Next Pistol Purchase Advice

Discussion in 'Camp Wordforge' started by Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee, Mar 30, 2008.


WHich handgun should Apostle purchase based on below post?

  1. S&W 340PD

    1 vote(s)
  2. Kimber .45 of unspecified Model

    1 vote(s)
  3. Glock 29 10mm

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other (Please specify)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee

    Scott Hamilton Robert E Ron Paul Lee Straight Awesome

    Jan 5, 2008
    Thanks to some excellent advice from, Elwood, I picked up some Wilson 47d mags. It gives me an extra round per mag... and they are smooth as silk. Apostle likeys. :) The teflon coated rubber follower is great.

    Tonight was the first time I shot the gun. I fired 100 rounds without only flaw, which I want to ask you about in a minute.

    Before feeding any rounds from any magazines, I dropped one in the chamber and closed the slide on it. When I fired, it hit me squarely in the face. I couldn't help but groan, thinking "Oh no... I've bought a gun that hits me in the face!" That was the only time it happened though, thankfully.

    The flaw that I want to ask you about is weird. About 3 magazines into firing, on the last (eighth) round, the slide locked open and... the round popped up, loose. It was on top of the magazine, right at the top of the well, like it had been pulled out by something that had also locked the slide.

    I couldn't replicate it. I don't think I was limpwristing or making any other serious thing, but I just want some feedback.

    Oh, and I did some non-drawing double taps. Got 3 sets within 4" of each other, lmost straight vertical!