Sure, but even then, the results weren’t known for several days. Even the Dewey fiasco. Regardless of television, most states have a week before election results are finalized. And prior to the combustion engine, telephones, and other means of quickly getting information from one place to another, it would often take more than a month to get info to Washington. That’s why the constitution has the dates they have. Elections are held second Monday in November because it’s long enough after the growing season that citizens can get to town and vote. Then polling stations need to get those results to the county and the county needs to get those votes to the states and the states need to get those results to Washington. It took time. And that’s why there is ceremony and tradition for the first Monday in January. It’s a shame fuckheads have ruined that day for the rest of time.
Andy Beshear may or may not be the right VP pick, but it’s great he’s out there roasting Trump and Vance. “The problem with JD Vance is he has no conviction, but I guess his running mate has 34.”
I saw this on facebook. I’m not sure what is the point in highlighting this tweet aside from the obvious cognitive disconnect. Who is Joey Mannarino and who is the woman in the pic?
Joey Mannarino is an alt-right MAGA grifter, and the woman in the pic is the Black woman he was pretending to be, because when Republicans can't find anything to back up the things they wish were happening, they simply start making things up. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to sign out of his real account and into his sock puppet account.
And notice the intent - trying to turn black women against Harris. Through the normal MAGA trope of lies, propaganda and disinformation. And it's funny. That's why it's in this thread. Directly germane to the issues that Harris faces, unlike say, a picture of the Dora Milage.
Then they’re idiots. Truly. I mean, there are quite a few Black Americans who are still upset with her over the 3 strike rule. Which, btw, is totally unconstitutional. It’s funny how people are willing to give up the constitution when it suits their needs. For example, MAGAs right now … this group of people have been anti-police for near 100 years. Then systemic racism within police departments is exposed and suddenly it’s “back the blue”. Total asshats.
More fuel for @Steal Your Face , lol
House Republican leaders are basically begging their colleagues to stop being transparently racist. Said one: “We’ll give you a cheat sheet if you don’t know what else to talk about.”
Don't know if this has been brought up in this thread already, but what's the over/under on how soon Trump will say something racist about Harris? I have to think it's taking every ounce of his strength to hold back. (I know he's said a ton of bigoted stuff about her before, I mean now that she's a presidential candidate.)
I put the over/under at the start of the Democratic National Convention. Any elected member of Congress or a state legislature. Place your bets!
I have to say, for the first time in a long time I woke up, went to the political news, and was happy to find out this shit is still going on.
Well, considering what we currently have is a country full of Uncles Albert, that might be an improvement.