What the actual fuck? If there's ever a time to deploy the national guard, is it not when armed insurrectionists have breached the nation's cradle of democracy?
Exactly right. This is armed insurrection and must be met with law enforcement, if not the national guard. Enough is enough with these fucking idiots.
When they're white they get the benefit of the doubt...innocent til proven guilty...when they're brown...
An old friend who is a talk radio host in Kansas City "All this for a guy who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire."
I haven’t seen those videos and I haven’t read any reports of people being armed. Me questioning @We Are Borg vs. USS Crazy Horse ‘s hyperbolic statement at the time is hardly me defending these people. I don’t know if you noticed, but it escalated pretty quickly so forgive me if I wasn’t exactly up to date at the time.
Hey, anyone know what Antifa and BLM are up to? Just wondering what's going on at the White House right now. Asking for a friend.
Hey, remember the guy who ran into the white house with a knife to stab Obama? What sentence did he get? *Googles* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_White_House_intrusion 17 months?!?!?! Fuck!!
Where's the tear gas? Where's the baton beatings? People just standing in the streets at BLM protests got beat and sprayed.
It's a thread about traitors and terrorists trying to overthrow our democracy, and you have consistently defended them even before this event. Maybe don't step in to defend them so readily until you get all of the facts?
If there's anyone on Earth whose comments and accusations should mean less to you than the opinions of dung beetles in Brazil, it's WAB. He's not even a real person. He's a semi-live action rendition of a cartoon character. Don't stress it. At all.