberty

    Mar 29, 2004
    Justice: the episode that proves TNG will never match TOS. A utopian planet ruled by an alien 'god' and everyone's okay with this? Kirk would've found a way to blow the god thing up. Lots of cute scenery. Marred by a plot revolving around Wesley Crusher, the only teenage boy who could be oblivious to all the nearly nekked, hawt women running around. "We're Starfleet. We don't lie"...? Most cringeworthy line EVER. *1/2

    The Battle: much better second outing for the Ferengi and we get a little of Picard's backstory. I'm not sure why the Picard manuver would be of much use against the Enterprise, however; can't the Big E sense ships moving at warp? **

    Hide And Q: Q returns and gives Riker the Q-powers...and Riker quickly turns into a dork. He does try to give his friends some gifts and they shoot him down. "Absolute power," yada, yada, yada. And Wesley Crusher turned out nowhere near his future self shown in this episode. Nice to see Q again, though. **1/2

    Haven: I can only handle Lwaxanna Troi in small doses, but her introduction here is funny enough, and the dinner scene is great. The other plot, about the ship full of contagious people? Yawn, it merely gets Deanna's betrothed conveniently out of the way. **

    The Big Goodbye: Starfleet should've banned the Holodeck from all ships; the thing always broke down in such a way that people were trapped inside without the safety protocols in effect. At least it was semi-original the first time they did it here. Picard's first outing as Sam Spade-esque 1940s detective Dixon Hill has a lot of noir, Lawrence Tierney as the heavy, and an obligatory self-aware Holodeck character. Not too bad, but better Holodeck tales were to come. **1/2

    Datalore: where there's one android, there'll be another off the same assembly line. The crew stumbles upon Data's evil twin, Lore, who intends to feed the crew to a giant crystal creature. Highpoint? Lore threatens to charbroil Wesley with a phaser. Episode would've scored perfect if he'd carried out the threat. Brent Spiner looks like he had a lot of fun in this episode. ***
    • Agree Agree x 1
  23. Paladin

    Paladin Overjoyed Man of Liberty

    Mar 29, 2004
    Robotech Master is more generous than I am, but our scores track pretty closely so far (an exception being 'Where No One Has Gone Before' that he clearly likes a lot more than I did)...
    • Agree Agree x 9
  24. Robotech Master

    Robotech Master '

    Apr 2, 2004
    Cool! :cool:

    But don't take my stars too seriously. Really, I am just going with my gut feeling about each episode... bad, average, good, great. No half stars...

    It isn't really a numerical scale or anything like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. TheBrew

    TheBrew The Hand of Smod

    Mar 29, 2007
    The 1st season had some more enjoyable episodes than I remember. I didn't realize Datalore was the 1st season. And I think Luxanna only got really annoying on DS9. I thought her flirting with Picard was hilarious versus with Odo is was just awkward.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  26. Forbin

    Forbin Do you feel fluffy, punk?

    Mar 27, 2004
    All in your head
    But wasn't it hysterical when Worf got run thru and Wesley barked like a dog?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  27. Tex

    Tex Forge or die. Administrator Formerly Important

    Aug 13, 2005
    Austin, TX
    I don't see how anyone can like Luxanna episodes. The only one I can think of that was decent was when she, Riker, and Deanna were kidnapped by the Ferengi. It was all down hill after that. One of the worst episodes of any of the series was TNG's Cost of Living. She teaches Alexander how to have fun... They have some retarded adventure on the holodeck or something... hell I've blocked it out because it's so bad.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  28. dkehler

    dkehler Fresh Meat Deceased Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    I liked the one with David Ogden Stiers...
    • Agree Agree x 4
  29. We Are Borg

    We Are Borg Republican Democrat

    Mar 28, 2004
    Too bad Lore turned out to be one big pussy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  30. LizK

    LizK Sort of lurker

    Mar 27, 2004
    I can't remember the name - another sign that there are too many eps - but the one where Luxanna has to come to terms with losing her daughter, Deanna's older sister, was a very good one - no comedic stuff that I recall.

    But I liked her because she treated the entire Star Fleet as a joke. Which, by that time, it had become as far as I was concerned.
    • Agree Agree x 1