Dear Republicans:

Discussion in 'The Red Room' started by Nightbird, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. Nightbird

    Nightbird Goth, Witch, and Dreamer

    Mar 28, 2004
    In a gypsy wagon
    I was listening to Mike Malloy on Air America, and had the pleasure of hearing this. I'm posting it here to piss off all of you Right-Wing fuckheads:

    Dear Republicans,

    Fuck you. No, I'm not joking. I'm sick of this bullshit.

    I'm sick of the way you've corrupted the public discourse. The way you've made it acceptable to hurl any insult you like at public officials. The way you blame us for the current atmosphere of hatred by accusing us of starting it with hating Bush. Like Bush didn't come on the heels of eight years of your tireless efforts to destroy Clinton by any means necessary, like Bush didn't give us good reason to complain. A couple of posters on a web site compared Bush to Hitler and you've used it as free license to compare Obama to Hitler 24/7 and I'm sick of your hypocrisy, where it's acceptable to say shit about Obama that you would have had an apoplectic fit (and did) if anything remotely similar had been said about your guys. Keith Olbermann calls Cheney a fascist when he was actually using fascist tactics and you think that gives you the freedom to call Obama a fascist, socialist, Marxist constantly for no reason at all. Fuck you and your bullshit false equivalency.

    I'm sick of the way you've made the populace stupid. Around a fifth of your populace thinks the sun orbits the earth, over half think evolution never happened. Your populace actually believe the media has a liberal bias. Not because it has, you have the most conservative media in the free world, but because you've shouted it so loud and so often that you've brainwashed the public into believing it, like the battered wife who parrots her husband's insults. You've got a whole segment of the populace shouting about socialism and fascism and none of them know what the fucking words mean. You've convinced them that fascism is a left-wing thing. You've got them so turned around that some of them actually believe global warming isn't happening. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of the way you try to destroy the whole concept of government. You've tricked the people into believing that government can't do anything right, always being careful to exclude the army because you love your bullets and bombs but you've so destroyed the public's ability to reason that they don't even think of interstate highways, the space program, the national parks program, etc. Government is always great when it's doing what you tell it and inevitably corrupt when it isn't. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of your rewriting of history. You've bleated so loud and long that Reagan was a great president, that the New Deal didn't work, that cutting taxes increases revenues, that you actually have the people believing this bullshit. And these are the same people who will go on to become teachers and fill their student's heads with this self-same bullshit. Reagan was a mediocre president at best who had the good fortune to be in power when the USSR collapsed under it's own weight and you bastards have turned him into the Second Coming. You've rewritten history so that everything foul and hateful and wrong can be attributed to a Democrat while everything worthwhile is a Republican's glory. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of your dragging the center ever further to the right. How many whack job fringe ideas have you dragged into the mainstream? The aforementioned idea that tax cuts increase revenues, the Laffer Curve, the idea that Welfare harms the poor, the idea that there's rampant fraud in Welfare, the idea that whatever is good for corporations is good for the country. And you push these ideas through your corporate media and you do it so long and loud that they become part of the accepted political landscape and because it is easier to tell a lie than to debunk one, we never get away from this rancid shit. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of your casual criminality. Teddy Kennedy, a man who's boots you were not worthy to lick, was just buried and all I've heard from my rightist friends for days is Chappaquidick, Chappaquiddick, Chappaquidick. Your fucking golden boy raped the Constitution, mainly because he wanted to; tortured random people (and waterboarding is torture, fuck you too) essentially because he wanted to; spent like a drunken sailor, essentially because he wanted to; invaded a soverign nation, essentially for the loot and destroyed people's lives, essentially for the evilulz and you bastards are obsessed with a fucking accident a Democrat had decades ago? You don't go on about Laura Bush killing some guy decades ago. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of you praising pure evil. You're letting Dick Cheney be the standard-bearer for Republicanism. Dick Cheney, a man so nakedly evil that even his friends call him "Darth"; a man so callous that Lex Luthor would recoil in terror; a man who probably has dismembered hitchhikers in those man-sized safes and kills plants by his mere proximity. Fuck you.

    I'm sick of your attempts to tilt the playing field permanently in your favour. Democrats filibustered a few of Bush's most hateful judicial picks and you pricks started screaming about doing away with the filibuster but now you're in the minority, you're filibustering absolutely everything you can and whining when you don't get the chance. You ignored everything the Democrats had to say when you had power and now that you don't, you scream that everyone must be bipartisan. You don't budge a fucking inch on anything but you insist that everyone must compromise to meet you. That's your idea of politics: Don't move an inch, force the other guy to come to the right to meet you and call the result a "compromise". Fuck you.

    I'm sick of your corporatism. You dress it up in false populism but anyone with half a brain can see that you're the brought and paid for subsidiary of big business. You keep pushing tax cuts as the answer for absolutely everything, you keep sabotaging every attempt to control the excesses of big business. You genuinely think the world would be a better place if it was a combination of Bill Gibson's dystopian vision of a corporate dominated world and Ayn Rand's bullshit Objectivism, yet another entry in mankind's endless attempts to find a moral justification for naked greed. You've taken the clinically insane spewings of a woman literally to the right of Hitler (pardon my Godwins) and the 1984-like vision of a dystopian author and convinced yourselves that would be a good place to live. Big business is the enemy of the people, always has been. The ideal for the corporate class is to have a small pool of people rich enough to buy their fucking crap and a much larger pool of people so poor and with so few options that they can be used and abused at the corporation's whim. A corporation's objective is not to look after you, it is to make ever-larger profits by any means necessary. You bastards want to reinstate fucking slavery to the corporate class and you've made the public so fucking stupid that they actually swallow the bullshit you're serving up, they actually want to enslave themselves to the corporations that abuse them at every turn. They actually care more about the corporations right to make obscene profits than they care about their child's right to live on a habitable planet. Fuck you.

    Fuck you, you scumridden shitehawks, you make me sick. Just fuck off and die.

    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. T'Bonz

    T'Bonz Romulan Troublemaker

    Mar 27, 2004
    Pretty much the Left's attitude towards the Right.

    So much for tolerance, eh? :D
    • Agree Agree x 5
  3. Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee

    Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee Straight Awesome

    Jan 5, 2008
    You making a fool of yourself is supposed to make me angry... how?
  4. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Scalawag Administrator Formerly Important

    Mar 29, 2004
    Dear Republicans:

    Please grab your nearest firearm and your nearest Democratic colleague and show the world how a real American Patriot does a murder/suicide.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Nightbird

    Nightbird Goth, Witch, and Dreamer

    Mar 28, 2004
    In a gypsy wagon
    Dear Apostle: Like you bothered to even read it.

    You know, I don't care if you fucking dildos neg-rep me until my avatar disappears, I'm not leaving. I intend to stay here and be a pain in the ass. I'm not leaving for the sole reason that YOU want it.
    I'm not giving you that little satisfaction.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Raoul the Red Shirt

    Raoul the Red Shirt Professional bullseye

    May 3, 2004
    There are plenty on the Left who don't have that attitude toward the Right, and plenty on the Right who do have that attitude toward the Left.

    • Agree Agree x 5
  7. Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee

    Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee Straight Awesome

    Jan 5, 2008
    I read it, and laughed the entire way through.

    My favorite part? This gem:
    Please, don't go. Continue to post LOTS. You're more entertaining than an old fashioned county fair freak show. :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Nightbird

    Nightbird Goth, Witch, and Dreamer

    Mar 28, 2004
    In a gypsy wagon
    Well, Apostle, you'd know all about freaks, being one yourself.

    And you laughing all the way through, only proves my point about you and those that agree with you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. BearTM

    BearTM Bustin' a move! Deceased Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    Dear Nightbird,

    Die in a fire, Parasite.
  10. Elwood

    Elwood I know what I'm about, son.

    Mar 23, 2004
    Unknown, but I know how fast I'm going.
    I don't get Air America. But, I was listening to SIRIUS Left (Channel 146) the other day until the batshit insanity almost drove me over the edge. So, I flipped over to Channel 118 and all was better. :techman:
  11. Captain X

    Captain X Responsible cookie control

    Mar 29, 2009
    The Land of Snow and Cold
  12. snoopdog

    snoopdog Fresh Meat

    Sep 5, 2006
    Air America is still on? Who knew?
  13. Dr. Krieg

    Dr. Krieg Stay at Home Astronaut. Administrator Overlord

    Oct 15, 2008
    The Hell, where youth and laughter go.
    TLDR. The far left and far right are equally screechy and irritating. :shrug:
    • Agree Agree x 9
  14. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Yes. All those rent a mobs, and organized union thugs at rally's and protests are all Republicans fault.

    Actually the hating started with Reagan. Remember the guy on the stage who threw the award?

    Remember how all the leftists protested the first Gulf War? Remember the flag burnings? The throwing pies in the face of people trying to give speeches? Remember the protests at other speeches where the point was to drown out the "conservative" speaker?

    Remember the baby killers theme? and all the other killer themes?

    Are you now not doing the very same thing? Having an apoplectic fit over anything remotely said about your guy?

    And it was a lot more then a couple of guys on a website comparing Bush to Hitler.

    So we don't have freedom of speech after all? Wow, who knew? :shrug:

    And there are plenty of reasons to call him all of those things.

    Remember how Bush and Cheney were called fascists over the wire taps and Gitmo? You know those very same wire taps and Gitmo that your guy Obama now suddenly supports? Remember how the left wants America out of Iraq and Afghanistan and Bush was a fascist for refusing to do either? Do tell us when Obama plans to leave either country.

    Seems like a good reason to call Obama at minimum a fascist. Right?

    I'd like to remind you sir that the National Education Association is a liberal organization with a almost death like grip on America's schools.

    I'd also like to remind you that the vast majority of teachers and professors in America are leftist.

    Perhaps it's leftists and their teaching ways that have made people stupid....

    And amazingly a whole hell of a lot of them vote Democrat!

    Please. :dayton:

    One only has to watch to see the bias.

    Here's one for you....

    Both NBC and ABC are big on pushing Obamacare. But both refuse to run ads which are against Obamacare. Why?

    What's funny is that leftists think they can never be bad guys when it comes to running countries. Fascism certainly can be and has been used by the left.

    It isn't. Contrary to the so called consensus evidence continually shows it is not happening.

    Also the evidence provided by the global warming people continues to, later down the road, be shown to have been interpreted wrong or falsified.

    Talking to yourself?

    I'll admit that Republicans aren't exactly shining stars in this department but Democrats and leftists have no right or business even making the claim that the other side is destroying the whole concept of government.

    If the left truly got it's way America would be a fascist quasi-socialist country overnight. :evilpop:

    No one tricked anyone. All one has to do is look at what the government does.

    They do dumb stuff all the time too.

    Interstate Highways are a mess. The Space Program has been starved of funds by Democrats forever. Democrats want all that money for other things. Like buying votes. National Parks are ok.

    He was. Not perfect but he was a great President. Certainly compared to who he came after and the three who came after him. And next to Obama he's looking like George fucking Washington right about now.

    It didn't. Complete and total failure with which we are still dealing with the consequences today.

    It does.

    What country are you in again? It's like Bizzaro world in your head or something that you think teachers teach this stuff. It's usually the opposite.

    He pushed it into collapse.

    Well it sucks to be a Democrat but you guys have done a lot of stupid shit over the fifty plus years you ran Congress before 1994 and during the years you ran Congress from 2006 to present.

    Welfare does harm the poor. First it breaks families up since you can't get it and be married. Second it makes it difficult to get and keep a good job since once you get said job you get cut off. Third welfare has led to a lot of illegitimate babies being born just to get more cash. Fourth why work when the government gives you free money?

    There is.

    It's more of preventing your side from outright destroying companies through crazy regulations and laws.

    Oh and nationalization.

    Something the left doesn't understand or purposely ignores.....

    Many of these companies that own the media are run by liberals. Certainly the people at GE (who own NBC) and at Disney (who owns ABC) have shown you that.

    There is a whole lot of liberal rich business owners out there who own corporate media.

    Well yeah it was a major event in his life. You know killing someone usually is.....

    :lol: He's starting to lose it folks.......

    If Lex recoils from Cheney would that make Lex a evil liberal?

    Oh and what was that about, "The way you've made it acceptable to hurl any insult you like at public officials."

    Is this a joke?

    Let us know your thoughts when the Democrats who screamed bloody murder over the possibility of the filibuster being stopped turn around and get rid of it themselves to get Obamacare passed.

    Actually it's Democrats who are always screaming for Bipartisanship. Usually so they can blame Republicans when things go wrong. Hell even now with the majority the Democrats are still screaming for "bipartisanship".

    I'd like to remind you again of all the times Democrats ignored the Republican minority.

    So your idea of a compromise would be for the right to go with the left on what the left wants?

    Actually no that's Democrats who want to control big business. Here's a tip for controlling the excesses of big business: When they crash and start burning let them go out of business. None of them are too big to fail.

    It would certainly be better then living in the lefts version of Stalin and Mao and Che and Castro and Chavez and Mugabe.

    You know those guys who many on the left always seem for some strange reason to love and respect.

    Finally a leftist admits Hitler was a leftist!! :evilpop:

    No the ever present big brother is something that both sides are pushing but with the left pushing beyond all belief.

    Fine. Let's put all big business out of business! :mob:

    The government will have more then enough money to provide for everyone!!!!

    Well no shit......

    Who would have ever thought the goal of business was to make profit and not be your mommy and daddy.

    Damn you learn something new everyday!


    Should we drive off a bridge to do so? Do you have a Kennedy we can borrow to drive for us?
    • Agree Agree x 9
  15. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk

  16. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    Wouldn't we/they have to take Malloy seriously to be pissed off because he said something stupid?

    I'm pretty sure we/they don't.
    Well as long as you have civil discourse going for you....
    Right, profanity isn't currupting though.
    Even if it were true that it started with Bush - Robert Bork and Clarance Thomas and Ronald Reagan disagree - the bad behavior of others never justifies your own. When you guys spent eight years disrespecting and deriding bush as an Evil idiot, you forfit the moral high ground.

    Oh of course, a complaint about Bush is perfectly legitimate - not just a complaint but mocking derision about his intellegence and open questions about not whether he was immoral but to what historic degree he just fine but since Obama is, ya know, the perfect example of Human Achievment and incapeable of error, any complaint about him is clearly insane.

    that about sum it up Mike?
    Yo Mike (or Nightbird) - feel free to provide a link to the column you wrote calling bullshit on those "few" (*ahem*) "posters" (riiight) who called Bush a Nazi at the time they did so and your remarks gain credibility.

    I'm guessing no such column exists.
    this is parody, right? Oh my, AA never fails to peg the old irony meter...
    Oh? which side of the ideological spectrum dominates the education system AND the media? With all that informational power - if they are still stupid...and a lot of them's not on the right to take the blame.
    and believing it doesn't is more myopic than believing in a flat earth.
    This much is true, but being more conservative than, for instance, the BBC is like saying that Joe Lieberman is a conservative because he's more conservative than Barak Obama, or that Ted kennedy is (was) because he's (possibly) to the right of Chairman Mao.
    Nor do you given your previous referance in this very column.
    Dude is going to make the damned meter blow up in my hand!
    so wait, hold it....Mike you are telling us that we should be COOL with a government that doesn't "do what we tell it"?
    So sayth the man who says WE are ignorant of history.
    and yet, for all these lies and all this BS and all the evil corporate power and all the dumbed down followers and all the fascism......

    Republicans are MORE out of power RIGHT NOW than they have been since the late 70's

    So what the fuck you bitchin about?

    If the Republicans had all this massive evil power what the fuck is Obama doing in the White House you imbecilic moron.
    If you rant like this all the time I'm surprised you HAVE friends and STUNNED if any of them are on the right.
    Wait, hold it! Spending too much is a BAD thing?

    Why hasn't your head exploded yet?
    and what loot woulr that be?

    How is it the left can - out of the same mouth - both bitch that we wasted billions on a war and at the same time looted the country for profit.
    Right....but speaking evil of politicians is just plain wrong, right? I'm trying to keep up.
    the what now?
    THIS guy is lecturing us about knowing our history and getting the facts right?

    Seriously? what was the vote on Sotomayor? On Ginsberg? And who, by the way, did the Democrats fillibuster anyway?
    and what, while we are pointing out gross fucking stupidity in this article have the Republicans fillibustered with their 40 fucking votes in the Senate?

    this IS the same guy who complained rtight wingers were "making people stupid", right?

    And as for tilting the playing field, I'm sure this moron can't even define the word "census" let alone understand the naked attempt at a permanent one party system that the census is being manipulated for, nor the blatant cocksucking of illegal immigrants in order to permanently co-op the Hispanic vote as they have bought the black vote.

    No, this genius isn't against a tilt to the playing field so long as it tilts left.
    Quote me the screaming Repuiblicans demanding bipartisanship.

    I won't even bother to point out the differences in how the GOP handled their majority status in terms of congressional power and how the Dems have done it, I don't give a fuck and you're too stupid to grasp it.
    That's the Kennedy way!
    the man lecturing us about history thinks Hitler was on the right...
    Oooo...he used the big word smart he must be...
    I'll bet this guy cowers under his bed at night afraid of the big bad corporation waiting to jump out of the closet and EAT HIM UP!
    Stay classy my friend.

    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. Nova

    Nova livin on the edge of the ledge Writer

    Mar 29, 2004
    If it were not so long this would be the perfect rorcharch test.

    Just let anyone you have doubts about read it - if they can get through it without laughing out loud, they are questionable, if he things the guy has ANY good point, then never seek there opinion about anything else again.
  18. Dr. Drake Ramoray

    Dr. Drake Ramoray 1 minute, 42.1 seconds baby!

    Apr 14, 2004
    Central Perk
    The pure ignorance of recent history on display in that screed is simply staggering to me.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. $corp

    $corp Dirty Old Chinaman

    Mar 29, 2004
    Calgary, Alberta
    Nightbird, how many degrees do you have?
  20. cpurick

    cpurick Why don't they just call it "Leftforge"?

    Jul 7, 2009
    It's hard to imagine how I'm ever going to get pissed off by a screed that proves everything I've ever said about the stupidity of liberals.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  21. Tamar Garish

    Tamar Garish Wanna Snuggle? Deceased Member

    Mar 27, 2004

    Maybe. :unsure:
  22. Asyncritus

    Asyncritus Expert on everything

    Mar 28, 2004
    Stuck at home most of the time. :(
    This kind of abject stupidity is embarassing to Democrats.

    Except, perhaps, Mr. "I-hate-Republicans-and-everything-they-stand-for." When you have someone like that as head of the party for a while, you can't help but encourage the lunatic fringe...

    • Agree Agree x 2
  23. Nightbird

    Nightbird Goth, Witch, and Dreamer

    Mar 28, 2004
    In a gypsy wagon
    Most of you pathetic jerkoffs think I wrote that article, but you missed the first line where I said: I HEARD THIS ON AIR AMERICA. Go back to your copies of Hooked On Phonics, when you learn to read, you morons.

    Hitler was a Leftist ??!! Go back to school and learn the proper terminology. Right is Nazism, Left is Communism. For this lesson, I charge you 10 dollars each and the privilege of being hit in the head with a shovel !

    The majority of your responses only make me want to post his picture in reply:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Zombie

    Zombie dead and loving it

    Mar 29, 2004
    Nope, no matter how hard you scream the NAZIS were leftists.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  25. Ramen

    Ramen Banned

    Mar 28, 2004
    You know what's great? Life for me is good. My stocks went up in value around $700 yesterday (I'm small time) while I got paid to spin in my chair and refresh the network connectivity web page every 20 minutes or so.

    Though I like to think I make Karl Rove look like Karl Marx, even with a liberal idiot as president and a bunch of liberal morons holding the majority (and arguably the minority) in Congress, I can still lay my head on my pillow without the bitterness that seems to be inherent in liberal imbeciles such as our resident Nightbird.

    Do you know why? Because I have a purpose. I work hard (when I have to) and feel pride that I'm useful in life. I'm self sufficient. I do not need to hold out my left hand for a handout while readying my right hand to slap those who are forced by gunpoint to give me what I think I deserve.

    I think I'll do the Mr. Monopoly dance before I brush my teeth and head for bed. :walz:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  26. Tamar Garish

    Tamar Garish Wanna Snuggle? Deceased Member

    Mar 27, 2004
    Oh, I agree.

    Let's get rid of the fuckers! Let's begin here:

    Turner Entertainment
    Walt Disney Co.
    American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations

    Here is the author of this tripe: 451

    He has other, equally insane blather over there on DU. :lol:

    Oh, and please stay, Nightbird. Where else would we get such amusing posts?
  27. LizK

    LizK Sort of lurker

    Mar 27, 2004
    Dear Nightbird
    I am tired of your continued nattering of things that bug you.
    Rambling on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and .....
    You put folks to sleep instead of getting our attention
  28. Tamar Garish

    Tamar Garish Wanna Snuggle? Deceased Member

    Mar 27, 2004

    You don't even know what Nazi means, do you?

    In German, it is: Nationalsozialismus

    You know...National Socialism.

    Since when is National Socialism right-wing?

    Truthfully, Hitler's Germany combined the worst of both ideologies.

    Trying to paint "Nazi=Right" is so intellectually bankrupt and simplistic that yes, the stupid does, in fact, burn.

    And for this lesson I charge you zero, since there really isn't any other choice. :jayzus:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  29. Will Power

    Will Power If you only knew the irony of my name.

    Apr 26, 2009
    On one of the coasts!
    We're 1 world, 1 people:)

    There are no red or blue states.

    Only purple states:)
  30. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    I'm tolerant and open minded about everything, so fuck you to everyone who disagrees with me! :mad:

    Oh, and one more thing: There are no red people, there are no blue people, only purple people, and purple people eaters.

